
  • 网络framework;Software Framework
  1. 基于Internet的信息网格的软件框架研究

    Research of the Software Framework Based on Internet-Wide Information Grid

  2. 一种基于复用组件的WEB测控软件框架设计

    Design of software framework for web-based measurement and control system based on reusable component

  3. 基于工作流与WebPortal的分布式软件框架研究

    Research of Distributed Software Framework Based on Workflow and Web Portal

  4. 基于MVC的Web服务器端软件框架能够有效的提高Web应用程序的可复用性。

    MVC design pattern based Web server-side software frameworks can improve the reuse of web application effectively .

  5. 它是新型软件框架的基础技术之一,被广泛认为是未来基于Internet的主流分布计算模式。

    It is one of the underlying technologies of new software framework , widely regarded as main stream of internet-based distributed computing mode .

  6. 面向工程领域应用软件框架的DSS开发研究

    A Study of Engineering Oriented Application Software Framework Based DSS Development

  7. 通过使用该软件框架中提供的丰富的组件库和灵活的插件管理机制,大大地降低了基于WEB的远程测控软件的开发难度,有效地提高了开发效率。

    Based on its component library and plug-in management mechanism , the development efficiency of web-based measurement and control software is improved effectively and difficulty is reduced .

  8. 当Web服务从一个协议切换到另一个协议以及从一个软件框架转向另一个软件框架时,就可能出现运行Web服务的平台间的互操作问题。

    Interoperability issues between platforms running Web services can arise when a Web service switches from one protocol to another and from one software framework to another .

  9. 一种基于HLA的弹性软件框架及其应用

    An HLA-based Flexible Framework with Applications Software

  10. GRAPES模式软件框架与实现

    The software framework and application of grapes model

  11. 在此基础上,结合OpenGL扩展阐述了实现实时图象处理的一般软件框架模型。

    Then , develop the real time image processing software framework based on GPU with OpenGL ext.

  12. 基于软件框架Struts的学位论文提交系统

    Thesis Submission System based on Struts framework

  13. 除了Cocoa之外,还有许多其他的软件框架可用。

    In addition to Cocoa , many other software frameworks are widely available .

  14. 基于RTOS的GUI软件框架的研究

    Research on RTOS Based GUI Software Framework

  15. 应用服务器是一个软件框架,它公布软件服务的API(例如事务管理或数据库访问)。

    An application server is a software framework that exposes APIs for software services ( such as transaction management or database access ) .

  16. 开发了一个原形系统,该原形系统构造了一个完整的适用与三维虚拟设计的气动系统CAD软件框架,并实现了其中的主要模块。

    A prototype system is developed , and a pneumatic system CAD software architecture that is applicable to 3D virtual design is constructed by the prototype system .

  17. 基于MVC设计模式的软件框架逐渐兴起,成为Web架构的开发主流。

    Based on the gradual rise of the software frame of the MVC design pattern , it becomes the main development current of the structure of Web .

  18. InfoQ:你正在开展的一个论文项目叫做“软件框架领域的设计片段”。

    InfoQ : You worked on a thesis project called design fragments in the software framework domain .

  19. Sherlock领域分析方法抽取软件框架

    Software & Tools Framework Extraction with Sherlock Domain Analysis

  20. 使用UML(统一建模语言)建模技术来设计和描述系统,提出了一个模块化、图形化、层次化的软件框架方案。

    Use UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) modeling technique to design and describe the system as a modular , graphical , hierarchical software framework .

  21. 而软件框架作为Web应用的基础,必须要求其能够高效地搭建系统各模块,并提供可靠的软件重用性和可移植性以降低后期维护成本。

    The software framework as the basis for Web applications , we must demand that they can efficiently build system modules , and to provide reliable software reuse and portability of late to reduce maintenance costs .

  22. ApacheHadoop是一个软件框架(平台),它可以分布式地操纵大量数据。

    Apache Hadoop is a software framework ( platform ) that enables a distributed manipulation of vast amount of data .

  23. 针对8/24位色非压缩BMP图像,搭建了一个专用图像处理软件框架。

    An image processing application framework is implemented , which aims at non compressed 8 / 24 bit BMP files .

  24. 同时,该软件框架降低了GUI软件系统与RTOS的耦合性,提高了嵌入式GUI软件的可维护性、可理解性和可扩展性。

    Meanwhile , the software framework can decouple the embedded GUI software system and RTOS , to improve the maintainability , understandability and extensibility .

  25. 理论上,该GUI软件框架通过采用层次化软件构件技术,提高了嵌入式系统GUI软件构件的组织管理效率;

    Theoretically , the layered software construction is used by the GUI software framework , to provide the efficiency of managing GUI software component in embedded system .

  26. 在形式化分析HLA邦元组成和约束的基础上,提出并实现了一个支持邦元程序开发的软件框架&邦元范型框架YH-FWF(FederateWizardFramework)。

    A federate wizard framework named YH-FWF was designed based on formal analysis of the composition and constraint of HLA federate programs .

  27. MapReduce是Google引入的一个软件框架,它支持在计算机(即节点)集群上对大型数据集进行分布式计算。

    MapReduce is a software framework introduced by Google that supports distributed computing on large data sets on clusters of computers ( or nodes ) .

  28. 在理解SIP原理的基础上,应用一种开源的SIP协议栈,实现P2P的多媒体通信的软件框架。其中包括客户端和服务器端。

    In comprehending the foundation of SIP principle and applying to an open-source SIP Protocol Stack , the paper reaches P2P multimedia communications software framework , including the Client and Server .

  29. 其实施方案介绍了系统所处的网络体系结构,以及系统采用三层体系结构的开发方法、基于J2EE的企业应用软件框架和遵循CORBA组件开发规范的关键技术和原理。

    The schema introduces the netware architecture , the three-tier system frame of developing technique , key technique and theory of the application software frame based on J2EE , according to CORBA developing criterion .

  30. UIMA是一个支持开发和部署分析应用程序的开源软件框架。

    Unstructured Information Management Architecture ( UIMA ) is an open software framework that supports development and deployment of analytical applications .