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ruǎn ruò
  • weak;weakness;feeble;flabby
软弱 [ruǎn ruò]
  • [weak;feeble;flabbly] 指身体衰弱无力气;不坚强

  • 身体软弱无力

  • 软弱无能

软弱[ruǎn ruò]
  1. 他软弱、胆怯、奸诈。

    He was weak , cowardly and treacherous .

  2. 他认为他是一个软弱无知的人。

    He believes him to be a weak and unintelligent man

  3. 别这么软弱!

    Don 't be such a wuss !

  4. 我要克服所有的软弱、绝望和恐惧。

    I would overcome any weakness , any despair , any fear .

  5. 亚瑟王本人被描绘成一个被人戴绿帽子的软弱之人。

    Arthur himself has been portrayed as a weak cuckold .

  6. 作为领导他被指责作风软弱,缺乏决断力。

    He was criticised as a weak and indecisive leader .

  7. 据说他由于软弱无能而丢掉了工作。

    He lost his job for allegedly being incapable .

  8. 你习惯性地认为害怕是软弱的表现。

    You have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared

  9. 我们不敢放纵自己的情感,以免显得太过软弱或缺乏自制。

    We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control .

  10. 不要把我方的克制看做是软弱可欺。

    Do not take our restraint for a sign of weakness .

  11. 作者把故事中的主人公描绘成一个软弱的人。

    The author characterized the central figure as a weakling .

  12. 他性格软弱,一遇困难,便放弃。

    He has no backbone ; when things get difficult , he gives in .

  13. 他们看起来时尚又世故。他们软弱也容易受伤。他们好像被宠得一塌糊涂,承受不了什么压力。

    They look chic spoilt and can 't take much pressure .

  14. 反对者的角色不是软弱之人所能够担当的。

    The role of the dissenter is not for the weak-kneed .

  15. 狼看到这件事,心中想道:“狮子好像很温顺,它一定很软弱!”

    Observing this , the wolf began to ponder , " This lion seems so meek1 , he must be very weak ! "

  16. 工程上常常采用水泥深层搅拌法(CementDeepMixingMethod)形成水泥搅拌桩复合地基来改善软弱土地基的工程性质。

    Cement Deep Mixing Method ( CDMM ) is usually adopted to improve the engineering properties of soft soil foundations in engineering practice .

  17. 软弱地基桥台台背填筑EPS的结构分析

    Structure analysis of filling at bridge abutment back on soft foundation by using EPS

  18. CFG桩加固软弱地基效果的分析与检验

    Analysis and detection of effectiveness on strengthening soft foundation by CFG pile

  19. CFG桩加固水池软弱地基

    CFG Piles to Strengthen Soft Sub-Soil of Water Tank

  20. 用CFG桩处理铁路软弱地基施工技术

    Construction Technology for Treatment of Soft Railway Subgrade Foundations by means of CFG Piles

  21. 运用通用有限元程序ANSYS,对软弱地基上路堤加筋的作用和效果进行了三维有限元分析。

    Adopting the general purpose finite program ANSYS , the authors carried out three dimension finite element analysis of geogrid reinforced embankment in this paper .

  22. 软弱岩体Berger模型及井巷流变地压

    Berger model of flabby rock and rheologic pressure acted on shaft

  23. 以此计算了夹有软弱土层的TI层状场地对入射P-SV波的动力响应,计算结果表明,软弱土夹层场地与一般场地的动力响应特性有区别。

    The results show that there are differences between the response of strata with soft soil layer and normal strata .

  24. 对无泥型软弱层带在动荷载下的强度试验表明,天然含水状态下,软弱层带从静荷载至动荷载,显示出内聚力C减小幅度较大,而内摩擦角φ反而有所增加;

    Through analyzing the dynamic strength testing data , it is found that under natural moisture state , the cohesion C of the interbed is reduced when compared with its static value , and on the contrary , its internal friction angle φ exhibits an increase .

  25. 某工程在软弱基础上修建的碾压混凝土拱坝坝高大于100m,基础软弱,应力和位移大,尤其是坝肩向下游位移大。

    A roller compacted concrete arch dam is over 100m high and the foundation is weak , the deformation and stresses in the arch dam were much larger than normal , especially the abutment displacement downstream .

  26. 结果表明,在对围岩软弱破碎带、断层及含水地带采取相应的处理措施后,采用TBM施工比钻爆法更能适应不良地质条件下不同围岩的掘进要求。

    The results showed that after some treatment measures has taken on the soft and crashed zone , faults and water-bearing zone , TBM construction is more suitable to the advance requirements in different surrounding rocks with poor geological conditions than drilling-blasting method .

  27. 结合具体的工程概况,对由CFG桩和深厚软弱土层共同构成的复合地基加固效果进行了分析和检验,分析了其基本特征和承载机理,经实践证明其加固效果显著。

    Combined with specific engineering , effectiveness on strengthening compound foundation composed by CFG pile and deep soft soil layer are analyzed and detected , and its basic features and loading mechanism are also analyzed , the effect is good which has been proved .

  28. 介绍了CFG桩复合地基技术在沧州地区软弱地层中60m直径大型原油罐基础时的设计、施工、检测情况,并提出了针对该地层施工的技术保证措施。

    The paper introduces the condition of design construction and investigation of composite foundation technique when the technique is applied to crude oil tank foundation in soft soil of Cangzhou area , also puts forward maintenance logistics measures of the construction .

  29. 西南某大型水电站左岸坝肩边坡分布有多层二叠系凝灰岩软弱夹层,其中对该边坡稳定性影响最大的是标记为A3的软弱夹层。

    There are many weak seams made from tuff of Permian system in the slope of the left dam abutment of a hydroelectric station in southwest China , and of all the weak seams A_3 has the most influence on the stability of the slope .

  30. 讨论了在不同的深厚软弱地基条件下,输入地震动特性不同时桩箱基础高层建筑地震反应的特性,指出了SSI效应对上部结构楼层绝对加速度反应和楼层相对位移反应的影响规律。

    The earthquake response characteristic of superstructure built on different deep soft sites is discussed for different input ground motions . Some rules of SSI effect to the absolute acceleration peak value and relative displacement of high-rise building floors are drawn out .