
  • 网络A transfer;Transfer student
  1. 2021年8月7日,第七届iSTART儿童艺术节开幕,《转校生的抉择》赢得了MoreOneGo特别关注奖。

    On August 7 2021 , the 7th iSTART Children 's Art Festival opened and The Choice of Transfer Students won the More One Go Special Attention award .

  2. 作为一名转校生,我在不完全确定我来OSU到底期待什么的情况下来到了这里。

    As a new transfer student , I wasn 't completely sure what to expect coming to OSU before I came here .

  3. 知道吗,塞巴斯蒂安,我以前也是个转校生…

    You know , Sebastian , I was a transfer student myself ...

  4. 对1984年春我作为转校生提出申请

    Yes in the spring of 1984 I applied as a transfer student

  5. 他是新来的转校生。

    He 's the new transfer student .

  6. 许多转校生都这样。

    This happens to many transfer students .

  7. 所以我才会特别注意转入我校的转校生

    So I keep a special interest in the transfer students that come to this school .

  8. 爷爷病倒后,小美似乎失去了一切。只有学校里转校生小杰(林晖闵饰)的到来引起了她的关注。

    When grandpa falls ill , all seems lost for Mei – only for a new boy at school , Jay ( Eric Lin ), to capture her attention .

  9. 但是,有一天,他在突然到来的神秘转校生的引导下,卷入了异世界巨型机器人的战斗。

    He is drawn into a world of fighting giant robots in a game-like world . However , Kyo soon comes to realize that the world that he is living in might not even be real at all .

  10. 由于出生不久便得了小儿麻痹,左腿有一点点跛,并且是转校生(岛本来我们班是五年级快结束的时候)。

    Soon after she was born , she came down with polio , which made her drag her left leg . On top of that , she 'd transferred to our school at the end of fifth grade .