
ɡuò dù shí qī zǒnɡ lù xiàn
  • general economic guidelines for 1949-1956
  1. 浅谈先工业化后社会主义化与过渡时期总路线的关系

    A Brief Talk on the Relationship Between Early Industrialization and Late Socialization

  2. 关于过渡时期总路线提出的时机和条件

    On the Opportune Time and Conditions for Bringing Forward the General Line for the Transition Period

  3. 贯彻落实过渡时期总路线是粮食统购统销政策出台的政治动因。

    The political motivation of introducing the monopoly for purchase and sale policy is implementing the general line of transition .

  4. 中期目标宣传以中央的路线、方针为宣传内容,如一边倒和过渡时期总路线的宣传即属此例。

    The content of the medium-term goal of propaganda was the central line and principles such like One-sided diplomacy and General Line in the Transition Period .

  5. 第一章,对党提出过渡时期总路线的国内环境及民众对总路线的认识态度的历史背景进行分析。

    The first part , the analysis of the historical background of the party proposed transitional line domestic environment and public understanding of the attitude of the general line .

  6. 统购统销政策的出台,与1953年粮食危机的出现、过渡时期总路线的贯彻有密切的关联。

    The promulgation of the Policy for Unified Purchase and Sale of Grain was closely related to the grain crisis in1953 and the implementation of the general line for the transitional period .

  7. 进入社会主义工业化起步阶段,过渡时期总路线的提出促使国家建设思路由单一工业化转变为工业化与现代化建设同步前进。

    Enter the socialist industrialization in the initial stage , the general line for the transition period is proposed to urge the national construction idea changed from single industrialization to the synchronous progress of industrialization and modernization .

  8. 本文根据所掌握的相关资料,综合考察调查报告形成前后的若干认识环节,以期在该调查报告与过渡时期总路线决策的关系上,有一个较清晰的历史表述。

    Based on the materials collected presently , this article is to investigate some important cognitive links before and after the formation of the report , and to analyze historically the relationship between the report and the general line for the transition period .

  9. 党在过渡时期的总路线

    The party 's general line for the transition period

  10. 党在过渡时期的总路线就是要建立一个伟大的社会主义国家,财政要保证这一点。

    The Party 's general line for the transition period is to build a great socialist country , which must be guaranteed through maintaining proper finances .

  11. 新税制发展下去,势必离开马克思列宁主义,离开党在过渡时期的总路线,向资本主义发展。

    That system , if allowed to develop , would have led inevitably to capitalism , in contravention of Marxism-Leninism and the Party 's general line for the transition period .

  12. 在党提出过渡时期的总路线和总任务的时候,全党高级干部都来照照镜子、洗洗脸是很必要的。

    Now that the Party has set forth the general line or general task for the transition period , it is vital for all of us high-ranking cadres in the Party to inspect ourselves in the mirror and wash our faces .

  13. 新中国在恢复国民经济基础上开始实施第一个五年计划,制定了党在过渡时期的总路线和第一部《宪法》,着手实行对农业、手工业、资本主义工商业的社会主义改造。

    In this period , New China began to implement the first Five-Year Plan on the basis of resuming national economy , made the general line for transition period and the first constitution , set about implementing the socialist transformation of agriculture , handicraft industry , capitalist industry and commerce .

  14. 从1953年过渡时期的总路线的提出到1978年党的十一届三中全会,对私营经济的认识虽有反复,但总的来说是持改造、批判、否定态度;

    From the proposition of the general line of the transition period of 1953 to the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central committee of the CPC in 1978 , generally speaking , although the understandings have repeated to private economy , the attitude is transformation , criticism and deny ;

  15. 党对国家资本主义过渡途径的探索&制定党在过渡时期总路线的重要认识环节

    The Party 's Exploration for the Ways of Transiting The National Capitalist Industry