
  1. 她的眼睛因刚哭过而发红。

    Her eyes were red with recent sobbing .

  2. 若没有萌发,也要为它曾经在你心理萌发过而感到满足。

    But if it doesn 't be content it grew in yours .

  3. 你可不可以从开着的门边溜过而不被老师看见?

    Can you slip past the open door without the teacher seeing you ?

  4. 10.不要因为结束而哭泣,要因为拥有过而微笑。

    10 . Don 't cry because it is over , smile because it happened .

  5. 过而不改,是谓过矣。

    To make a mistake and not correct it : this is a real mistake .

  6. 风会敲过而消逝。

    Winds would knock and disappear .

  7. 所谓古典,是谁也希望念过而有谁也不想去念的一类东西。

    A classic be something that everybody want to have read and nobody want to read .

  8. 协约国是指过去你曾在战争中打败过而现在站在你这边的国家。

    An ally is a nation which you beat in a war some time ago and which is now on your side .

  9. 我感觉自己的身体因为被你碰过而变得神圣,所以我不可能让其他人爱抚我的身体。

    I felt myself sanctified by your touch , and it would not have been possible for me then to accept any other man'caresses .

  10. 我知道知性表达的激情是什么感觉因为在这里,普林斯顿,我曾感受过而我想重燃那份激情。

    I knew what intellectual passion felt like because I 'd felt it here , at Princeton and I wanted to feel it again .

  11. 虽然乘客们不会立刻面临危险,但他们因节日已过而感到沮丧。不过他们依然十分振作,在新年当天用自己的双脚踩出了一个临时停机坪。

    While the passengers weren 't in imminent danger , they expressed frustration as holidays passed but also maintained their spirits , including by stamping out the makeshift helipad with their feet on New Year 's Day .

  12. 为了寻找那个园子,她在废墟中蹒跚行走,经过威尔克斯家姑娘们曾经细心照料过而现在已塌倒了的玫瑰花坛,横过后院,穿过熏腊室、库房和鸡圈。

    Seeking the garden , she limped around the ruins , by the trampled rose beds the Wilkes girls had tended so zealously , across the back yard and through the ashes to the smokehouse , barns and chicken houses .

  13. 戴维斯的作品由于太过怪诞而难以获得商业成功。

    Davies 's writing is far too off-centre to be commercial .

  14. 如果这种情况得不到治疗的话,人就会因失血过多而死亡。

    If this is left untreated , one can actually haemorrhage to death .

  15. 我并没有太过热情而让她为难。

    I did not embarrass her with my effusions .

  16. 据信他在伦敦东区的夜总会当过看门人而没被认出来。

    He is believed to have worked unrecognised as a doorman at East End clubs

  17. 谚语和习语会由于使用过多而变得俗套。

    Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse

  18. 我想和他对阵,因为他从没有输过,而我想成为打败他的第一人。

    I 'd like to fight him because he 's undefeated and I want to be the first man to beat him

  19. 睡得过久而迟到,这个借口站不住脚。

    Sleeping too long is a lame excuse for being late .

  20. 有些录像带因暴力镜头过多而被查禁。

    Some videos have been banned on the basis that they are too violent .

  21. 他因失血过多而变得非常虚弱,以致我们以为他不行了。

    He became so weak from loss of blood that at one time we started to think that he would not come through .

  22. 有段时间这个网站还因为同一时间的访问量过大而崩溃了。

    The website even stopped working for a while because too many people visited it at the same time .

  23. 一个连一毛钱都舍不得亏的人,因太过拘谨而不能下单

    A nitpicker , obsessing over dimes , is too stiff to place orders .

  24. 许仙倒地,太过冲击而惊吓致死。

    He collapsed8 , killed by the shock .

  25. 这些信号便是一种语言,它的可靠程度可与口头语言相比,甚至有过之而无不及。

    These signals make up a language that is just as dependable as the spoken word ;

  26. 如今这位50岁的男子已拥有约2万个玩具,家里的玩具从地上堆到了天花板,2014年还因收藏玩具过万而打破了吉尼斯世界纪录。

    Now , the 50-year-old has about 20000 toys packed from floor to ceiling in his home and holds a Guinness World Record from 2014 , when his collection reached more than 10000 items .

  27. word因打开文件过多而无法完成操作。

    Word cannot complete the operation because too many files are open .

  28. 保罗·德·拉加德的反犹的“德国论文”被全面地批注过,而一本汉斯·F。

    Paul de Lagarde 's anti-Semitic German Essays have been thoroughly annotated , and Hans F.

  29. 其实,喜欢或欣赏某个明星是很正常的,只是,如果这种喜爱程度过深而演变成病态,患上celebrityworshipsyndrome,那就需要注意了。

    It is called celebrity worship syndrome and its sufferers dedicate their lives to the chosen subject of their affection .

  30. 和以前一样,有关WebSphereApplicationServer您不敢问的问题都没有讨论过,而只是提一些我反复被问到的问题。

    As before , this is not a discussion of things you 're afraid to ask about WebSphere Application Server , but rather a look at some of the questions I am asked repeatedly .