
zài zhòng xiàn
  • Load line;loadline;load waterline
载重线[zài zhòng xiàn]
  1. 若身份证的有效期已过的要及时更换。载重线合格证定期更新

    In time renew of expired ID. periodical loadline renewal

  2. 船舶载重线标志的勘划问题

    Problems about marking ships loadline

  3. 关于渔船的载重线(LoadLine)检验方法的探讨

    A Study on Load Line Inspection of Fishing Vessel

  4. PSC检查中船舶在载重线方面易忽视的问题及应采取的措施

    Slighting Matters on Ship 's Load Line Inspection for PSC and the Countermeasures

  5. IMO分舱、稳性和载重线分委员会自第26次会议以来,一直要求各成员国开展这一方面的研究工作。

    Since the 26th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Subdivision , Stability and Load Lines , member countries have been invited to take part in the investigation on this subject .

  6. 国际载重线公约修正案船首高度公式研究

    Development of Bow Height Formula for Amendments of LL Convention

  7. 至分舱载重线的排水量方形系数

    Block co-efficient of fineness of displacement to sub-division load line

  8. 北大西洋冬季木材载重线一种贵重的热带南美洲的成材乔木。

    A valuable timber tree of tropical South America .

  9. 车道&承受一辆车或一条统一载重线的桥面区域。

    Lane-the area of deck receiving one vehicle or one uniform load line .

  10. 装载机的前部运输机木材冬季北大西洋载重线

    Loader rear conveyer lumber winter North Atlantic load line

  11. 这是由于偏见点载重线的分歧和差异。

    This is due to the bias point differences and load line differences .

  12. 关于载重线公约&附则I修正案生效

    Implementation of " Load Lines Convention-Annex I Amendment "

  13. 英国载重线免除证书

    Load line exemption certificate for United Kingdom

  14. 木材热带淡水载重线满载水线面面积系数

    Lumber tropical fresh load waterline coefficient

  15. 木材冬季北大西洋载重线

    Lumber winter North Atlantic load line

  16. 夏季淡水载重线夏季淡水满载水线

    Fresh water load line in summer

  17. 载重线标志批准证书

    Certificate of approval of the marking

  18. 国际载重线豁免证书

    International Load Line Exemption Certificate

  19. 有限航区敞口集装箱船的载重线核定与总体设计

    Assignment of Load Lines and Design of General Arrangement for Open-Top Container Ships Navigating in Restricted Sea Areas

  20. 到达载重线要求退关声明

    Declaration of Shut out

  21. 船名,船籍港,吃水标志和载重线标志需修饰,重刷。

    Ship 's name , port of registry , draft marks and loadline marks to be dressed and repainted .

  22. 存在一个最佳的曲线领域将变得很明显当你开始画载重线和采摘偏见点。

    There is an optimum area of the curves that will become apparent when you start drawing load lines and picking bias points .