
  • 网络Load expert;Payload Specialist;PayloadSpecialist;PSP;PaylocommercinosSpecinosist
  1. 在此基础上,建立了一现代化中值载荷谱专家系统。

    On the basis of that , a modern median load-spectrum expert system has been set up .

  2. 中值随机载荷谱数据处理专家系统

    Data Treatment Expert System for Median Stochastic Load-Spectrum

  3. 对此,在探讨中值随机载荷谱数据处理与编制过程的基础上,建立了中值随机载荷谱数据处理专家系统。

    In view of this , the data treatment and the compilation procedure of median stochastic load spectrum are discussed . The data treatment expert system for median stochastic load spectrum is created .