
tōng huò zài péng zhàng
  • reflation
通货再膨胀[tōng huò zài péng zhàng]
  1. 大规模的通货再膨胀将带来令人讨厌的债务遗留问题。

    The great reflation will come with a nasty debt hangover .

  2. 同样,日本如今激进的通货再膨胀举措可能对内需影响更大。

    Likewise aggressive Japanese reflation might have the greater impact on domestic demand .

  3. 2011年,稳健货币政策的两大传统堡垒欧洲央行(ecb)和瑞士央行(snb)倒戈,转投通货再膨胀阵营。

    In 2011 , the European and Swiss central banks , traditionally bastions of hard money orthodoxy , defected to the reflationist camp .

  4. 如果新当选的首相安倍晋三(shinzonabe)“狠踩油门”的通货再膨胀政策能够成功,将对世界各国的后危机政策制定产生深刻影响。

    If the pedal-to-the-metal reflationary policies of Shinzo Abe , the recently elected prime minister , succeed , there will be a profound impact on post-crisis policy making everywhere .

  5. 安倍誓言通过刺激和结构改革等组合措施,推动世界第三大经济体实现通货再膨胀,这唤醒了日本散户投资者对股市的兴趣,而这些投资者是小型IPO的主要参与者。

    Mr Abe 's vow to reflate the world 's third-largest economy through a mixture of stimulus and structural reform has reawakened interest in stocks among Japan 's retail investors , who are the main players in smaller IPOs .

  6. 对“安倍经济学”(Abenomics,日本新政府采取的通货再膨胀信条)的一种反驳观点就是,它将侵蚀人们勤苦攒下的储蓄。

    One objection to " Abenomics , " the reflationary creed adopted by Japan 's new government , is that it will erode hard-earned savings .

  7. 2.采矿业(涨0.9%)&贵金属通货再膨胀

    Mining ( + 0.9 % ) – precious metals reflation

  8. 政府使通货再膨胀来刺激经济的尝试失败了。

    The government 's attempt to reflate the economy is not successful .

  9. 零利率的意义在于帮助美国经济实现通货再膨胀。

    The point of zero interest rates was to help reflate the US economy .

  10. 所有人都知道,对于需求匮乏的经济体来说,货币贬值是使经济实现通货再膨胀的重要手段。

    Everyone knows that currency depreciation is a crucial mechanism for reflating demand-starved economies .

  11. 美联储已采用了日本在2001年至2006年之间采取的通货再膨胀定量宽松措施。

    The Fed has adopted the reflationary quantitative easing measures deployed in Japan between 2001 and 2006 .

  12. 要让通货再膨胀发生作用,薪资必须开始与通胀同步上涨。

    For its reflationary experiment to work , wages must begin to rise in line with inflation .

  13. 如果动作太快,随着财务紧张的消费者捂紧钱包,安倍的通货再膨胀实验可能会不了了之。

    Move too quickly and his reflationary experiment might fizzle out as hard-pressed consumers snap shut their wallets .

  14. 随着全球经济出现通货再膨胀的迹象,许多人都在问:下一个泡沫会出现在黄金市场?

    As the global economy reflates , many people are asking : Is the next bubble in gold ?

  15. 在亚洲地区,国内流动性状况依然相当强劲,除了日本,各国经济也正在通货再膨胀。

    Domestic liquidity conditions remain relatively strong across the Asian region and economies are reflating , apart from in Japan .

  16. 过去一年里,全球经济一直处于通货再膨胀状态,其特点是增长低于趋势水平、通胀不断下降和货币放松。

    The global economy has been reflating over the last year , characterised by below trend growth , falling inflation and easy money .

  17. 在发达世界,社会和政治风险的平衡正推动政策尽一切可能朝通货再膨胀的方向发展。

    In the developed world , the balance of social and political risk is driving policy one way , to reflation , by any means possible .

  18. 他以通货再膨胀来刺激经济的计划已产生效果,只是迄今还不知道市场对这些预期要实行的措施会有何反应。

    His plan to reflate the economy has already borne fruit , if only , so far , in terms of market reaction to anticipated moves .

  19. 总的来说,政府通货再膨胀政策所面临的最常见问题是通过进口而导致该政策产生的福利流失到国外。

    In general , one of the commonest problems of government reflation is that the benefits leak out beyond your borders because the programme sucks in imports .

  20. 一些批评通货再膨胀的人士表示,这种政策的效力太过强大,最终会适得其反。他们预计的结果是资本外逃、日元崩盘和恶性通胀。

    Some critics of reflation say it will work too well . The outcome , they predict , will be capital flight , yen collapse and rampant inflation .

  21. 为推动经济复苏而进行全球协作,必然比在危机最严重之时协调推动通货再膨胀更加困难,因为前者所需的改革更难以实现和维系。

    Global co-ordination in the recovery is inevitably harder than co-ordinated reflation at the peak of the crisis because the necessary reforms are more difficult to achieve and sustain .

  22. 用货币和财政通货再膨胀矫正债务紧缩的鼻祖&凯恩斯对此会很满意。政府紧缩其货币政策以降低通膨。

    Keynes - the progenitor of both monetary and fiscal reflation as antidotes to debt deflation - would be smiling . The government tightened its monetary policy to reduce inflation .

  23. 此外,在实际意义上,债券收益率的任何提高,都有可能部分(如果不是全部)抵消各国央行降息努力的通货再膨胀效应。

    Moreover , in a practical sense , any rise in bond yields threatens to neutralise some if not all of the reflationary impact of the rate-cutting efforts by central banks .

  24. 然而,尽管美联储看上去至少已把通胀目标搁置一边,转而把注意力放在就业上面,但还有很多通缩因素可能会破坏基于全球经济通货再膨胀的投资战略。

    But even as it looks like the Fed , at least , has set its inflation target to one side to focus on jobs , there are plenty of deflationary forces which could upset an investment strategy based on the reflation of the world economy .