
  • Dior;Christian Dior;Dior Homme
  1. 之前她是迪奥(ChristianDior)的副总经理。

    previously she was deputy managing director at Christian Dior .

  2. 托莱达诺在迪奥取得的首次巨大成功就是LadyDior包。

    Mr Toledano 's first great success at Dior was the Lady Dior bag .

  3. 加入我们的行列,穿越历史悠久的普雷西迪奥区。

    Join us for a ride through the historical Presidio district .

  4. 此外,她最新推出的2016年春夏时装展上的掐腰夹克、修身大摆夏季外套和曲线优雅的裙装,与迪奥战后一直推行的“新风貌”(NewLook)时尚风格可以说异曲同工。

    Moreover , her most recent show , for SS16 , with its nipped waist jackets , fit-and-flare summer coats and modest , shapely silhouettes , suggested a quiet affinity with Christian Dior 's postwar New Look .

  5. 今年劳伦斯依然获得了1800万美元的收入,这从很大程度上是因为她即将出演下一部《X战警》电影以及她与迪奥公司签署的报酬丰厚的代言合同。

    Lawrence still managed to rake in $ 18million this year , thanks in large part to her upcoming role in the next X-men flick as well as a lucrative Dior contract .

  6. 其他的赢家包括蔻驰(Coach),爱马仕(Hermès)和古驰(Gucci),而迪奥(Dior)和阿玛尼(Armani)的市场份额下降了。

    Other winners include Coach , Herm è s and Gucci , while Dior and Armani lost share .

  7. 戴尔芬去年被任命为路易威登的执行副总裁;之前她是迪奥(ChristianDior)的副总经理。

    Delphine was named executive vice president of Louis Vuitton last year ; previously she was deputy managing director at Christian Dior .

  8. 于是我换上了这身行头,一双赫尔穆特•朗的高级皮鞋,一条起皱的Lee牌牛仔裤,一件迪奥的风衣。

    I put on a pair of nice Helmut Lang shoes , I put on a crisp pair of Lee jeans , I put on my Christian Dior storm coat .

  9. 它始于2011年的一个名为开放日(OpenDays)的活动——迪奥(Dior)和唐培里侬(DomPérignon)等25个品牌把通常关闭的工作室向公众开放。

    It began with an initiative called Open Days in 2011 , in which 25 brands as varied as Dior and Dom P é rignon threw open their normally closed ateliers to the public .

  10. 迪奥(Dior)本来可以仿制,但埃米利奥每种设计都有10个尺码和10种颜色。

    Dior could have repetitions made , but Emilio had 10 sizes and 10 colors of one design .

  11. 德菲尔娜•阿尔诺是一名伦敦经济学院的毕业生,现为法国迪奥(Dior)集团的副总经理。

    Arnault , a London School of economics graduate , is deputy managing director at elite clothier Dior .

  12. 该公司的交互式零售柜台(interactiveretailstand)采用动作感应屏幕,向顾客介绍他们拿到的商品,动作传感器再将顾客与机器交互产生的信息反馈给商家。迪奥(Dior)和阿玛尼(Armani)已经采用了他们的柜台来展示香水。

    The start-up 's interactive retail stands - which have been used for fragrances by Dior and Armani - use motion-activated screens to tell customers about the products they pick up .

  13. 在截至9月底的三个月中,迪奥女装(ChristianDiorCouture)营收4.71亿欧元,有机增长率为5%;

    In the three months to the end of September , revenues at Christian Dior Couture rose 5 per cent in organic terms to 471m .

  14. 举办自己的首个迪奥成衣展时,他穿的是奥地利设计师赫尔穆特·朗(HelmutLang)设计的饰有红色条纹、复古风格的牛仔夹克。

    For his first Christian Dior ready-to-wear show he wore a vintage denim jacket with red stripes by Austrian designer Helmut Lang.

  15. 没有向记者透露名字的穆小姐近几个月来陆续买了一部iPhone,一台联想(Lenovo)笔记本电脑和多款迪奥(Dior)化妆品。

    In recent months Ms. Mu , who didn 't give her first name , has splurged on an iPhone , a Lenovo laptop and Dior cosmetics .

  16. 包括路威酩轩(LouisVuitton)、香奈儿(Chanel)以及迪奥(Dior)在内的更多高级时尚品牌如今都成立了自己的珠宝分部,并与不少名人签订了合同。

    More haute couture brands , such as Louis Vuitton , Chanel and Dior , now have their own jewellery divisions and celebrity contracts .

  17. 一件1952年的迪奥(Dior)花纹点缀礼服与克里斯托弗•凯恩(ChristopherKane)2014年推出的“花瓣”系列时装并肩而立。

    a 1952 Dior couture dress with floral embellishment next to a piece from Christopher Kane 's botanical " petal " collection from 2014 .

