
  • 网络Motor response;Move;M, Motor response
  1. B组(20例),肱二头肌运动反应终点组;

    Group B : endpoint of biceps motor response ;

  2. 心脏对剧烈运动反应良好。

    The heart responds well to energetic exercise .

  3. 测定血管运动反应性(VMR)观察脑血管储备能力及SPECT观察脑局部血流灌注的情况。

    Vascular motor reactivity ( VMR ) was used for investigating the cerebrovascular reserve capacity and SPECT was used for investigating he region cerebral blood flow ( rCBF ) .

  4. 方法采用成年雌性大鼠,在浅麻醉状态下记录充胀直肠(CRD)引起的腹肌放电活动,即内脏运动反应(VMR);

    Methods The visceromotor responses ( VMR ) evoked by repeated colorectal distention ( CRD ) were monitored in lightly anesthetized adult female rats .

  5. 鲤鱼幼鱼对表色条纹屏幕的视觉运动反应

    The Optomotor Response of Carp Juvenile to Surface Colored Stripe Screen

  6. 趋向或背离外部刺激的一种运动反应。

    A locomotor response toward or away from an external stimulus .

  7. 武术搏击训练的运动反应能力研究

    A Study of the Physical Reaction Capacity after Fighting Training

  8. 北京地区地震地质条件及地震地面运动反应分析

    Seismo-Geological conditions and response analysis of seismic ground motion of Beijing District

  9. 对运动反应,但不具有方向性;

    They are motion sensitive but no direction selective ;

  10. 影响尼罗罗非鱼视觉运动反应的因素

    Factor influencing optomotor reaction of tilapia niloticus

  11. 烈度、震中距和场地条件对地面运动反应谱的影响

    Influences of Intensity , Epicentral Distance and Site Condition on Response Spectra of Strong Ground Motion

  12. 埋藏基岩凹陷地形的地震地面运动反应与震害异常带有成因上的联系。

    There is a genetic relationship between the underlying bedrock depression and earthquake ground motion responses .

  13. 方法:本研究通过对实验组与对照组剂量作业测验和视觉&运动反应时测定结果进行比较。

    Methods : Loading test of work capacity and the reaction chronaxy of vision-movement were adopted and compared between obesity group and control group .

  14. 本文对鲫鱼成鱼在不同屏幕角速度和环境光颜色下的视觉运动反应特性作了详细的研究。结果表明:屏幕角速度对反应率、时间跟随率和角位移跟随率均有极显著影响;

    A detail study is made on the characteristics of the optomotor reaction of adult crucian carp under the conditions of different screen angular velocity and different environment light color .

  15. 结果表明:在一定范围内,鱼的视觉运动反应随环境照度和水温的升高而增强,随屏幕转速和体长的增加而减弱。

    The result shows that within certain range , the optomotor reaction of fish enhances with rising environmental illumination and water temperature , declines with increasing screen rotation speed and body-length .

  16. 伤后电刺激出现运动反应,肢体虽有暂时的运动障碍,但仍有恢复希望。

    On the contrary , if the response is present , there is a hope of recovery , although motor impairment of the affected li-mb ( s ) will persist for a time .

  17. 方法对某卫生学校40名17~18岁学生进行,现场研究,观察指标为明视持久度、视觉运动反应时、阅字数、错误率、脑力工作能力指数。

    Methods Field study was adopted in forty students in a certain hygienic school , whose age were 17 to 18 . Observational indicators were as follows : visuognosis persistence , visual-motor reflex time , reading number , error ratio , intellective capacity index .

  18. 术前肌电图检查发现25例患者的尺神经传导速度均减慢,平均传导速度为27.97m/s;运动反应波幅降低,平均电压为1.95mv;

    We found that the ulnar nerve conduct velocity decreased ( the average speed was 27.97 m / s ), motional amplitude also decreased ( the average voltage was 1.95 mv ), and latent period prolonged ( the average time was 5.41 ms ) after pre-operative electromyogram .

  19. 结论①中枢命令通过EOPs对IE运动心血管反应产生独立调控作用。

    Conclusion ① Central neuro command has an independent role in regulation of plasma EOPs release and cardiovascular response during isometric exercise .

  20. 结论:中枢IL1β参与调节新奇应激过程中大鼠运动行为反应的中枢调控。

    Conclusion : Central interleukin-1 β plays an important role in modulation of motor behavioral response to novelty stress .

  21. 荧光关联谱(FCS)利用少量分子的荧光涨落获得分子运动和反应信息,是一种探测活细胞内生物过程的有力工具。

    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy ( FCS ) is a powerful tool for probing biological process inside living cells . It measures fluorescence fluctuations of small number of molecules and derive information on molecular kinetics and reactions .

  22. 方法:由颈总动脉放血复制重症失血性休克模型,在37℃恒温箱内用OLYMPUSSH2生物显微镜观察肠系膜淋巴管的运动及其反应;

    Movements and reactions of mesentery lymph microcirculation were observed with OLYMPUS SH 2 biologic microscope in 37 ℃ constant temperature box . The lymph were collected by intubating into chylocyst .

  23. 认为这是由高密度位错(EPD)运动和反应所形成的小角度晶界的集合群。

    It is assumed that the cell structures are the clusters of small angle grain boundary caused by the movement and interaction of high density of dislocation , and the cell wall is the typical small angle grain boundary .

  24. 对体育运动中反应时的探讨与研究

    Study And Research On Exercise To The Inside Respond Hour The Athletics

  25. 电刺激等长收缩运动心血管反应与肌群质量的关系

    Relationship of Cardiovascular Responses and Muscle Mass in Faradism Induced Isometric Exercise

  26. 给10例震颤患者进行了459次微电刺激,有38个位点发生运动诱发反应,驱使震颤减轻。

    59 microstimulations were done in 10 patients with tremor .

  27. 不同免疫功能对有氧运动的反应

    The Effects of Different Immunity Functions on Aerobic Exercise

  28. 论知识分子对1930年代行政效率运动的反应

    The Intellectual Discussed Administrative Efficiency Movement Response in 1930

  29. 影响正常人和心肌梗塞患者等长收缩运动心血管反应的主要因素

    Factors influencing cardiovascular responses to isometric exercise in

  30. 线性体系在空间相关地面运动下反应谱矩的分析

    Analysis of Spectral Moments for the Response of Linear Systems under Space-interrelated Ground Motion Model