
  • 网络Pizhou;Pizhou City
  1. 目的探讨邳州市居民食管癌发病危险因素及保护因素。

    Objective To explore the risk factors and preventive factors oesophageal cancer in Pizhou city .

  2. 当天下午,验收组全体成员听取了邳州市创建中国优秀旅游城市工作汇报会。

    That afternoon , the inspection group to listen to all the members of Pizhou City created excellent Chinese tourist city committee .

  3. 生态示范区建设中生态型第三产业发展探讨&以江苏省吴县市、邗江县、邳州市为例

    A brief discussion of the tertiary industry development during the creation of Ecological Demonstration District

  4. 目的为探讨邳州市居民意外死亡的水平、原因、分布特征及变动趋势。

    Objective To study the accidental death level , cause , distributional , characteristic and tendency , and provide scientific basis for prevention and controlment .

  5. 再根据定量分析出的主导产业结合邳州市产业发展的实际情况,调整后对邳州市今后重点发展的产业领域进行定性分析。

    Then according to the leading industry of quantitative analysis combined with the actual situation of industry development of Pi Zhou , after adjusting , focus industries of Pi Zhou in the future is analyzed quantitatively .

  6. 本文以邳州市国民经济和社会发展十二五规划课题为支撑,对邳州市的产业结构演进规律和主导产业的选择进行实证研究,找出未来几年邳州市重点发展的产业领域。

    Based on the subject of The National Economy and Social Development of Twelfth Five Planning of Pi Zhou , the industrial structure evolution regularity and leading industry choice are empirically studied and focus industries of Pi Zhou in the future is founded out .