
  • 网络Dell;Dell Computer;Dell Inc
  1. 然后,由伊坎掌控的戴尔公司可以轻松弥补它每股13美分的差价,甚至还能获得一些回报。

    Then an icahn-controlled Dell would easily make up that 13 cent per share difference , and then some .

  2. 戴尔公司PC精益六西格玛组装项目实施研究

    The Research about Implement of PC Lean Six Sigma Assembly Project in Dell

  3. IBM正在努力通过成为戴尔公司的主要零件供应商来分享戴尔的成功果实。

    IBM is trying to share Dell 's success by becoming a major component supplier to the company .

  4. 因此,戴尔公司从外部聘请了波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup,BCG),来为它提供财务预测。

    So it hired an outside party , Boston Consulting Group , to provide an alternate financial forecast .

  5. 就连戴尔公司创始人戴尔(MichaelDell)昨天也没有将PC销售的疲软归因于平板电脑。

    Even Dell founder Michael Dell yesterday didn 't scapegoat the tablet computer for weak PC sales .

  6. 戴尔公司股东已经批准了一项协议,将该公司出售给创始人迈克尔·戴尔及私募股权投资公司SilverLakePartners。

    Dell shareholders have approved a deal to sell the company to its founder Michael Dell and private-equity firm Silver Lake Partners .

  7. 昨天我一直在研究戴尔公司(Dell)最近的竞购案(还能有其他事吗?)

    I spent much of yesterday working on Dell ( what else ? )

  8. 私募股权投资公司银湖资本(SilverLakePartners)在以250多亿美元的价格对戴尔公司(DellInc.)实施私有化收购之后,未来会如何出售戴尔公司呢?

    How would Silver Lake Partners sell Dell Inc. after taking it private for upwards of $ 25 billion ?

  9. 迄今为止还没有哪个买家获得确认,不过猜测都指向了惠普公司(HP)和戴尔公司(Dell)。

    No suitors have yet been identified , although speculation has centered on HP and Dell .

  10. 第二部分:戴尔公司OEM产品供应策略。

    In the second chapter , analyzes the tactics for OEM product supply .

  11. 戴尔公司(Dell)总裁迈克尔•戴尔给他发布了什么指令呢?

    His marching orders from CEO Michael Dell ?

  12. 去年10月,戴尔公司创始人迈克尔o戴尔和私募股权投资公司银湖投资集团(SilverLake)完成了备受争议的250亿美元戴尔私有化交易。

    Dell was taken private last October by company founder Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake in a contentious $ 25 billion transaction .

  13. 下个月,戴尔公司的股东就将对公司创始人迈克尔•戴尔和私募股权投资公司银湖(SilverLake)发出的245亿美元收购要约进行投票。

    Included were several requisite barbs at the personal computer market , and why shareholders would be smart to bail before things get even worse .

  14. 让EMC私有化可以让该公司享有和戴尔公司一样的喘息空间。

    Taking EMC private could afford that company the same sort of breathing room Dell has enjoyed .

  15. 根据这些建议,戴尔公司员工福监管部门设定了戴尔股票基金在员工401(k)账户总余额中占据的份额最高不超过20%的限制。

    Based on the recommendations , the Dell benefits administrators set a limit for the Dell stock fund of 20 percent of a total plan balance .

  16. 而竞争对手如戴尔公司(Dell)和甲骨文公司(Oracle)的招聘人员可能已经在致电惠普员工询问跳槽意向了。

    Recruiters from competitors like Dell ( DELL ) and Oracle ( ORCL ) are already likely making calls .

  17. 他指出,索尼公司(Sony)和戴尔公司(Dell)早在苹果公司推出Air很早以前就推出过超薄的笔记本电脑。

    He points out that Sony ( SNE ) and Dell ( DELL ) both brought out razor-thin notebooks long before Apple launched the air .

  18. 戴尔公司(DellInc.)的主要资产约110亿美元现金大都没有存放在美国国内。

    Dell Inc. has its major asset about $ 11 billion of cash located primarily outside the United States .

  19. 1997年,戴尔公司CEO迈克尔•戴尔曾经说过一番很著名的话。他说如果他是苹果(Apple)公司的CEO,他就会趁早关门,把钱还给股东。

    In1997 , Michael Dell famously declared that if he were CEO of Apple ( AAPL ), he would close shop and return the money to shareholders .

  20. 卡尔•伊坎昨日发布了举债筹资52亿美元竞购戴尔公司(DellInc.)股权的细节。

    Carl Icahn yesterday laid out the details of his $ 5.2 billion in debt financing for Dell Inc. tender offer .

  21. 第三、四和五章采用案例分析方法,对PC产业中的英特尔公司、微软公司和戴尔公司三家主导企业的商务模式模块化创新和演化进行研究分析。

    Chapter 3 , 4 and 5 make case studies to the business model innovations and evolutions of the main corporations in PC industry , such as Intel , Microsoft and Dell .

  22. 去年10月,戴尔公司(Dell)部分员工被迫以9.55美元的价格出售手头持有的部分公司股票。

    Last October , certain Dell employees were forced to sell some of their company stock at just $ 9.55 per share .

  23. 今天我来到实验室对比苹果公司和戴尔公司最近新推出的MacBookAir和Latitude——运行win7的笔记本。

    I 'm here in our labs with the MacBook Air that Apple introduced recently as well as the , a Dell Latitude , typical Windows 7 PC.

  24. 上周他指出发生在戴尔公司(dell)的奇怪之处:戴尔数年来一直不愿把国外的现金转移回国,突然之间态度却缓和了。

    He pointed out last week the curious case of Dell , which has relented in repatriating foreign cash after years of resistance .

  25. PC行业的龙头老大戴尔公司凭借其售价仅为200美元的Axim已成为低价位数码设备市场的最新竞争者。

    PC powerhouse Dell is now the latest contender in low-price digital organizers , with the200-dollar Axim .

  26. iPad迅速激起了三星(Samsung)这类平板电脑厂商投身竞争,也帮助苹果公司在便携式电脑销售总量上超越了戴尔公司(Dell)和惠普公司(HP)。

    The iPad , which quickly met competition from other tablet makers like Samsung , helped Apple pass Dell and HP in total portable computer sales .

  27. 在《LAPTOP》杂志的年度“技术支持评选”活动时,我们曾三次致电戴尔公司的技术支持热线,并得到了“意外惊喜”。

    During LAPTOP 's annual Tech Support Showdown , we made three calls to Dell 's tech support line and got more than we bargained for .

  28. 戴尔公司创始人麦克尔•戴尔(MichaelDell)两年前重新出山,任公司首席执行长,意欲重振这家陷入困境的电脑厂商。

    It comes to market two years after founder Michael Dell returned as chief executive in an attempt to revive the struggling Round Rock , Texas , company .

  29. 上周五,戴尔公司(Dell)发布了股东签署的委托书。委托书详细阐述了首席执行官迈克尔?戴尔和私募基金公司银湖资本(SilverLakePartners)联手开出的总价高达224亿美元的收购要约的出炉过程。

    Dell Inc. ( DELL ) today filed a proxy statement , detailing the process leading up its its $ 24.4 billion buyout proposal from CEO Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake Partners .

  30. 戴尔公司更宏观层面的WeAreDell福利项目就已经包括在全球的分公司向员工提供就地医疗服务、医疗诊所、健身中心及健身办公桌。

    Dell Inc. already offers onsite nurses , health clinics , fitness centers , and treadmill desks globally as part of its larger we are Dell wellness program .