
qiǎn sàn fèi
  • Severance payments;gratuity;pay-off;compensation for termination;compensation for removal;release pay;despatch money
  1. 低于5万英镑的遣散费免于纳税。

    Redundancy payments are tax-free up to £ 50,000 .

  2. 我们拿到了13个星期的薪水作为遣散费。

    We were offered 13 weeks ' severance pay .

  3. 很多工人手头的遣散费仅够维持10个星期左右。

    Many workers can only eke out their redundancy money for about 10 weeks .

  4. 《迈阿密先驱报》(MiamiHerald)的评论家得到了8周遣散费。

    The Miami Herald 's critic was granted eight weeks ' severance pay .

  5. harleymedicalgroup上月察觉到一种新趋势:“金融城下岗整容现象”,即伦敦金融城的银行家,在被解雇后用遣散费让自己的面容恢复青春活力,以增加找到新工作的可能性。

    Last month , Harley medical group detected a new trend , " city severance surgery " , after observing city of London bankers using their redundancy packages to rejuvenate their appearance to boost the chance of finding a new job .

  6. 劳动力市场改革削减了遣散费和加班费。

    Labour market reform reduced severance payments and cut overtime remuneration .

  7. 如果合并变成现实,那么我们还想拿到遣散费。

    If the merger goes ahead , then we also want severance .

  8. 雇主们担心这部法律将意味着更多的遣散费。

    Employers fear the law will mean bigger severance payments .

  9. 幸运的是,他获得了几个月的遣散费。

    Fortunately , he received severance pay for several months .

  10. 别担心,我不会和你要遣散费的。

    Don 't worry , I 'm not asking for redundancy pay .

  11. 被解雇时,我没有获得一分钱的遣散费。

    When I was terminated I got no severance .

  12. 我的雇主将向我支付两个月的遣散费。

    My employer is offering two months ' severance .

  13. 如果是这样,在你被开除的时候便会有遣散费。

    If so , severance payments may be provided if your employment is terminated .

  14. 最终,这家公司要求她辞职,支付给她一小笔遣散费。

    The company eventually asked her to leave , offering her a small pay-off .

  15. 有数以百计曾为韦丹塔工作的矿工在追讨遣散费,还有其他一些人在追讨残疾抚恤金。

    Hundreds of former mine workers are fighting Vedanta for severance or disability pay .

  16. 支付员工遣散费和养老金

    severance packages and pensions to their employees .

  17. 此外,如果定期合同到期,雇主必须向雇员支付遣散费。

    In addition , employers have to pay severance to employees if fixed-term contracts expire .

  18. 他获得了一大笔遣散费。

    He got a big cash payoff .

  19. 看看有什么样的失业保险,健康保险,退休金福利以及遣散费。

    Find out about unemployment insurance , health insurance , pension benefits and severance pay .

  20. 离职金:(字面意义是金色握手,实际意思是指高额的解雇费用或者遣散费)付给离职员工的钱(通常指高管)

    Golden handshake : A payment to a departing employee ( normally the top executives )

  21. 据悉,克辛格的遣散费已冻结了6个多月。

    It is understood that his severance package had been frozen for more than six months .

  22. 对于那些不我们亦会提供遣散费和其他利益。

    For those who don 't , we will also offer severance pay and other benefits .

  23. 北京也要求越来越高的遣散费,除非业务下降严重,否则不鼓励裁员。

    Beijing also has increased requirements for severance payments , which discourages layoffs unless business drops severely .

  24. 这最后一辆汽车就是出自他们之手,而他们获得的奖励与罗孚的其它6000名员工一样:法定的遣散费。

    Their reward was the same as the rest of the 6,000 employees at Rover : statutory redundancy .

  25. 如果你坚持要钱的话,那也不是赡养费而是遣散费。

    If you still want money , then it isn 't an alimony , it 's severance pay .

  26. 本周,摩托罗拉称,与裁员有关的遣散费将高达3100万美元。

    Motorola said this week it will incur $ 31 million in severance costs related to the layoffs .

  27. 不过,最高遣散费被限制在每周330英镑,或总额6600英镑。

    The maximum statutory payment , however , is capped at 330 a week or a total of 6600 .

  28. 此外,享有遣散费的员工,也就可以少领一点。

    In addition , an applicant who was paid retrenchment benefit should be entitled to withdraw a smaller sum .

  29. 几乎没有公司主管得到奖金激励,若公司倒闭,更没有多少人能保证获得大笔遣散费。

    Few executives are paid bonus incentives and even fewer are guaranteed large pay-offs in the event of corporate failure .

  30. 在皮克斯时,乔布斯需要裁员时他从不给辞退的员工遣散费。

    When Steve had to make cutbacks at Pixar , he fired people and didn 't give any severance pay .