
  • 网络evil spirit;Demon
  1. 我看见鸦群,因时而生,有着邪灵般的眼神。

    I see the ravens fly , born of time , demon eye .

  2. 古代人认为这种植物可以驱走邪灵,防止他们在冬天生病。

    People in ancient times believed that the plant could drive away evil spirits and prevent them from catching an illness in winter .

  3. 新月或者“U”形往往被认为是丰饶肥沃的象征,并且还具有驱除邪灵的魔力。

    Crescent or " U " shapes are often said to be the symbol of fertility and also possesses power to ward off evil spirit .

  4. 在山姆?雷米(SamRaimi)于21岁编剧和导演的原版《鬼玩人》中,那群呆头呆脑的年轻人满嘴了无新意的台词,后来他们都为邪灵所害。

    In the original ' The Evil Dead , ' which Sam Raimi wrote and directed at age 21 , dopey teenagers recite corny lines , then get killed .

  5. 他们相信它拥有压制邪灵的力量。

    They beiieved it heid the power to contain evii spirits .

  6. 他们把蛋打破,吸引邪灵离开那个人的身体。

    They break eggs to attract that soul to leave .

  7. 其中三人被邪灵上身,接着死去。

    Three of them were possessed themselves and subsequently died .

  8. 魔鬼邪灵,离开此屋

    Espiritu of evil , separate yourself from this house .

  9. 我相信邪灵是依附在剑里的。

    I believe evil spirits grow in the sword .

  10. 古凯尔特人相信戴上面具可以避开邪灵。

    The ancient Celts believed that wearing masks would ward off evil sprits .

  11. 粉末能制造通道,把邪灵引进去

    and the powder creates a trail to lead the evil spirits to it .

  12. 我是上帝的追随者,邪灵驱散,莫要缠人

    As servant of God , away evil spirit , not connected to this person .

  13. 它会保护你不受黑夜邪灵的伤害

    It 'll protect you from all the things that go bump in the night .

  14. 这种庆祝方式最初是为了驱走邪灵带来好运。

    The celebratory mess was originally carried out to avoid evil spirits and bring good luck .

  15. 我正要走进一个大洞,这时几个邪灵向我走来。

    I was about to walk into a big hole when evil spirits came to me .

  16. 他相信新妻子被前妻的邪灵附体了。

    He believes his new wife has been possessed by his dead wife 's evil spirit .

  17. 邪灵附上了我,那才是我对他们反叛的原因。

    Evil spirits got into me , that was when I was being rebellious to them .

  18. 邪灵得了破口,乘机而入,影响了我们身体灵魂的健康。

    The demons found the gap and entered in , thus making our body and soul unhealthy .

  19. 这些邪灵否认基督的神性,甚至把他们自己视为与创造主同列。

    The spirits deny the deity of Christ and place even the Creator on a level with themselves .

  20. 留意那人或附在他体内的邪灵说些甚麽。

    Notice what the man said , or what the evil spirit in him said ( v.24 ) .

  21. 人类方面也有反面角色,比如被邪灵附体的麦迪文。

    On the human side , there are villains like Medivh who is controlled by an evil spirit .

  22. 很多心理学家教导,我们必须有一个正面积极的自我形象(自尊),很多新纪元邪灵(灵媒)也是这样教导。

    Many psychologists teach that we must have a positive self-esteem ; so do many New Age spiritual mediums .

  23. 在爱尔兰和苏格兰,人们将芜菁(形似萝卜)雕刻成灯笼放在窗台上,以此抵挡邪灵。

    Carved turnips in Ireland and Scotland are used as candle lanterns in windows to ward off harmful spirits .

  24. 今天,世界各地仍有无数敬拜撒但或服侍邪灵的人。

    There are millions of people who worship Satan today or who are reaching out to the evil spirits .

  25. 新娘坐上轿子后,会燃放鞭炮驱赶邪灵。

    Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair .

  26. 人们通常将马蹄铁钉在房子的大门上,保护家人免受诸如巫师或者邪灵等不速之客的打扰。

    It is usually nailed to the front door to protect the household from uninvited visitors like witches and evils .

  27. 服装和面具也穿在节日,企图模仿邪灵或安抚他们。

    Costumes and masks were also worn at the festivals in an attempt to mimic the evil spirits or placate them .

  28. 例如,不少人非常惧怕邪灵、黑暗和许多其他东西;

    For example there are many people who are desperately afraid of evil spirits , of darkness and many other things .

  29. 往昔对不知的事的恐惧使人深信有看不见的灵&而大部分是邪灵。

    In the past the fear of the unknown led to a strong belief in unseen spirits-most of whom were evil .

  30. 指甲里的铁元素会吸引邪灵,苔藓和树叶能捕获邪灵

    The iron in the nails attracts evil spirits , and the moss and the leaves grabs a hold of them .