
yùn chóu xué
  • operations research;operational research;opsearch;operations analysis
运筹学 [yùn chóu xué]
  • [operations research] 运筹学是本世纪40年代开始形成的一门学科。主要研究经济活动与军事活动中能用数量来表达的有关运用、筹划与管理等方面的问题。它根据问题的要求,通过数学的分析与运算,作出综合性的合理安排,以达到较经济、较有效地使用人力物力,主要分支包括:规划论、对策论、排队论、质量控制等

运筹学[yùn chóu xué]
  1. 试论吴文俊与中国运筹学及数量经济学的渊源

    Wu Wen-tsun and Origin of Chinese Operations Research and Quantitative Economics

  2. 向量均衡问题是向量优化、向量变分不等式的自然延伸,是运筹学的重要组成部分。

    Vector equilibrium problems , which is a natural extension of vector optimization and vector variational inequality , compose an important part of operations research .

  3. 运筹学是一门新兴的学科。

    Operational research is a newly emerging subject .

  4. 一种基于VB和Matlab开发运筹学软件的方法

    A Method of Developing or Software Based on Visual Basic and Matlab

  5. 运筹学CAI系统的开发研究

    The Development and Study of CAI in Operations Research

  6. 系统方法与原理。在此基础上讨论了测绘运筹学与GIS的关系及在GIS工程建设中的应用。

    Based on above introduction , the relationship between S / M OR and GIS , and its applications to GIS project construction are discussed .

  7. 如果我们了解一些基本的运筹学理论,就可以构建simplex场景并将之提取出来。

    If you know some operation research theory , build the simplex tableau and check it out .

  8. 从模型的形式上看,该模型属于运筹学领域中的非线性0-1整数规划问题,在理论界属于NP-Hard问题,求解起来很困难。

    The model is formulated as a non-linear integer-programming problem .

  9. 调查研究了运筹学(OR)模型及其方法在工业工程(IE)的应用情况。

    This paper investigates the possible uses of operations research ( OR ) models and its techniques in industrial engineering ( IE ) .

  10. 本文中的核心技术思想是以运筹学理论与方法为基础而构建的,在系统设计的过程中大量的运用了0-1规划,ColumnGeneration(按列归纳模型)等具体问题解决方法。

    The core content of the article is base on the conception and methods of the theory of operation research , such like zero-one planning , column generation and some other direct solutions .

  11. 优化建模软件LINGO在运筹学中的应用

    The application of model construction software-LINGO in operational research

  12. GNULinearProgrammingKit(GLPK)是一个使用了众所周知的运筹学算法来解决线性问题的程序库。

    The GNU Linear Programming Kit ( GLPK ) is a library of routines that use well-known operations research algorithms to solve linear problems .

  13. 动态武器目标分配(weapontargetassignment,WTA)问题是军事运筹学研究的重要理论问题,也是作战指挥决策中迫切需要解决的现实问题。

    Dynamic weapon target assignment ( WTA ) is an important theoretical problem for military operation research and a challenging practical concern in the process of combat command .

  14. 时间表问题是运筹学领域和系统工程领域中的典型组合优化问题,是由于事件对时间和空间的资源争夺而产生的,属于NP完全类问题。

    Timetable problem is a typical problem of combined optimization in the fields of operational research and systems engineering , which belongs to NP problem .

  15. 本文研究的最终目的是利用运筹学中的DEA方法在教育效益评价领域的适用性,并密切结合网络课程教育的特殊性,运用该方法对网络课程教育投入产出综合效益进行量化评估。

    According to the applicability of DEA method used in the educational field , this article aims at evaluating on the integrative benefit of E-learning course quantitatively .

  16. 本文对近年来兴起并迅速发展的客户关系管理(CRM)与客户服务中心(CallCenter)的理念、价值与方法,以及运筹学在此领域中的应用作了综述。

    This paper introduces the ideas , values and methods of customer relationship management ( CRM ) and call center , which are developing rapidly in recent years , and summarizes the applications of operations research in this field .

  17. 我们所采用的设施区位模型都是通过把经典运筹学模型与GIS的空间数据模型整合得到。

    In the test , the facility 's coordinate are convergent gradually , so we get the best location . We use the classical operational research models and introduce the GIS spatial data models into the operation research models .

