
  • 网络Output adjustment
  1. 如果需要,VMS也可接管燃烧器输出调节。

    If required , the VMS also takes over the burner 's output regulation .

  2. 利用多Lyapunov函数方法,研究线性离散切换系统的输出调节问题。

    The output regulation problem is addressed for a class of linear discrete-time switched systems in terms of multiple Lyapunov function method .

  3. HCU软件设计是在保证按照驾驶员意图实现动力输出调节的前提下,以整车燃油经济性能和排放性能最佳为控制目标。

    Best feul economy and emission is control aim of HCU software design .

  4. 三.通过选取新的状态变量,对系统进行模型转换,我们将悬浮系统控制设计问题转换为输出调节问题。基于转换后的模型,采用backstepping设计方法,设计了非线性悬浮控制器。

    We cast the controller design as the output regulation problem , and a nonlinear maglev controller is designed by model transformation and backstepping approach .

  5. 运用改进的数字PID算法实现了加热/制冷双输出调节,成功地解决了电磁阀低温下长期工作时可靠性差、容易损坏造成系统失控的问题。

    Through the improved digital PID algorithm the regulation of the dual output of heating and refrigerating has been realized ; and problems such as the solenoid valve 's poor reliability and vulnerability , which can cause the system to be out of control , have been solved successfully .

  6. 在1.2MHz的工作,这升压转换器可以操作的P-模式优越的瞬态响应,或更严格的输出调节的PI-模式。

    Operating at1.2MHz , this boost converter can operate in either P-Mode for superior transient response , or in PI-Mode for tighter output regulation .

  7. 本文介绍了目前三相电压型PWM整流器电压定向功率直接控制(VODPC)系统及基于输出调节子空间的功率直接控制(ORSDPC)系统的原理,分析了直接功率控制系统的性能;

    This paper introduces the direct power control ( DPC ) principle for the three phase boost type rectifiers of prior art , which contains voltage oriented direct power control ( VO-DPC ) and direct power control based on output regulation subspace ( ORS ), and analyses their performances .

  8. 非线性系统的状态反馈大范围输出调节

    The Large Range Output Regulation Using the State Feedback for Nonlinear Systems

  9. 具有扰动输入的不确定性非线性系统的输出调节极限性能

    Performance limits in output regulation of an uncertain nonlinear system under disturbances

  10. 基于奇异摄动理论的非仿射系统的输出调节问题

    Output regulation of nonaffine systems based on singular perturbation theory

  11. 二自由度飞行姿态模拟器建模及其鲁棒输出调节

    Modeling and robust output regulation of a 2-DOF helicopter model

  12. 具有自适应内模的一类非线性系统输出调节问题

    Output regulation for a class of nonlinear systems with adaptive internal model

  13. 变结构控制实现非线性系统的输出调节和鲁棒输出调节

    Output Regulation and Robust Output Regulation of Nonlinear Systems Using Variable Structure Control

  14. 奇异系统能量受限的输出调节通过一般状态反馈的可解性

    On the Output Regulation of Singular Systems via State Feedback with Bounded Energy

  15. 2-D系统的干扰解耦和输出调节

    The Disturbance Decoupling and Output Regulation for 2-D General State - Space Models

  16. 非线性系统的输出调节与受控中心流形

    Output Regulation of Nonlinear Systems and Controlled Centre Manifold

  17. 一般非线性系统的鲁棒输出调节

    The robust output regulation of the general nonlinear systems

  18. 状态反馈鲁棒输出调节器的另一种证明

    Another Proof of the Robust State-Feedback Output Regulator

  19. 线性奇异系统的输出调节问题

    The Output Regulation Problem of Linear Singular System

  20. 一般非线性离散时间系统的输出调节

    Output Regulation of the General Nonlinear Discrete_Time System

  21. 广义线性系统的全状态输出调节

    Full states output regulation for generalized linear systems

  22. 全状态输出调节系统的结构

    The structure of full state regulating systems

  23. 对称循环组合系统的输出调节

    Output Regulation of Symmetric Circulant Composite Systems

  24. 输出调节和内模原理

    Output Regulation and Internal Model Principle

  25. 在给出转子+电磁悬浮动力吸振器系统模型的基础上,采用输出调节器理论,设计了电磁悬浮动力吸振器控制系统。

    The control system of an electro-magnetically-levitated dynamic absorber has been designed using the theory of output regulation .

  26. 目前,输出调节理论正向着非线性系统和不确定系统发展。

    Recently , the output regulation theory has been extended to the case of nonlinear systems and uncertain systems .

  27. 一对带扰动线性开关系统输出调节问题可解的充分必要条件

    A sufficient and necessary condition of output regulation for switched system of a pair of linear systems with disturbances

  28. 本文研究了一类具有扰动输入的不确定性非线性系统的输出调节问题,得出了该类系统在最差的不确定性参数和扰动输入情况下系统输出调节的极限性能。

    In this paper , we study the best achievable performance of output regulation for an uncertain nonlinear system under disturbances .

  29. 对于经由全信息反馈的慢变线性系统的输出调节问题,我们给出了解决问题的一个充分条件。

    For the output regulation problem of slowly-varying linear systems via full information feedback , a sufficient condition of solvability is given .

  30. 为采用变量柱塞泵和溢流阀组合的液压系统提供了一套普遍实用的恒功率输出调节机构。

    Offering a whole set of practical constant power output adjusting mechanism for hydraulic system which adopts pillar stopper pump and overflow valve .