
  • 网络transitional economy
  1. 实践呼唤过渡经济道德观。

    Practice on transitional economy call the economic ethics of transition .

  2. 当代过渡经济与卡夫丁峡谷

    On Transitional Economy and Crafting Gorge

  3. 流入发展中国家的FDI总额达到了3680亿美元,流入东欧和中亚地区过渡经济体的FDI去年创下620亿美元的新纪录。

    Overall FDI flows to developing countries reached $ 368bn and flows to " transition " economies in eastern Europe and central Asia set new records last year at $ 62bn .

  4. 过渡经济体制下的城市规划和土地交易问题的制度分析

    Application of institutional approach in studying urban planning and land transaction under the transition economy

  5. 许博士的研究领域包括:宏观经济学、金融学、金融机构与金融市场,过渡经济以及中国经济改革。

    His research interests include : Macroeconomics , Finance , Financial Institutions and Financial Markets , Transitional Economies , and China 's Economic Reform .

  6. 报告说,流入发达国家外国直接投资的大幅度削减导致发展中国家和过渡经济体接受的外国直接投资急剧上升。

    It says the large decline in FDI inflows to developed countries has resulted in a surge of foreign investments in developing and transition economies .

  7. 在最近几年,发展中国家和过渡经济体也开始采用这些间接工具,而且呈上升趋势。

    In more recent years , there has been also an increasing tendency for the developing countries and the economies in transition to adopt such instruments .

  8. 运用历史归纳法,对各种过渡经济的特殊形态进行归纳概括,是科学解答过渡经济学规范性问题最根本的方法。

    The possible best method for a scientific explanation of the standardization of transition economics is to summarize the special forms of all transition economies through the application of historical induction .

  9. 过渡经济道德观是中国传统道德文化与现代道德文化的精华融汇,是一种承先启后的道德观。

    The economic ethics of transition is an essence of Chinese traditional ethics culture and modern ethics culture , and is ethics of a kind of the pivot of past and future .

  10. 加入WTO后过渡期经济特区金融法律制度的创新

    Observations on the Innovation in Legal Systems in the Special Economic Zone in the Transitional Period After China 's Entry to the WTO

  11. 关于中国过渡时期经济基础问题的争议

    Disputes on the Issue of Economic Foundation at the Transitional Stage of China

  12. 建立新型的区际利益协调机制,充分发挥过渡区域经济运行协调机制的作用。

    To establish some new regional interest negotiation systems , and to make full use of the adjustment systems of transition region economy .

  13. 过渡型经济形态的本质特征,决定了近代中国呈现双重过渡:经济发展水平提升和经济制度变迁。

    The essential character of the change is a kind of dual transition : advancing both in the level of economic development and economic system .

  14. 过渡型经济:对当前我国所处经济阶段的基本认识&兼论过渡型经济时期的消费需求问题

    Transition Economy : A Basical Recognition of the Current Economic Period of China & Also on the consumer demand in the period of transition economy

  15. 过渡型经济形态的根本性特征就决定了近代中国的国民收入剩余转化的途径发生了根本性变化。

    Investment of national income surplus changed from traditional agriculture to modern economic departments , which was decided by the fundamental features of transition economy in modern China .

  16. 但由于媒体过渡追求经济利润、娱乐文化无限泛化等原因,娱乐文化的低俗形式也随之出现,并呈现愈演愈烈的趋势。

    But because the media transition profits , the entertainment culture unlimited generalization and other reasons , the vulgar entertainment culture form appears , and present increasingly fierce trend .

  17. 在我国由计划经济向社会主义市场经济过渡、经济迅猛发展的时期,这一博弈形势尤其显得复杂而严峻。

    With transfer from the planning economy to the socialism market economy and the fierce economic development in our country , the situation of this game seems to be more particularly complex and rigorous .

  18. 随着近十年来中国向社会主义市场经济的过渡,经济的内在矛盾发生了巨大的变化,中国的物价水平经历了从高通货膨胀到通货紧缩的历程。

    With the transition to socialistic market economy of our country in the last decade and the economic inherent contradiction having changed enormously , the price-level of our country has gone through the course from high inflation to deflation .

  19. 伴随我国社会从传统农业文明向现代工业文明的过渡与经济体制由社会主义计划经济向社会主义市场经济转轨的深化,当今中国社会进入全面转型时期。

    With the transition from traditional civilization of agriculture to modern culture of industry and the transformation from socialist economic structure of plans to socialist market economy deeply , the society in the contemporary era enters a period of overall transformation .

  20. 中国属于过渡型经济,或者说处于转轨期;韩国也正处于产业升级的特殊时期,东南亚金融风暴后,韩国的经济贸易体制的更新换代进展神速,相反加拿大经济不存在重大的结构性问题。

    China is in the transitional stage , or in other words a changing lane period . Korea is in the period of upgrading its status . After the South Asian financial crisis , Korea has sustained a rapid growth due to the rapid change of its economic structure .

  21. 鄂中、西山前过渡带农村经济持续发展研究WTO框架下我国农村经济持续发展的现状与对策

    Study on the sustainable development of rural economy at the transitional zone between middle Hubei and front western Hubei mountain areas

  22. 在向宽带多媒体通信网的过渡中,经济发达的地市应结合ATM进行网络改造,而其他城市则在保持路由器结构的基础上引入服务等级或采用高速路由器方案。

    The network evolution in economically developed regions can be based on ATM while CoS or high-speed router scheme should be introduced in developing regions .

  23. 广告有助于推销商品。过渡阶段的经济援助

    Advertisement helps to sell goods . transitional economic assistance

  24. 基于全息调节理论的一个过渡时期宏观经济非均衡模型

    A Transitional Period Based on Complete Adjustment Theory

  25. 过渡时期多种经济成份

    Manifold economic sectors in the transition period

  26. 我国从计划经济体制过渡到市场经济体制,要求相应转变政府职能。财政就是政府以财行政,是政府职能在经济领域内的表现。

    Our government 's function must be changed with the conversion of economy system from planed economy to market economy .

  27. 过渡金融意指经济体制转轨时期的金融制度结构和金融制度安排。

    Transitional finance means a financial institutional structure as well as its arrangement in the period of the economic system transition .

  28. 首先介绍了最早的国际贸易经济学说重商主义,随着自然经济过渡到商品经济,产生了重商主义学说。

    Firstly , as the natural economy becoming the commodity economy the Mercantilism which is the earliest international trade theory came out .

  29. 我国经济发展目前已由卖方市场转为买方市场,由短缺经济过渡到过剩经济。

    At present , our economical development has turned from market of seller to market of buyer , from inadequate economy to excessive economy .

  30. 从发达国家的发展经验来看,从农业社会向工业社会过渡是发展中国家经济发展的必由之路。

    Derived from experience of developed countries , transition from agricultural society into industrial one is the only way for under-developed countries for economic purposes .