
  1. 一个网友写道:“我们能做个合适凯戴珊大脚趾的鞋子吗?”

    One posted : " Can we get Kim some shoes that fit her big toe plz ? "

  2. 已经有很多年了,人家都说她和金卡戴珊长得很像,他说。

    ' Shana 's been getting that for years . People have always said she looks like her [ Kim ] , ' he said .

  3. 与此同时也引起了西方世界的关注,将其视为“打破互联网”的病毒式基因——就好像金卡戴珊或者一条搞不清颜色的裙子一样。

    It 's been noticed in the West too , with Foreign Policy seeing it as a " break the internet " viral meme - like a certain Kim Kardashian image , or a certain multicoloured dress .

  4. 霉霉最新的这个视频也是备受争议,特别是那个浴室的场景,很多粉丝联想到了金卡戴珊,在去年巴黎被入室抢劫后被捆着留在浴缸里。

    Swift 's latest video is a controversial one , in particular due to the bath scene , which many fans have speculated is a reference to Kim Kardashian , who was tied up and left in a bathtub during a robbery at gunpoint in Paris last year .