
  • 网络speed;Run speed;Operating speed;Running speed;Circulate speed
  1. 最新的计算机能达到极高的运行速度。

    The latest computers can work at a blindingly fast speed .

  2. 这些检查指令减慢了Java程序的运行速度。

    These checks slow down the speed of Java programs .

  3. 在很多情况下,Java代码的运行速度显著提升。

    In many cases , Java code runs significantly faster .

  4. 如何提高CPU的运行速度是当前的一个热门课题。

    How to improve the CPU speed is currently a hot topic .

  5. Windows系列操作系统运行速度变慢的原因及解决方法

    The Causes for the Slowing Down of Operating Speed of Series Windows Operating Systems and the Solutions

  6. NETXML技术的应用方便地实现了ERP中某些小数据量存储的功能,提高了系统的运行速度和性能。

    NET XML the function of small storage is realized , which make ERP system run fast and efficiently .

  7. 该恢复不会影响或降低生产数据库运行速度或者占用CPU资源。

    The recovery does not interfere with or slow down production databases or CPU resources .

  8. 用CPLD提高解码系统的运行速度

    Orbit Speed of Improving the Decoding System by Using CPLD

  9. FoxproW下提高应用系统运行速度的方法

    Methods of improving application system running speed for Foxpro W

  10. JSP与ASP.NET运行速度的比较与分析

    Analysing and Comparing the Running Rate of JSP and ASP

  11. NET使用编译的、事件驱动编程模型从而提高运行速度和分离应用程序逻辑和用户界面。

    NET pages use a compiled , event-driven programming model that improves performance and enables the separation of application logic and user interface .

  12. 为了进一步提高列车运行速度和线路运营效率,基于通讯的列车控制系统(CommunicationBasedTrainControlSystem,CBTC)成为城市轨道交通的主要发展趋势。

    As to improve the train speed and line operational efficiency , Communication-Based Train Control system ( CBTC ) has been the main development tendency of urban rail transit .

  13. 应用剪除理论实现多级CIC滤波器,进一步提高了硬件效率和运行速度;

    Apply truncation theory and design multi-stage CIC filters with higher efficiency .

  14. 在这篇文章里,我收集和整理了所有的这些方法,用来在运行速度和内存占用方面对C代码进行优化。

    In this article , I have gathered all the experiences and information , which can be applied to make a C code optimized for speed as well as memory .

  15. 协议采用数字签名和对称加密机制,以保证协议在使用事件ID号的情况下的运行速度。

    The running rate is guaranteed by using digital signature and symmetry encryption in the case of employing the ID event number .

  16. Vista运行速度较慢,而且充斥很多恼人的提示窗口。

    Vista is slow and filled with annoying nag screens .

  17. 基于GPC的电梯运行速度控制

    Elevator Move Speed Control Based on GPC

  18. 本文利用VISUALBASIC6.0,考虑驾驶员在实际操作中的换档原则,编制了运行速度预测程序,并利用程序对某路段进行了公路线形的连续性分析。

    This paper adopts Visual Basic 6.0 , compiles predicting model of operating speed and analyzes the consistency of a section of a highway , considering the shifting of practicing car .

  19. 从预测过程和结果分析,基于BP神经网络城市供水管网预测方法操作简单,运行速度快,误差修正方便,精度高。

    Simulation result show the prediction method based on BP neural networks have simplicity of operation , speed rapidness , convenience of modifying errors , high precision .

  20. 介绍了WindowsXP操作系统中一些应用技巧,对提高计算机的整体运行速度和工作稳定性有很大帮助。

    The paper introduces some skills in Windows XP , which will be very helpful to improve the overall computer speed and stability .

  21. 高速磁悬浮铁路的运行速度被设计为400~500km/h。

    Running speed of maglev railway is designed at 400 ~ 500km . p. h.

  22. 本文在对电梯现有的几种运行速度控制系统分析的基础上,提出了一种新的ADCM(AbsoluteDistanceControlModel)电梯速度控制系统,该系统大大优化了电梯速度控制的性能。

    Based on the analysis of the several lift running control systems , the thesis carries out a new ADCM ( Absolute Distance Control Model ) running control system for lift .

  23. 我国自主研制开发的准高速机车,在运行速度提高到200km/h后,横向动力学性能普遍变差。

    The locomotive developed independence by China always has relatively low lateral dynamic performance when it 's circulate speed advances to 200km / h.

  24. 温度升高会使计算机运行速度下降,有时会使计算机出现死机甚至芯片烧毁等,解决CPU散热问题非常迫切。

    High temperature will speed the computer down and sometimes the computer will crash or chip burning , etc. It is very urgent to solve the CPU heat problem .

  25. 一般情况下,在Fire上的阅读体验与基于电子墨水的最新款Kindle同样流畅,但是新型处理器使运行速度要更快些。

    The reading experience is usually as fluid as the latest crop of e-ink-based Kindle devices , but things hum along a little faster thanks to that processor .

  26. 用高性能的数字信号处理器(DSP)代替单片机,可提高机床数控系统的运行速度,满足高速和高精度控制的要求。

    The microchip computer is replaced by the high performance DSP , with which the speed of economic CNC system is improved ; the needs of high-speed and high-precision control can be satisfied .

  27. 我在过去一年一直在使用1代iPad,相比之下,iPad2样机的网页下载速度和整体运行速度都快得多。

    . after using the original iPad over the last year , our iPad 2 Demo revealed significantly faster webpage loading speeds and overall performance .

  28. 在图像处理程序的编写上,API更突出了它的实用性,调用API可以节省系统资源,提高程序的运行速度,还可以解决用普通VISUAL程序不能解决的具体问题。

    As for image programming , API can save system resources , further more promotes program 's running speed . It can also solve the problems that can 't be done by common VISUAL programs .

  29. 采用JNI技术将繁琐的数据计算交给本地方法处理,提高系统运行速度;

    Using JNI to make the native methods responsible for the complex computing , thus enhance the computing speed ;

  30. 该算法在SUSAN算法的基础上采用阈值自适应提取和角点的快速检测,避免了人工设置阈值的麻烦,提高了算法的运行速度。

    On the basis of SUSAN algorithm this algorithm used adaptive threshold extraction and quick corner detection , succeed in avoiding manual setting threshold and improving the running speed .