  18. 在n阶方阵求逆的方法上,研究了三类特殊矩阵逆的求法,不仅丰富了矩阵逆理论的内容,而且方便了矩阵论在运筹学、控制论以及工程领域中的应用。

    The paper studies three different ways of getting the inverse matrix , which not only enriches inverse matrix theory , but also simplifies matrix theory in the applications of operational research , as well as in the cybernetics and engineering fields .

  19. VRP问题是运筹学的一个重要分支,是组合优化的一个NP难题,在日常生活中应用广泛。

    Vehicle routing Problem is an important branch of operation research , is an NP hard problem of combinatorial optimization , It is commonly useful in daily life .

  20. 介绍了FMS中的(广义的)运筹学方法,说明了FMS研究中运筹学方法的重要性。

    This paper is an expository article on the ( generalized ) operational research method in FMS , explaining the key role of operational research method in the investigation of FMS .

  21. 介绍一个基于运筹学模型技术的集成生产计划优化模型以克服原MRPII模型的不足。

    In this paper , an OR based production optimization model is introduced to overcome the weakness of MRPII .

  22. 数据包络分析(DEA)是以相对效率概念为基础发展起来的一种崭新的效率评价方法,已成为运筹学的一个新的研究领域。

    The Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) is one kind of completely new effectiveness evaluating means developed on the basis of relative effectiveness , and has become a new field in the operational research .

  23. 而且由于智能控制融合了人工智能(AI)、自动控制(AC)、运筹学(OR)等多种学科知识的一门新兴交叉学科,有着及其广阔的应用前景。

    Because of the intelligent control integration of Artificial Intelligence 、 Automatic control 、 Operations research 、 Computer science and so on , which is a variety of subject knowledge of a new interdisciplinary , have broad application prospects .

  24. 关于列车运行调整(TOA)的优化模型和算法,国内外专家学者提出的具有代表性的主要算法可分为仿真方法、运筹学方法和人工智能方法。

    There are three representative categories of optimizing model and algorithms for Train Operation ( Adjustment ) ( TOA ), simulation means , operational method and artificial intelligence ways .

  25. PSO算法概念简单、实现容易、参数较少、收敛速度较快,已在图象处理、模式识别、运筹学等众多领域得到广泛的应用。

    PSO has been widely applied in image processing , pattern recognition , operational research and so on due to its simple concept , simplicity of implementation , less parameters to control and rapid convergence speed .

  26. 对最新运筹学实用软件系统GAMS作了简单介绍,描述了GAMS系统中模型的建立及求解过程。

    The model formulation and calculation procedure of the advanced operational research software named General Algebraic Modeling System ( GAMS ) is described .

  27. 排课问题实际上是时间表优化的问题,由于其超大的求解规模和众多的约束条件,是运筹学领域和计算机领域一直致力寻求解决但没有得到解决的NP难解问题。

    Timetable problem with large scale and numerous constraints is a NP-hard problem which many ( researchers ) in the operational research and computer fields have been dedicated to resolve but have not found a best solution .

  28. 运筹学的计划评审技术(PERT)为工作流技术提供了理论基础,网络队列系统(NQS)为实现工作流提供一种技术平台。

    The PERT of operational research provides the theory foundation for the workflow technology . The NQS offers a technology foundation for realizing workflow .

  29. 本项研究是仿真技术、运筹学及组合优化等学科理论和方法的交叉与渗透,为求解车辆路径问题这一NP-hard问题进行了有益的探索。

    The research in this paper has promoted the interaction and inosculation among Simulation Technology , Optimization and Combinatorial Optimization . It is beneficial to the exploration for solving vehicle routing problem which is NP-hard .

  30. 在研究控制策略的基础上,将运筹学方法、排队网理论、Petri网以及遗传算法和计算机仿真技术作为工具应用于精益生产控制策略的研究中,进一步发展了现代控制策略的研究理论和方法。

    On the basis of studying theory development of control policy of lean manufacture systems , the dissertation further exploits modern control theory and method by using OR ( operations research ), queuing network , petri net , GA ( genetic algorithm ), and simulation technology .