
  • 网络sublease;Sub-lease
  1. 外商投资融资租赁公司可以通过各种方式开展融资租赁业务,包括直接租赁、转租赁、回租、杠杆租赁、信托租赁和联合租赁。

    The foreign invested financial leasing company may undertake its financial leasing business by adopting various forms , including direct lease , sublease , leaseback , leverage lease , Trust lease and joint lease .

  2. 从租赁流程需要经过的出租人的个数,可以分为直接租赁和转租赁。转租赁要涉及到两个或两个以上的出租人。

    From the leasing process to go through a number of the lessor , it can be divided into direct lease and sublease for the difference of number of lessors involved in .