
  • 网络transportation economy;Transport Economies;transportation economics
  1. 利用GIS技术手段,运用分形分维、灰色关联度、运输经济弹性系数和数据包络分析等方法定量研究环长株潭城市群内部公路交通网络与区域宏观经济发展的关系。

    This dissertation applies the GIS Technology , Fractal Dimension , Grey Correlation Analysis , Transportation Economics Elasticity , and Data Development Analysis to do a research on the relationship between highway traffic network and the macroeconomic development in the Ring of Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration .

  2. 运用航空运输经济原理,探讨了飞机在寿命周期内经济性变化。

    According to the principle of air transportation economics , a study is conducted on the economic variations of aircraft at each stage during its life cycle And on this basis .

  3. GIS与运输经济统计结合可进行运量模拟、分析、预测和规划。

    Combining GIS and transportation economic statistics , we can simulate , analyse and predict transportation flow .

  4. 集装箱江海直达运输经济性分析

    The Economic Analysis of Direct Container Transports Between River and Sea

  5. 铁路运输经济效益审计的若干问题

    Some Issues about Efficiency and Effectiveness Audit for Railway Transportation in China

  6. 南沙港区集装箱运输经济合理性分析

    Economic Rationality Analysis of Container Transport in Nansha Port Area

  7. 内河运输经济与管理的研究也是薄弱环节。

    The studies on IWT economy and management are still under poor condition .

  8. 运输经济组织理论的探索与发展

    Exploring and Developing the Theory of Transportation Economic Organization

  9. 铁路运输经济安全是国民经济安全的基础。

    Security in railway transportation economy is the foundation of national economy security .

  10. 城市地下铁道运输经济若干问题的探讨

    Study on Several Transport Economy Problems of Urban Subway

  11. 从成渝路看高等级公路对区域运输经济的影响

    Regional Transportation Economy Influenced by the High Level Roads

  12. 建立了单船运输经济性测算模型。

    The model of the economics evaluation for a single vessel is established .

  13. 森工企业木材运输经济效益评估

    The evaluation of economic efficiencies of wood transportation

  14. 铁路运输经济预警系统的研究

    Study on Alert System of Railway Transportation Economy

  15. 运输经济效益的评价

    Transport economic benefit evaluation

  16. 船运木材货物的注意事项集装箱江海直达运输经济性分析

    Guidelines for carrying timber cargo by sea The Economic Analysis of Direct Container Transports Between River and Sea

  17. 为了准确的对通道进行命名和分析,必须划分运输经济区。

    The division of transportation regions nationwide should go in front of the identification and analysis of transport corridor .

  18. 近年来远东铁路运输经济效益较低,面临着许多困难。

    In recent years , the Far East railway transportation has remained a lower economic benefit and faced many difficulties .

  19. 根据相关统计资料,定量分析了广州地铁运营生产函数模型,揭示了劳动力、资金及科技进步在城市轨道交通运输经济增长中各自的作用。

    According to the relevant statistic data of Guangzhou Metro , a quantitative analysis of its production function model is made .

  20. 城市交通网络与城市空间结构之间的关系是运输经济与区域经济研究中的一个经久不衰的问题。

    The relationship between urban transport network and urban spatial structure is an unfailing problem in transport economics and regional economic research .

  21. 要完善社会主义市场经济体制,就必须加快运输经济的发展。而公路客运市场,在运输经济中又占有突出的地位。

    We must develop the transportation economy quickly to perfect socialism market economy system , while highway passenger transportation market occupy the outstanding position .

  22. 第四章到第六章分别论述了含有不确定性因素的船舶运输经济效益评估方法与应用。

    For the fourth to the sixth chapter , the evaluation methods and applications of ship transport economic benefits that have uncertain factors are debated .

  23. 建立综合运用现代科技手段的运输经济预警系统,对调控铁路运输和引导铁路运输业安全、健康发展十分重要。

    The alert system of railway transportation economy based on comprehensive modern science and technology is significant in adjusting and leading the security of railway transportation .

  24. 通过对成渝高速公路建成通车后给当地运输经济的发展带来的一系列积极作用的分析,阐述了高速公路的建设对区域经济和道路运输业发展的深远影响。

    Through the analyses of the completed Chengdu-Chongqing expressway which has brought on the regional transportation economy discussion is made on the construction effectiveness of the expressways .

  25. 引用70~80年代现代经济学对运输经济问题的研究成果,分析公路服务市场需求和公路使用者的决策行为。

    Based on making use of economic research accomplishments in the field of transportation , the demand for road service and the behavior of road user is studied .

  26. 然而,由于调机运用过程中存在的问题,导致列车旅行时间延长,使得铁路运输经济效益降低的情况仍然存在,因此有必要对调机运用组织方式进行一定的研究,以期提出改进优化建议。

    However , due to the problem in the shunting locomotive using process , railway transport economic benefit reduction still exists because of the prolonging of train travel .

  27. 在货车轴重不断增大的条件下,展开车轮磨耗的研究工作对于如何减轻轮轨磨耗和提高运输经济效益具有重要的指导意义。

    With the increasing axle load of freight car , the researches on how to decrease wheel / rail wear and increase transportation economic benefits have important guiding significance .

  28. 目前,国际货运代理行业在世界范围内迅速发展,货运代理人队伍不断壮大,并已成为促进国际经济贸易发展,繁荣运输经济,满足货物运输关系人服务需求的一支重要力量。

    As the global economic-cooperation increase largely , the international transportation agent industry has grown rapidly and now already became a mainstream of the international trade and transportation economic services .

  29. 详细的分析了美国管道运输经济监管的发展,当前监管以及监管措施的经济学角度分析。

    The article conduct detailed analysis of the development of the economic regulation of pipeline transportation in the United States , the economic point of view of the current regulatory and regulatory measures in this paragraph .

  30. 定性方面,运用VAR模型对南京市交通运输与经济发展的关系进行了研究。

    For qualitative analysis , the relationship between traffic volume and economy development in Nanjing city is analyzed based on VAR model .