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liáng shuǎng
  • coolness;nice and cool;be nice and cool;pleasantly cool;be delightfully cool
凉爽 [liáng shuǎng]
  • [be delightfully cool;be nice and cool] 凉快

  • 黄昏的凉爽

凉爽[liáng shuǎng]
  1. 坐在这里正迎风,特别凉爽。

    It 's nice and cool to sit here against the wind .

  2. 树阴底下凉凉爽爽。

    It was nice and cool under the shade of a tree .

  3. 他们攀登得越高,空气就变得越凉爽。

    As they climbed higher , the air became cooler .

  4. 小路树木掩映,凉爽幽暗。

    The path was cool and dark with overhanging trees .

  5. 与户外的湿热相比,屋里真是凉爽惬意。

    It was pleasantly cool in the house after the sticky heat outside .

  6. 把洋葱头存放在凉爽干燥的地方。

    Store onions in a cool dry place .

  7. 把柠檬贮存在干燥凉爽的地方。

    Store lemons in a cool dry place .

  8. 那个凉爽而晴朗的早晨让他异常兴奋。

    He felt strangely exhilarated by the brisk , blue morning

  9. 二月的空气柔和、凉爽而怡人。

    The February air was soft , cool , and inviting

  10. 微风凉爽、清新,令人精神振奋。

    The breeze was cool , brisk and invigorating .

  11. 最好在天气凉爽时搬家。

    Home removals are best done in cool weather

  12. 这种润肤液凉爽清新,能够焕发肌肤的活力。

    The lotion cools and refreshes the skin

  13. 我们一起度过了一个凉爽的夜晚。

    We spent a cool night together .

  14. 凉爽的微风一阵阵吹过河面。

    A fresh breeze puffed across the river .

  15. 晚间凉爽宜人。

    The evening is delightfully cool .

  16. 我喜欢夏日夜晚的凉爽。

    I like the cool of the evening in summer .

  17. 草莓最适于在凉爽、潮湿的气候条件下生长。

    Strawberries grow best in a cool , moist climate .

  18. 当太阳落山时,空气变得凉爽起来。

    As the sun fell behind the mountains , the air grew colder .

  19. 该市居民准备逃到天气较为凉爽的江河流域避暑。

    The city 's population prepared to flee heat for the relative cool of the rivers .

  20. 乘着夜晚的凉爽,全家人出去散步。

    In the cool of the evening , the whole family went out for a walk .

  21. 坐在这树阴底下,就是这样的热天我也感到非常凉爽。

    Sitting under the shade of this tree , I am as cool as a cucumber on this hot day .

  22. 众所周知,温热的海水是导致珊瑚白化的原因,且它比凉爽的海水占据了更多的空间,会让海平面上升。

    Warming waters are known to contribute to coral bleaching and they take up more space than cooler waters , raising sea levels .

  23. B:是的,秋天很凉爽。

    B : Yes , it is . It ' s very cool in autumn .

  24. 凉爽、安静的环境让他们感觉很好。

    The cool , quiet environment makes them feel good .

  25. 这会让你保持凉爽,帮助你入睡。

    This will keep you cool and help you sleep .

  26. 每年的这个时候,树叶五颜六色,夜晚也很凉爽。

    There are colorful leaves and cooler nights at this time of year .

  27. 这表明凉爽的秋天到来了。

    It shows the beginning of the cool autumn .

  28. 冰箱利用地下的空气来保持凉爽。

    The fridge stays cool , thanks to air from under the ground .

  29. 为了保护邮票,有些人还把邮票放在一个特别的房间里,房间里有一台保持空气凉爽和干燥的机器。

    To protect the stamps , some people also put the stamps into a special room which has a machine to keep the air cool and dry .

  30. B:为了保持飞行员凉爽。不信的话,只要停止螺旋桨转动看看飞行员会不会满头大汗。

    B : " To keep the pilot cool . If you don 't think so , just stop it and watch him sweat ! "