
  1. 他表示,如果戴尔私有化,他将推出四大举措:(i)增加公司企业服务集团的研发投入;(ii)增加销售人员;(iii)拓展新兴市场;(iv)为PC和平板电脑业务增加投资。

    He identified four things he would do with a privately-held Dell : ( i ) Increase R & D for the company 's enterprise services group , ( ii ) Hire additional salespeople , ( iii ) Expand in emerging markets , and ( iv ) Invest new money into the PC and tablet business .

  2. 但是笔者认为戴尔私有化并非易事。

    My gut take is that this would be very , very difficult .

  3. 换言之,如果东南资产管理公司将同样数量的股票卖给眼下正打算以每股13.65美元的价格将戴尔公司私有化的迈克尔•戴尔和银湖资本(SilverLakePartners),还能多卖13美分。

    Or , put another way , 13 cents per share less than what Sam could have gotten by selling those same shares to Michael Dell and Silver Lake partners , who are trying to take Dell ( DELL ) private for $ 13.65 per share .

  4. 不过东南资本称,如果戴尔选择私有化,那每股14-15美元也是可以接受的,只要它和其他现在的大股东们有机会再投入一部分股份。

    In private , however , Southeastern said it would be okay with a $ 14 - $ 15 per share bid so long as it and other large existing shareholders were given the opportunity to roll over a portion of shares .

  5. 不过东南资本称,如果戴尔选择私有化,那每股14-15美元也是可以接受的,只要它和其他“现在的大”股东们有机会再投入一部分股份。

    In private , however , Southeastern said it would be okay with a $ 14 - $ 15 per share bid so long as it and other " large existing " shareholders were given the opportunity to roll over a portion of shares .

  6. 戴尔电脑正式私有化。

    It 's official Dell Computer is going private .

  7. 相比之下,现在距离戴尔公司同意私有化才过去了半年。

    In contrast , it only has been six months since Dell agreed to be taken private .

  8. 戴尔正在进行的私有化重组会让它更多地成为服务供应商,而非硬件制造商——这和IBM曾经的做法异曲同工,后者最终在2005年将PC业务转让给了联想。

    Dell is in the midst of a restructuring that will take the company private and make it more of a services firm than a hardware company -- similar to what IBM ( IBM ) did , culminating in the 2005 sale of its PC business to Lenovo .

  9. 就在特别委员会不断施压要求更高出价时,迈克尔?戴尔却提出了私有化的请求。

    As the special committee kept pressing for a higher price , Michael Dell kept making his case for going private .

  10. 戴尔周一表示,私有化将让该公司获得执行其转型计划复苏所需的“时间、投资和耐心”。

    Mr Dell said on Monday that going private would give the company the " time , investment and patience " needed to execute its turnround .

  11. 然而,显然没有人做出任何努力来推迟对员工设定的10月19日这个截止日期&许多员工持有的部分戴尔股票以比私有化收购价格低30%的价位抛售掉了。

    Yet no one apparently made any effort to postpone the October 19 deadline for employees – many of whose Dell shares were partially liquidated at what became 30 % lower than the buyout price .

  12. 戴尔的前路非常艰难,惠普(HP)在戴尔私有化交易宣布后不久发布的一份不同寻常的声明中称,该公司面临着长期不确定性和过渡,这对其客户不利。

    Dell has a very tough road ahead , Hewlett-Packard said in an unusual statement issued shortly after the deal was announced . The company faces an extended period of uncertainty and transition that will not be good for its customers .

  13. 去年10月,戴尔公司创始人迈克尔o戴尔和私募股权投资公司银湖投资集团(SilverLake)完成了备受争议的250亿美元戴尔私有化交易。

    Dell was taken private last October by company founder Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake in a contentious $ 25 billion transaction .

  14. 这位戴尔(Dell)创始人希望将该公司的海外现金储备汇回至多74亿美元,帮助为他与私人股本公司银湖(SilverLake)联合将戴尔私有化的计划融资。

    The Dell founder wants to repatriate up to $ 7.4bn of his company 's overseas cash hoard in order to help finance his bid to take it private with Silver Lake , the private equity firm .