
  • 网络redelivery;Redelivery of vessel
  1. 就随后的四次通知采用的“精确”(与此相对应的是“大致”)的还船日期。

    There was further provision for four notices of " definite "( as opposed to " approximate ") redelivery date .

  2. 交船前和还船前双方各自委派检验师检验。

    Prior to delivery and redelivery of the Vessel the parties shall each appoint surveyors .

  3. 交船的时间及交船时船舶应具备的状况,还船时出租人在遭遇船舶损坏时如何用还船状况条款和装卸损坏条款来保护自己的利益等。

    Time and condition of the ship when delivery ; how to protect owner 's benefit if damages occurred on the ship when redelivery .

  4. 法官同时反对,租约有默示承租人有义务不能做任何违反第一次通知还船日期行为的效力。

    He also rejected the contention that a term should be implied into the charter that the charterer was obliged not to do anything deliberately which prevented the date of the first notice being met .

  5. 本文还对船偏航驶进、驶出船厢的问题作了计算。

    A special situation of leeway ship moving is also concerned and calculated .

  6. 本文不仅建立了整个船用同步发电机系统的仿真模型,还对船用同步发电机的电气参数进行了辨识,并运用算例验证了辨识结果。

    By the model , marine synchronous generator electrical parameters are identified , and the results of identification are verified .

  7. 船舶所需泊位长度的大小不仅与船型有关,还与船帕的的驶靠方式密切关。

    Not only the ships need the berth length the size with the body form related , but also with ships drives depends on the way to make unites .

  8. 正因为它是整条锚链的最后一环,一般根本受不到力,因为总有一部分链条还留在船上。

    Because it 's the very last link , under normal circumstances it never gets played out at all ; you always want to have some chain left on the ship .

  9. 还不清楚船舵是如何断裂的。

    It was not yet clear how the rudder had sheared off

  10. 文中还对该船模的形状因子(1+K)、佛鲁德数(Fr)以及破水阻力(R)进行了不确定度分析,并给出了分析的结果。

    At the same time , the uncertainty analysis of the form factor ( 1 + k ), Froude number Fr and the break water resistance of this ship model is also analyzed and the analysis results are given .

  11. 船员还可在船上做饭、实现通信交流。

    Cooking and all-important communications will be also carried out there .

  12. 没有经验的水手,还不习惯船上的颠簸。

    The inexperienced sailor has not so far got his sea legs .

  13. 我还记得整个船上的人都泄了气。

    ED : I remember the pall that came over the ship .

  14. 目前该船厂还没有集装箱船的订单。

    It has no containerships on its books currently .

  15. 先古吴人还曾把船作为死者的安葬之所。

    Ancient people in this area even resorted to boats as the resting place for the dead .

  16. 此外,文章还对实船相似设计的合理性进行了讨论。

    In addition , the rationality of the design method of the hovercraft based on similarity is discussed .

  17. 你或许还期望(船的)尾流要比四周的水更汹涌吧?

    Male : You might expect a ship 's wake to be more agitated than the surrounding water .

  18. 有时候,人们会忘记自己身后还拉着船。后来,乔治给我们讲了一段故事,说的就是这事

    Sometimes people forget that they are towing a boat , and later , George told us a story about this

  19. 目前还不清楚船下沉的原因,没有收到遇险信号,该中心表示。

    It was not known what caused the ship to sink and no distress call had been made , the center said .

  20. 随着夜幕降临,你还可以在船上欣赏来自世界各地艺人呈现的精彩歌舞表演。

    As the day comes to an end , enjoy the spectacular show onboard with singers and dancers from all around the world .

  21. 在以前的训练期中,他们对付过蛇,练习过夜间模拟作战方式沙滩登陆,还扛着船爬山。

    At past sessions , they have handled snakes , practiced night time combat - style beach landings and run up mountains while carrying boats .

  22. 本文还介绍了船用燃油辅锅炉的软件开发过程、实现的功能等。

    This thesis also introduces the function of the marine fuel boiler simulation system and how to design its software by employing Visual Basic and MCGS .

  23. 他只乘过一次船(而且只乘到怀特岛①),还晕了船,闹得可惨呢。

    He had only once been in a ship ( and then only as far as the Isle of Wight ) and had been horribly seasick .

  24. 它将会介绍广场和码头的使用规则,并且还包括可用船的高度和大小等规格。

    This will introduce rules for utilization of the Esplanade and piers and also include specifications such as the size and height of boats that can be used .

  25. 43岁的皮克还没有掌控船对岸拨号的技巧,是因为他最近才到达国际空间站,这一点应该原谅他。

    Mr. Peake , 43 , should probably be forgiven for his lack of mastery of ship-to-shore dialing , because he is a recent arrival to the International Space Station .

  26. 还得到了船行波的速度场,速度在跨过临界边时连续变化,在临界边的外侧,色散关系虽然没有实数解,因而没有波动,但是仍存在扰动。

    The velocity fields are also obtained . The velocity changes continuously on the critical lines . At the outside of the critical lines , the dispersive relation has no real solution , but the disturbances still exist . 2 .

  27. 这份急件称这艘渔船入侵朝鲜独有的经济水域,“侵犯了该国的主权,是不可容忍的。”报道还称,船上的4名韩国人和3名中国人承认侵犯了朝鲜领海,并保证以后绝不再犯。

    The dispatch calls the boat 's alleged into the North 's economic zone " an infringement upon the sovereignty " of the country . It says the crew - four South Koreans and three Chinese - admitted to the violation and pledged to never repeat it .

  28. 我们还看到太阳位于船的后面,但事实上,船是朝着日落的方向行进的。

    We also see the sun setting behind the ship , but in fact , the ship travelled towards the sunset .

  29. 有的还未厌倦那船一样的徐徐的划行。

    Some had not yet wearied of their gentle boat-like paddling .

  30. 我们还乘坐了海盗船。

    We also got to ride on a pirate ship .