
  • 网络generic product;UPC
  1. 一种四条宽的条形码,是通用产品代码(UPC)在欧洲的变型。

    A four-bar-width bar code said to be the European counterpart of UPC .

  2. 1974年的今天,通用产品代码标识(今日的条开明码)首次在超市中使用,用以记录现金收支。

    1974-The UPC label is used for the first time to ring up purchases at a supermarket .

  3. 通用产品代码符号,亦称“条形码”,印在出售的商品上,其中含有计算机能识别的信息。

    The Universal Product Code symbol , also known as the ‘ bar code ’ , is printed on products for sale and contains information that a computer can read .

  4. 文中从站和主站所选用的PLC均为当前流行通用产品,从而也保证了整个控制系统的可靠性。

    In this paper , I chose the popular PLC for master and slave control system , thus ensuring the reliability of the entire control system .

  5. 产品价格低廉,通用产品不设最低量。

    Prices are low , generic products , no minimum quantity .

  6. 论文的主要研究内容如下:首先建立新型的通用产品表达方法。

    Firstly , a new general product representation method is proposed .

  7. 这类采购往往是通用产品,比的是报价。

    Such purchases are often generic products compared with the offer .

  8. 欧盟通用产品安全法律制度初探

    A Tentative Exploration of EU Legal System Concerning General Product Safety

  9. 无法检测介质类型或通用产品代码。

    Cannot determine media identity or universal product code .

  10. 而该类规模通用产品的销售其产品价格对获得订单影响甚大。

    The price for scale general products affects the purchase order a lot .

  11. 主要介绍一种新的网上通用产品配置设计工具。

    A new Internet-based general product configuration design tool ( IBGPCDT ) is introduced .

  12. 网上通用产品配置设计工具的研究

    Research of Internet-Based General Product Configuration Design Tool

  13. 面向多领域集成的通用产品模型研究

    Research on generic multi-domain integrated product model

  14. 供应商是否进行了设计评审并与通用产品工程师一起进行评审?

    Has a design review been done by the supplier and reviewed with the GM product engineer ?

  15. Ⅲ.产品配置技术是实现有效管理产品配置的关键。本文研究了基于产品族模型和通用产品结构树的产品配置过程。

    Third , it presents a product configuration method based on the product family model and generic BOM .

  16. 在此基础上,研制了一种通用产品配置设计工具,并对通用产品配置设计工具的结构组成、各个功能模块的实现以及相关技术进行了详细介绍;

    Develops a general product configuration design tool and analyzes the functions and realization technologies of its constituent modules ;

  17. 给出了利用模块、产品平台、通用产品结构和领域等元素构建产品族全局逻辑组织模型的方法。

    Modules , platform and general product structure construct the overall logical organization of product families covering four domains across the lifecycle .

  18. 提出了通过引入通用产品信息模型实现产品开发过程的集成化与通用化的模式。

    The pattern of achieving integration and generalization of product development process by introducing a common information model of product is elucidated .

  19. 提出了先构造通用产品结构树,然后对此结构树进行具体配置形成实际所需要的具体产品的方法。

    First general product structure tree is founded . Then , on the basis of the tree , especial product is configured .

  20. 采用该方法的人体运动图像分析系统硬件造用通用产品,成本低、性能可靠、维护与升级容易。

    The measurement and analysis system based on this method using OEM , so it is low cost , high reliability , and maintenance and upgrade simply .

  21. 机顶盒提供商转型为机顶盒硬件制造商,机顶盒硬件作为通用产品,可以实现规模化生产,还可以利用消费电子的渠道进行销售。

    STB provider will transform into STB hardware manufacturers , and STB hardware , as a general product , can achieve large-scale production and use the sales channels of consumer electronics .

  22. 在大规模定制的生产方式下,为了满足客户多样化的需求,基于通用产品平台的产品族设计是一种行之有效的产品设计方法。

    Under the mass customization manufacturing , in order to meet the diverse needs of customers , based on the universal product platform product family design is an effective method of product design .

  23. 目前,通过建立车辆部件模块化通用产品平台,可实现技术性能和制造技术的完美结合,并降低车辆制造和维护成本。

    At present , by establishing the universal product platform to modularize the parts of metro bodywork , the technical performance and manufacture technology are realized perfectly and the cost of manufacture and maintenance is reduced for the bodywork of metro .

  24. 这样一方面可以大量消化石油C5副产物,另一方面可大大提高通用塑料产品的附加值和使用性能。

    The cyclopentadiene polymers synthesized from C_5 by-products in oil industries can improve the properties of commodity plastics .

  25. 基于PDM的通用化产品结构创建系统的研究和开发

    Research and Development of A Universal PDM-based Product Structure Creating System

  26. 美国佳能推出一款新型VB-C60PTZ网络摄像机,它是一款适用于基于IP支持的远程视频监控的通用型产品。

    Canon U.S.A.has introduced the new VB-C60 PTZ Network Camera , a versatile compact solution for remote video monitoring over IP .

  27. 其主要功能:(1)将模拟磁带上的多光谱遥感信息数字化,制成便于计算机处理的通用格式化产品&计算机兼容磁带(CCT);

    Its principal functions are : ( 1 ) To transform the multispectral remote sensing information to computer compatible tape ( CCT ) from analogue high density tape .

  28. 它主要制造固定网和移动网系统、移动电话及其它通用通信产品。

    It mainly manufactures fixed and mobile phone networks and systems ;

  29. 通用泵类产品售后维修服务模式决策分析

    Decision-Making Analysis of Maintenance Mode for General Pump Product After-sales Service

  30. 通用电控产品分布式计算机测试系统软件的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Distributed Computer Test System in General Electricity control Products