- 网络Transfer income

A Discussion on the Equality Effect of Transfer Income
Along with the wage income , transfer income and operating income , property income is an important component of disposable income .
Property income and transferred income have played little role in reducing poverty .
The difference of metastasis income and property income is not very important , but increased rapidly .
In addition , towns and rural residents of its metastatic income of income gap has bigger contribution and increases year by year .
Based on the absolute terms , wage income , family business income , property income and transfer income are increasing every year .
The increase in government revenue and rapid economic development also contributed to the growth of farmers ' of metastatic income and property income .
The result shows that : Among various incomes , the income from land has the strongest correlation with total revenue , followed by transfer payment and wage income .
Of this total , the growth of wage income was 18.7 percent ; household business operating income 8.7 percent ; property income 19.4 percent ; and 17.2 percent from transferred income .
Among the net income , the manufacture net income took up the absolute important place , and the wage income proportion was high , while the transfer income and property income proportion were low .
Subsequent from the analysis of the farmers ' income growth changes and features in China draws that farmers ' wage income 、 transfer income and property income are on the rise , but family-run income remains as the main source of income in these years .
The fourth chapter constitutes a net income from the salary income , income of business income and property income , the influence factors of metastatic income as the breakthrough point , through the influence of various income in suburban Beijing to analyze influence factors of the entire income .
According to the results , transfer income does not play the redistribution function of small income gap ; transfer income on the rural regional internal and towns of regional internal narrow a certain income gap of residents , but obviously expanded income gap between the urban and rural residents .
Different policy tools are greatly different from each other in terms of such capability , namely , fiscal expenditure can smooth off 11.48 percent of economic initial shock , while fiscal transfer and income policy enhance economic fluctuation instead by nearly 3 percent ;
According to the empirical results , find out the main problems of our metastatic spending in narrowing the income gap .
Actualization of micro income distribution is through the function of market mechanics , and it is based on the micro income distribution that we carry out the macro income adjustment , which is supported by three measurements : income tax , transfer payment , and income guarantee system .