  18. 在桥的左岸,迪奥(Dior)的一名摄影师在给一名穿着浅橙色连衣裙的女人拍照。

    On the Left Bank side of the bridge , a photographer for Dior photographed a woman wearing a salmon-colored dress .

  19. 今年的迪奥男装(DiorHomme)胜过以往,算是创意总监克里斯•万艾思(KrisVanAssche)的巅峰之作。

    Dior Homme was better than usual , one of creative director Kris Van Assche 's best at the brand .

  20. 例如,它们提供的选择包括迪奥桀傲运动香水(DiorHommeSport)和Prada的Infusiond'Homme,这两款香水均于今年推出。

    The choice on offer , for example , includes Dior Homme Sport and Prada 's Infusion d'Homme – both of which were launched this year .

  21. 一件给新生儿穿的博柏利(Burberry)经典格纹外套零售价为110英镑,而一件迪奥(Dior)夹层夹克售价则将近400英镑。

    A classic Burberry check dress for a newborn retails at · 110 while a Dior padded jacket goes for almost · 400 .

  22. 佩珀代因大学格拉齐亚迪奥工商管理学院(GraziadioSchoolofBusinessandManagementatPepperdineUniversity)推出的E2B(education-to-business)学以致用夏季项目已经满额,秋季项目满额率也已达到90%。

    Slots for the E2B education-to-business program at Graziadio School of Business and Management at Pepperdine University , for example , are full for the summer and 90 % full for the fall .

  23. HelloKitty将展示时装设计师约翰?加利亚诺设计的“迪奥”最新秋冬装系列,杂志还将刊登HelloKitty与设计师的合影以及她在巴黎尽情采购的情景。

    The fashion spread will show Kitty modeling the latest autumn and winter designs by John Galliano for the Dior brand , posing with the designer and enjoying a shopping spree in Paris .

  24. 但他担任创意总监这几年成绩喜人,也会永远记刻在1946年创立于巴黎蒙田大道30号(30AvenueMontaigne)的迪奥的历史功勋簿上。

    His tenure was successful , a fact that will not be lost on the fashion house founded at Paris 's 30 Avenue Montaigne in 1946 .

  25. 新普雷西迪奥风景公路(PresidioParkway)是一条拟建的连接旧金山市和金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)的六车道收费公路,一些私人投资者团体正在考虑这个项目。

    The Presidio Parkway , a six-lane toll road that will connect the city of San Francisco to the Golden Gate Bridge , is one project that some private investor groups are considering .

  26. 2014年出任罗意威(Loewe)创意总监的J∠圠褠德森(JWAnderson)也是路威酩轩的麾下大将,可能脱颖而出接任迪奥创意总监。

    Anderson , who was appointed creative head of Loewe in 2014 , is another member of the LVMH stable who could be in the running .

  27. 让他们满意的是,迪奥以为富人和有权势的人制作婚礼服装闻名,设计师约翰•加里亚诺(JohnGalliano)崇尚性感、斜体剪裁的服装。

    In their favour , Dior has a reputation for making wedding dresses for the rich and powerful , and designer John Galliano is czar of the sexy , bias-cut gown .

  28. 潮男潮女届时定会蜂拥至各时尚门店,抢购迪奥(Dior)饰有长颈鹿图纹的乙烯基塑料长靴、高田贤三(Kenzo)的霓虹色豹纹装以及路易威登(LouisVuitton)的豹纹及皮草珍品。

    Game-hunters will be stalking the shops for Dior 's vinyl giraffe boots , the neon cheetah prints at Kenzo , and Louis Vuitton 's leopard and leather prizes .

  29. 在宽肩盛行的80年代,Giorgio和迪奥(ChristianDior)的“毒药”(Poison)等香水用浓郁的香氛大声地表达,而就在那之前几年,1978年的Nuance广告则告诉女人,香水不应该太强烈或者太夸张。

    a few years before the big-shouldered 1980s fragrances such as Giorgio and Christian Dior 's Poison shouted their messages , women were told their perfume shouldn 't be too strong or loud . '

  30. 西蒙斯2012年出任迪奥创意总监,当时正逢其前任创意总监约翰加里亚诺(JohnGalliano)因在巴黎某酒吧酒后失态大放种族歧视厥词而遭解聘、从而掀起轩然大波之际。

    Appointed in 2012 , Mr Simons arrived at Dior amid the chaos of John Galliano 's dismissal after the celebrated designer was filmed embarking on an alcohol-fuelled racist outburst in a Paris bar .