
ruǎn huà
  • soften;melt;bate;bating;temper;permute;backpedaled;win over by soft tactics
软化 [ruǎn huà]
  • (1) [soften]∶由硬变软

  • 使硬水软化

  • (2) [win over by soft tactics]∶由坚定变为动摇

  • 态度逐渐软化

  • (3) [temper]∶把皮革均匀地弄湿使之柔和,以便进一步处理

软化[ruǎn huà]
  1. 塑料适当加热就可以软化。

    Plastics will soften when exposed to heat .

  2. “我主要关心的是;我怎样才能软化或者优化这个消息?”礼仪专家丹纳·卡斯帕森说。

    " My primary concern is : How can I soften or civilize this message ? " says etiquette expert Dana Casperson .

  3. 他的热诚足以软化铁石心肠。

    His enthusiasm is enough to melt a heart of stone .

  4. 敌人的高压和软化政策都失败了。

    The enemy resorted to both tough and soft tactics , but succeeded in neither .

  5. 态度软化。

    One 's attitude has softened .

  6. 她的心因怜悯而软化。

    Her heart melted with pity .

  7. 他对我态度逐渐软化。

    He gradually softened towards me .

  8. 怜悯软化了她的心。

    Pity melted her heart .

  9. 我们在困难面前从不软化我们的努力。

    We never weaken our efforts in face of difficulties .

  10. 用途:该设备用于测定耐火材料荷重软化

    Purpose : The equipment is used for mensurating Refractoriness under load .

  11. 离子交换软化系列:如三塔流动床、组合式软水器和全自动软水器。

    Ion exchange softening Series : If Mobile-bed tower , Combined softener and Automatic softener .

  12. ⅠB随着粉土含量的增加而增大,即粉土质砂的应变软化程度随着粉土含量的增加而增加;

    Its content is : I. I_B increases with silt content .

  13. 髌骨软化症的低场MRI诊断研究

    The Research of Low-Field MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Chondromalacia Patellae

  14. 中频PCM/FM信号全软化FM解调的一种实现方法

    Software FM Demodulation Method for PCM / FM Intermediate Frequency Signals

  15. 石油树脂的软化点提高,tanδ峰值温度上升。

    The tan δ peak temperature ascend as the softening point rising .

  16. Gd对Ag的再结晶温度的影响及对抑制回复软化的作用甚小。

    Gd additive had small influence on the recovery and recrystallization process of Ag .

  17. 常规三轴的CU剪切试验表明,非饱和马兰黄土的应力应变关系呈现出弱软化的特征。

    Routine tri-axial CU shear test results indicate the stress-strain relationships of the unsaturated MaLan loess are softening with increasing strain .

  18. 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)与果实成熟软化研究进展

    The role of polygalacturonase ( pg ) in fruit ripening

  19. 以经过闪蒸净化除去一次QI的煤焦油为原料,在常压下220℃~400℃范围内通过空气氧化制备一定软化点范围的沥青。

    Coal tar pitch was prepared from QI free coal tar by air blowing at 220 ℃~ 400 ℃ .

  20. 采用熔融共混方法,用深度萃取脱油硬沥青和尤里卡沥青两种高软化点硬沥青材料,对聚苯乙烯(PS)进行改性。

    Polystyrene was modified by filling into two kinds of hard pitch of different high softening point by melt-mixing method .

  21. ISP烧结块软化点数模建立的研讨铁矿石烧结终点的优化控制

    Mathematically modeling of the softening point in ISP sintering Optimal control of sintering burn through point

  22. SBR经交联后,SBR改性沥青的软化点、弹性恢复率和粘韧性均增大;

    The softening point , elastic recovery and visco-toughness of SBR-modified asphalt at elevated temperature increased when SBR was crosslinked ;

  23. 因此,可将鲢鱼卵CPI用于抑制其自身鱼糜的凝胶软化。

    Silver carp egg CPIs could be applied to silver surimi to prevent the gel weakening .

  24. 重度HIE在2个月内可引起脑软化和脑萎缩(80%)。

    Severe degree HIE might cause cerebral malacia and atrophy ( 80 % ) in 2 months .

  25. 而在桃果实软化过程中,多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)起着比较重要的作用。

    In the post-harvest ripening stage , polygalacturonase plays a major role and makes the fruit rapidly soften .

  26. 当SBS质量分数达到7%或以上时,则形成连续相。随着SBS质量分数的增加,改性沥青的软化点和低温延度升高,针入度和高温贮存稳定性下降。

    With increasing the mass fraction of SBS in modified asphalt softening point and ductility increased , penetration and stability decreased .

  27. 结果表明,无氧呼吸引发枣果乙醇积累,从而导致枣果褐变和软化、MDA含量的上升及相对电导率的增加。

    The results showed that the incidence of anaerobic respiration arose the browning , the softening , accumulation of MDA content and increase of relative conductivity .

  28. 结果表明,基材热影响区没有发生明显的再结晶现象,证明Al-Mg-(Sc,Zr)合金具有很强的抗焊接热软化能力;

    Results show that no obvious recrystallization in heat affect zone means alloy Al-Mg-Sc is of great resistant to soften behavior in HAZ .

  29. 针对DC谐振直流环节逆变器须采用离散脉冲调制的特点,提出了一种新型软化SPWM波形合成方法。

    In accordance with the characteristics that resonant DC link inverter should adopt discrete pulse modulation , we propose a novel method of soft SPWM waveform synthesis .

  30. Zr-4合金双轴加载中的非比例附加软化与附加强化

    Additional Softening and Strengthening Behavior of Hydrided Zr-4 under Biaxial Out-of-Phase Loading