
  • 网络Radiation induced mutation;radiation mutagenesis;radiation mutation;induced mutation by radiation
  1. 不同作物辐射诱变适宜剂量的测定

    Measurement of appropriate doses for radiation mutation in different crops

  2. 蒙古黄芪的组织培养及辐射诱变研究

    Study on Tissue Culture and Radiation Mutation of Astragalus membranaceus Bge . var. mongholicus ( Bge . ) Hsiao

  3. 初步建立了SR软X射线对微生物辐射诱变的方法。

    The method of SR soft X-ray radiation mutagenesis on microbe was established preliminarily .

  4. 梨属间及~(60)Coγ射线辐射诱变朝鲜洋梨新品系过氧化物酶同工酶的研究

    Studies on peroxidase isozymic patterns of Pyrus sp. and irradiated by ~ ( 60 ) co γ - ray varieties of Korean pear

  5. 从豆腐乳中分离出总状毛霉(Mucorracemosus137,MR137),用CO2激光辐射诱变。

    Mucor racemosus 137 was isolated from fermented bean curd and brought to mutation by radiation of CO2 laser .

  6. 论文通过对岷山红三叶(Trifoliumpratensecv.Minshan)愈伤组织的辐射诱变和诱变后愈伤组织的细胞学观察及再生体系的建立。

    Via the cytological observation and establishment regeneration to radiated callus of Trifolium pratense cv .

  7. 采用60Co辐射诱变技术,获得姬松茸新菌株J3。

    The new strain J 3 of Agaricus blazei Murril was obtained by 60 Co irradiation .

  8. 结果表明:3个品种的辐射诱变后代M4,M5群体表型性状变异系数和遗传多样性指数均存在明显差异。

    The results showed that : ( a ) The coefficient variation ( CV ) and the indexes of genetic diversity of the phenotypic characters among M4 or M5 colonies derived from 3 cotton varieties were very significant .

  9. 利用伽玛射线辐射诱变获得了2份高秆突变体Gh2和Sh3,对它们的株高及其各节间长、穗长等的变化进行了分析。

    Two tall culm mutants Gh 2 and Sh 3 were induced by gamma rays . Analysis of variation of the plant height and panicle and internode lengths was carried out .

  10. 提高小麦辐射诱变率的研究

    Study on the improvement of mutagenic rate in Wheat by radiation

  11. 观赏桃辐射诱变育种初步研究

    The study on induced mutation breeding by radiation for Ornamental Peach

  12. 棉花辐射诱变育种研究进展

    Advance in Studies on Induced Mutation in Cotton Breeding by Radiation

  13. 航天诱变与辐射诱变相结合选育水稻新品种

    The breeding of new rice variety by space mutation and irradiation

  14. 高粱辐射诱变育种提高选择效率的研究初报

    The study on enhancing selection efficiency of radioative breeding in Sorghum

  15. 水稻辐射诱变M1结实率与突变频率间关系的研究

    Study on Relation Between M_1 Seed-setting Rate and Mutation Rate in Rice

  16. 提高水稻辐射诱变育种效果的研究

    Study on increasing mutagenic efficiency of radiation breeding for rice

  17. 辐射诱变改良作物的综合技术及应用

    Synthetical Technique & Application of Induction Mutation for Crop Improvement

  18. 菊花花色辐射诱变研究

    Study on the technique of inducing mutation breeding in Chrysanthemum

  19. 灰色关联分析在绿豆辐射诱变育种中的应用研究

    Studieds on Application of Grey Incidence Analysis on Mung Bean Mutation Breeding

  20. 离子束对甘薯胚性悬浮细胞团的辐射诱变效应

    Mutagenic Effects of Ion Beams on Embryogenic Cell-aggregates of Sweetpotato

  21. 云南甘蔗辐射诱变育种简况

    The Circumstances of Cane Breeding by Radiation in Yunnan Province

  22. 原生质体辐射诱变培育金针菇新菌株

    Breeding New Strains of Flammulina Velutipes by Protoplast Radiation Induction

  23. 水稻萌动种于辐射诱变研究

    Studies on the radiation induced mutation of rice germinating seeds

  24. 江苏省农作物辐射诱变育种的成就与展望

    Achievement and Prospect of crop irradiation breeding in Jiangsu Province

  25. 榆树辐射诱变育种的研究

    The Research on the Radiation Induced Mutation Breeding of Elm

  26. 黑龙江省大豆辐射诱变育种研究现状及发展趋势

    Achievement and Prospect of soybean irradiation breeding in Heilongjiang Province

  27. 辐射诱变育成棉花高衣分品系

    Higher lint percent and drought tolerant cotton line selected by radiation breeding

  28. 辐射诱变培育高油大豆新品种及其应用

    Breeding and application of high-oil soybean varieties through radiation

  29. 激光&核辐射诱变小麦后代的生物学效应研究

    A Study on Biological Effect of Wheat Generations Induced by Laser Nuclear Radiation

  30. 夏大豆营养品质辐射诱变效应的研究

    The study of mutagenic effects of radiation on nutritional quality of summer soybean