
qīng gǔ liào
  • lightweight aggregate
轻骨料[qīng gǔ liào]
  1. 最后利用ANSYS分析栓钉抗剪刚度对不同强度等级的轻骨料混凝土组合梁的性能影响。

    Finally analysis of the use of ANSYS nail bolt shear stiffness of different intensity levels of lightweight aggregate concrete properties of composite beams .

  2. M-N相关曲线用于轻骨料混凝土圆形截面偏压构件截面的计算

    Application of M-N correlation curves to the calculation of a section of lightweight aggregate concrete circular section members under eccentric loads

  3. EPS轻骨料混凝土剪力墙体系墙体保温技术分析

    Analysis on insulation technology of EPS light aggregate concrete shearing wall system

  4. 提高EPS轻骨料混凝土强度的研究

    Research on improvement of strength of EPS light aggregate concrete

  5. 利用ANSYS有限元程序对煤研石轻骨料硅墙板一框架结构体系进行平面和空间分析。

    By Ansys finite element method , frame-shear wall structural system was analyzed in plane and in space ;

  6. 高性能轻骨料(HLA)具有独立的微小球形气孔,强度高而吸水率低,即使在真空或压力条件下,吸水率仅为5%;

    ? High performance lightweight aggregate ( WA ) has disconnected spherical pores , low water absorption and high compressive strength .

  7. 运用ANSYS有限元软件进行仿真分析,验证栓钉抗剪刚度修正公式在钢-轻骨料混凝土组合梁应用中的可行性。

    The use of ANSYS finite element analysis simulation software to verify bolt shear stiffness correction formula nail at steel-lightweight aggregate concrete beams of the feasibility of the application .

  8. 结果表明,轻骨料混凝土的水分蒸发量随水灰比增大而增大,且蒸发速率在2h左右出现最大值。

    The results suggested that the water evaporation quantity in the concrete became larger with the increase of w / c , and water evaporation velocity reached maximum value around two hours .

  9. 高强轻骨料混凝土(HSLWC)的收缩性能是预应力HSLWC结构设计的重要参数。

    Shrinkage of high strength lightweight aggregate concrete ( HSLWC ) is an important parameter for the design of prestressed HSLWC structures .

  10. 进行了EPS保温砂浆的工程实践,结果表明:以废弃EPS为轻骨料,采用适宜技术路线,可配制出施工性、抗裂性、保温隔热性良好的新型外保温砂浆。

    EPS insulating mortar has been applied to practical engineering . The result of experiment and engineering use show that the new type of exterior insulating mortar with good construction property , crack resistant and weather resistant can be produced by using waste EPS as lightweight aggregate and appropriate technology .

  11. 试验表明,对于非预应力混凝土配筋梁,LC45轻骨料混凝土构件的开裂荷载及破坏荷载分别高于C45普通混凝土构件;

    From the test we known : for nonprestressed distributed steel beam , lightweight aggregate concrete beam 's cracking load and failing load all larger than normal concrete beam .

  12. 针对自密实轻骨料混凝土(SCLC)的力学性能与普通混凝土力学性能的差异,采用常规混凝土力学性能的试验方法,对SCLC的力学性能进行研究,得出了SCLC的一般力学性能结论。

    Directed against the differences in mechanical properties of self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete ( SCLC ) and ordinary concrete , adopting ordinary testing ways in mechanical properties of concrete , the authors study mechanical properties of SCLC and draw the conclusions on mechanical conclusions of SCLC .

  13. 钢板与轻骨料混凝土组合梁试验研究

    Experimental Research of Steel Plate and Light Aggregate Concrete Composite Beams

  14. 自密实轻骨料高性能混凝土配合比优化设计

    Optimal Design of Mixing Ratio for Self-compacting Light-Aggregate High Performance Concrete

  15. 轻骨料碳纤维混凝土受压应力应变关系试验研究

    Experimental Study on Stress-strain Relationship of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Light Concrete

  16. 引气浮石轻骨料混凝土抗冻耐久性的试验研究

    Experiment on frost resistance durability of air-entrained pumice lightweight aggregate concrete

  17. 废聚苯乙烯轻骨料对混凝土变形性能的影响

    Effects of Waste Polystyrene Weight Aggregate on Deformation Performance of Concrete

  18. 石煤渣制造建筑轻骨料的研究

    A study on manufacture of lightweight aggregate from stone coal cinder

  19. 复合骨料系混凝土中的普通骨料被轻骨料取代而成。

    The composite aggregate is composed of LWA and normal aggregate .

  20. 纤维轻骨料混凝土冻融损伤模型研究

    Study on Freeze-thaw Damage Model of Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Aggregate Concrete

  21. 粉煤灰高强轻骨料的研制

    Research and Production of High Strength Light Aggregate with Fly Ash

  22. 劲性轻骨料混凝土梁正截面承载力的计算方法

    Calculation Method of Bending Strength of Steel Reinforced Light Aggregate Concrete Beams

  23. 钢纤维对高强轻骨料混凝土的增强效果研究

    Reinforced effect study of steel fiber to high strength lightweight aggregate concrete

  24. 硅粉对轻骨料混凝土耐久性能影响的研究

    Influence of silicon powder on durability of lightweight aggregate concrete

  25. 三轴受压状态下轻骨料混凝土的强度特性

    Behavior of strength of lightweight concrete under triaxial compressive stress

  26. 承重轻骨料小砌块复合墙体研究

    The study of compound wall by load-bearing light weight aggregate small block

  27. 预应力轻骨料混凝土空心板结构试验研究

    The experiment research on prestressed lightweight aggregate concrete hollow core slabs structures

  28. 轻骨料混凝土在启闭机房结构物中的应用

    The application of lightweight aggregate in construction of hoist room

  29. 我国轻骨料及其混凝土的应用现状与发展前景

    Utilization and development of lightweight aggregate and lightweight aggregate concrete in China

  30. 纤维增强高性能轻骨料混凝土的力学性能研究

    Study on mechanical properties of fiber reinforced high performance lightweight aggregate concrete