
  • 网络exit barrier;barriers to exit
  1. 证券产业的退出壁垒主要分为经济性退出壁垒和社会性退出壁垒。

    The exit barriers are composed by economic barrier and social barrier .

  2. 所以说,退出壁垒失效是产能过剩产生的决定条件。

    So exit barriers play a decisive role in excess capacity conformation .

  3. 基于完整建筑产品的概念,应用SCP范式,分析中国建筑企业的基本特征、产业结构和市场集中度、市场进入与退出壁垒等状况,剖析中国建筑企业价值成长过程。

    Based on the concept of complete construction products , use the SCP paradigm to analyze the basic characteristics , industry structure and concentration , barriers of entry and exit , as well as the value enhancement procedure of Chinese construction enterprises 4 .

  4. 论进入退出壁垒与保险市场效率

    On Entering and withdrawing Barriers and the Effective Rate of Security Market

  5. 进入壁垒、退出壁垒和竞争战略理论的农户行为分析

    Entry Barriers , Exit Barriers , Competition Strategy and Peasant Household Behavior Analysis

  6. 第一,它的退出壁垒很高。

    First , the barriers to exit are high .

  7. 分析了进入电力行业的发电和输配电市场的障碍和退出壁垒;

    Finally , the electric market and the capability of the SEPC are analyzed .

  8. 虽然综合零售业进入壁垒较低,但退出壁垒较高。

    It has relatively low barriers to entry , but rather high barriers to exit .

  9. 我国煤炭产业的煤炭产业的进入壁垒低,退出壁垒偏高。

    The barriers to entry is low , exit barriers is high in the coal industry .

  10. 退出壁垒过高,是生产能力严重过剩,某些领域存在过度竞争的重要原因。

    High exit barriers are the main reasons that lead to excess capacity and excessive competition .

  11. 我国大型国有企业退出壁垒的特殊性及对策分析

    An Analysis of the Specialty of the Large State-owned Enterprises ' Withdrawal from Barrier and Countermeasures

  12. 进入与退出壁垒的研究是产业经济学的重要组成部分。

    The research on the entry and exit barriers is an important part of industrial economics .

  13. 中国保险业的进入与退出壁垒研究

    A Study on the Entry of Barriers and the Exit of Barriers of China 's Insurance Industry

  14. 任何市场都存在着进入壁垒、退出壁垒和至利能力问题,万通公司要确定它的首要竞争者,辨别竞争者的特点,分析他们的战略、目标、优势与劣势及反应模式。

    Any market has problems , such as entrance barrier , exit barrier and capacity of gain .

  15. 保险市场的进入与退出壁垒都会对市场效率产生较大影响。

    Both entering and retreating the barriers will be greatly influential on the effective rate of the market .

  16. 但是进入壁垒和退出壁垒的失效对产能过剩的影响是不一样的。

    However , the impact on excess capacity which caused by barriers to entry and exit is different .

  17. 后者以市场吸引力、进入壁垒、退出壁垒及竞争支付预测为主要分析基础。

    The latter is mainly based on analysis of market attraction , entering ramparts , quiting ramparts and competition cost .

  18. 退出壁垒,如限制我国投资退出或限制中资企业将经营利润汇出境。

    Withdrawal barrier , such as imposing restrictions on withdrawal of Chinese investment or Chinese invested enterprises'remittance of business interests .

  19. 无论是产业进入壁垒,还是产业退出壁垒,都妨碍了我国经济结构的调整。

    Whether the industrial entry or the withdrawal of the barries has hindered the adjustment of the Chinese economic structures .

  20. 而市场结构主要由市场集中度,企业规模,产品差异性,进入退出壁垒等要素来决定。

    Market structure is dominated by market concentration , firm size , product differentiation , entry and exit barriers and other factors .

  21. 文章运用利益结构分析法剖析了国有企业市场退出壁垒的成因,进而提出,以法律手段来规制国企市场退出壁垒,即建立《国有企业产权交易法》,实现国有资本的安全退出;

    The article gives an analysis of the origin of the barriers and further suggests removing the barriers by applying legal means .

  22. 分析了商业银行进入与退出壁垒,并认为政策法律性壁垒是中国银行业主要的进入壁垒。

    It analyses entry and exit barriers to the commercial banks and it is found that policy barriers and legal barriers are the major barriers .

  23. 主要对建筑业进入壁垒、移动壁垒、退出壁垒以及建筑业产品差异化进行了分析研究。

    Mainly making analysis and research on the entering into forts , moving forts and quit forts for the constructional industry and its product differences .

  24. 第二,政府应根据不同产业的特点设置不同的进入退出壁垒,引导产业组织的合理化。

    The government should set up different barriers for entry and exit according to the characteristics of different industries so as to help rationalize industrial organizations .

  25. 本文对银行业市场结构与银行绩效关系的衡量是用市场集中度代替的,市场结构更完整的衡量还包括进入和退出壁垒、产品差异化等方面的定量测度。

    The more complete measurement indexes of market structure also include entry and exit barriers , product differentiation , and other aspects of the quantitative measure .

  26. 明确锰矿资源的市场结构,包括市场的集中度、进入与退出壁垒、产品的差异化进行深入研究。

    Besides , chapter 3 aims to clear manganese market structure , including the detailed study on market concentration , entry and exit barriers , product differentiation .

  27. 本文从市场理论的视角,对我国旅行社行业目前的市场集中度、产品差别化和进入退出壁垒和信息的对称度四个方面进行了分析。

    From the perspective of the market , Chinas travel service industry focus on the current market concentration rate , product differentiation and barriers to access to and i.

  28. 国有银行的垄断来自传统惯性、行业进入管制与较高的退出壁垒。

    The monopoly power of the state-owned banks was originated from their historical positions , and is based on the regulation obstacles of market entry and market exit .

  29. 分析结果表明,我国钢铁产业组织处于一种不合理的状态,其原因主要在于市场缺乏有自组织能力的微观主体,钢铁产业的进入退出壁垒不对称。

    Our results show that an unreasonable status exists , which mainly results from lacking micro agents with capability of self-organizing and unbalance between entry barrier and exit barrier .

  30. 制度性进入壁垒导致产业人为垄断的形成,而过度进入与制度性退出壁垒则造成了我国许多产业的过度竞争格局,从而导致厂商(大多数是国有企业)的高产量和低价格及亏损。

    The institutional barriers to entry will lead to artificial monopoly while the over-entry and the institutional barriers to exit will lead to over competition in most industries in China .