
luó ji yǔ fǎ
  • logical grammar;logical syntax
  1. 实际上概念隐喻又可进一步划分为经验语法隐喻(experientialGM)和逻辑语法隐喻(logicalGM),而名物化只是经验语法隐喻之一。

    In fact , ideational GM can be subdivided into experiential GM and logical GM. Nominalization is only one part of experiential GM.

  2. 建立一个逻辑语法范畴&试论语言形式的内部转换问题

    A Tentative Study of the Intra-transformation of Linguistic Forms

  3. 类型&逻辑语法的句法特色

    On the Syntactic Characteristics of Type-Logical Grammar

  4. 类型逻辑语法是当代语言研究的前沿理论,它把范畴语法和类型逻辑语义学接起口来。

    Researches conducted with the type-logical grammar are a frontier area in the syntactically and semantically integrated study of natural languages .

  5. 情境语义学是欧美20世纪80年代初诞生的一种新的逻辑语法理论。

    Situation semantics is a kind of new logic grammar theory that emerged at the beginning of the eighties of the 20th century in America and Europe .

  6. 为了将密码协议的非否认性和公平性统一在一个框架之下更好地进行分析,提出了一套适用于分析非否认性和公平性的一阶逻辑语法和语义。

    In order to analyze the non-repudiation and fairness properties under one frame , a set of first-order logic syntax and semantics for non-repudiation protocols was proposed , and a model was built .

  7. 基于形式语义学类型论语法的句法语义分析是一种新的思想,引进西方现代逻辑语法学理论却又不拘泥于此,比基于规则的限于句法的分析更适合对汉语进行操作。

    It is a new idea that syntax and semantics analysis based on type grammar of formal semantic . It introduces western modern logic grammar theory , but it is not limited to this . It is more suitable for operation on Chinese than rule-based limited syntactic analysis .

  8. 系统地给出面向对象的XML数据库的基于逻辑的语法和语义。

    The syntax and semantics of object-oriented XML database are described systemically .

  9. 通过对SVO逻辑的语法进行扩展,使其具有显式的时间描述能力,从而能够分析不可否认协议的时限性。

    By extending the syntax of SVO logic , a time description method is added into it and , thus the timeliness of non-repudiation protocols can be analyzed .

  10. (逻辑或语法)属于或关于范畴的。

    ( logic or grammar ) of or relating to scope .

  11. 分层方法在应用程序逻辑和语法分析之间建立一个明显的分界。

    The layered approach establishes a clean-cut separation between the application logic and the parsing .

  12. 定义了扩展模糊描述逻辑的语法结构、语义解释、知识库形式以及基于可满足性的推理问题。

    The definitions of syntax structure , semantic interpretation , knowledge base form and reasoning problems based on satisfiability are given for the extended fuzzy description logic .

  13. 学习一门语言就是学习这语言的词汇、逻辑、语法等,以及如何适当的运用这种语言去描述实在、阐明信念、以及表达情感、情绪等。

    Learning a foreign language is to learn its grammar , vocabulary and logic , and how to use this language to describe reality , clarify the inner belief , and express feelings and emotion .

  14. 以此得出结论,语言是一种主观意识的创造物,不受制于逻辑与语法的限制,事物、声音和概念之间具有很大的任意性和不确定性。

    Draws the conclusion by this , language is a kind of unconscious creation and not subject to the limitation of logic and grammar . So things , sound and concept have great arbitrariness and uncertainty .

  15. 然而,尼采一味地夸大语言的修辞属性,而修辞本身带有主观性和创造性,在更多的情况下,是一种无意识的创造,不受逻辑和语法的控制。

    Nietzsche blindly exaggerated the rhetoric properties of language . However , rhetoric itself is subjective and creative . It is a kind of unconscious creation in more cases and not subject to the control of logic and grammar .

  16. 讨论了MLMS的模态逻辑语义和语法。

    And logic syntax and semantics in MLMS are given .

  17. 逻辑事理与语法分析

    Logical Reason and Grammatical Analysis

  18. 本文着重从篇章的组织和衔接功能去考察实现这一功能的文体手段:<逻辑纽带,语法纽带和词汇纽带等多方面探讨>?

    The thesis examines this function and its realization from three major stylistic aspects : logical , grammatical and lexical connectors .

  19. 从逻辑语义和语法上,本文也详细分析了所建立的不确定性推理方法和推理算法的合理性。

    From the perspective of logic semantics and syntax , we also analyze the rationality of uncertain reasoning methods and algorithms which have been established ahead .

  20. 在翻译中恰当并创造性地使用标点符号可以使译文不但逻辑清楚,语法正确,而且生动有趣,可读性强。

    By learning to use punctuation marks properly and creatively , in the translator , translated text not only logical and grammatical , but also vivid and interesting , and a greater pleasure to read .

  21. 从汉语和英语的句法结构上讲,前者重意合而后者重形和;前者重语义逻辑而后者语法关联。

    From the perspective of sentence structure of Chinese and English , the former attaches importance to parataxis , while the latter values on hypotaxis ; the former focuses on logic in sentence meaning , while the latter pays attention to conjunction in grammar .

  22. 逻辑式与生成语法

    Logic Form and Generative Grammar

  23. 一般地,如果一个协调的逻辑形式系统不是语法完全的,则它的任何协调的扩张系统也不是语法完全的。

    If a consistent logical formal system has no syntactic completeness , then any consistent extensions of this system have no syntactic completeness either .

  24. 他指出,传统形而上学是用逻辑虚构出来的道德化本体,而逻辑又是语法造就的,其最典型的表现是主谓结构造就了因果范畴。

    He pointed out that the traditional metaphysics was a moralized substance fabricated by logic which was created by grammar . Its most typical manifestation was that the subject-predicate structure created the category of causality .

  25. 研究了抽象算子逻辑,并用算子标识约束讨论了抽象算子逻辑的语法、语义、公理系统、自然演绎系统和正规自然演绎系统.为层次结构系统分析设计中的约束处理提供了理论基础。

    Using operator to model constraints , this paper researches such abstract operator logic , analyzes its syntax , semantics , axiomatic system , its natural deduction system and its normalized natural deduction system , provide the theoretical foundation for constrict analysis of hierarchy system .