
  • 网络part learning;Partial Learning;partitioned learning
  1. 为期18个月的ALP课程把特易购的管理人员送至海外,其中一部分学习欧洲工商管理学院的高级管理课程。

    The 18-month ALP programme sends Tesco executives overseas , placing some in Insead 's advanced management programme .

  2. 大学校外课程的学习、大学校外课程的授课、大学的校外课程、大学校外课程部的学生整体学习和部分学习

    Extramural studies , lectures , courses , students massed and piecemeal learning

  3. 整体学习和部分学习

    Massed and piecemeal learning

  4. 学生还可以利用课后时间通过校园网打开网络课件自学,根据自己的实际情况选择在课堂上没有完全掌握的部分学习内容;

    The students can learn by themselves by opening the network lessons in campus net in their spare time .

  5. 同时,在调查中,部分学习者提出了改进意见,为今后的研究工作提供参考。

    At the same time , part of the learners put forward some improvements as reference for future research work .

  6. 在之后的实验中,一部分学习者对所学内容进行测试,然后在再次测试前重新学习。

    Some of the learners took tests on the information and then got to restudy the material before being tested again .

  7. 整体学习和部分学习事实上,大部分学习是在课下由学生自己完成的。

    Massed and piecemeal learning In effect most study will be carried out by the student independently outside of class time .

  8. 在第五部分学习型企业创建行为的评价中,本文提出了对学习型企业创建行为的评价标准,用以在具体的实践中,检验我们的行为是否符合学习型企业的发展趋势。

    The fifth part puts forward the criterions to evaluate whether our practicing ways of creating learning enterprises meet the trend .

  9. 无法自由选择自己感兴趣的内容或针对自身薄弱部分学习。

    Even though they are not interested in such study , they may not be off , or choose some contents they are interested in or are poor in .

  10. 该校53名获得捐赠的家庭经济困难的寒门学子,感激地从潘宗光手里接过每人5000元人民币的助学证书和部分学习书籍。

    The school was donated by53 families of students Hanmen , Poon Chung-kwong , from the grateful hands of5000 yuan per person to take over the student certificate and some books to study .

  11. 第一部分学习归纳了农民收入增长的相关理论和概念,总结了国内外促进农民收入增长的一些研究成果。

    The first part summarizes the related theories and concepts of the growth of farmers ' income and introduces some research findings on the promotion of the growth of farmers ' income from home and abroad .

  12. 第三部分学习参考了国内有关外汇率风险管理的经验,结合案例公司的实际情况量身定制了一系列应对汇率波动的避险财务筹划。

    The third part makes reference to the experience of domestic foreign exchange risk management and customizes a series of hedging financial planning according to the situation of CHINA COSCO to deal with exchange rate fluctuations .

  13. 选择性集成作为一种特殊的集成学习范式,它选择出个体学习器中差异大,泛化性能好的部分学习器参与集成,得到了比以往集成所有的学习器更好的性能。

    As a special ensemble learning paradigm , Selective ensemble selects individual learners with great differences and better performance to involve in the ensemble . It achieves better performance than the ensemble with all the learners .

  14. 在部分学习过程中,研究人员加入了第二项任务作为干扰因素,那就是让参与者不断在心中默数他们听到的高音。

    During part of the learning , researchers added a second task where participants had to keep a running mental count of ( 7 ) high tones that they heard , thus adding an element of distraction .

  15. 本文分析了部分学习者因素,即性别、专业、兴趣和上网时间对语言学习策略使用的影响,并揭示了策略与学习效果之间的关系。

    The study tries to reveal the relationship between some factors such as gender , interest , major , online time and strategy use . It also presents the relationship between strategy use and language achievements in online language study .

  16. 现行的研究发现,尽管网络课程为学习者提供了时间和空间上的自由,却没有兼顾到学习者的广泛性、差异性和多样性,使得部分学习者难以顺利地获取网络教学资源。

    The current study found that the online courses provide learners with the freedom of time and space , but did not take into account the breadth , differences and diversity of learners , which made online courses unaccessible to part of learners .

  17. 为了完成这些部分的学习,您应该拥有一台正常运行的X服务器。

    To go through these sections , you should have an X server up and running .

  18. 由设计出的基于BP神经网络的智能自整定PID控制器的神经网络部分对学习样本进行学习。

    The part of neural network of the intelligent self-tuning PID controller based on BP network learns the learning sample .

  19. 论文阐述了计算机支持PBL系统,对该系统结构中的一个重要部分PBL学习模型进行了细致的研究。

    This paper expatiates computer-supported PBL system and investigates PBL learning space , which is an important part of the system .

  20. 在视觉系统,尚无学习中感受野和Map改变的分析,可塑性证据部分来自学习过程中观察到的神经元反应的改变。

    In the visual system , as there is no RF and map analysis during learning per se , the evidence presented are from increased neuronal responsiveness , and from the effects of perceptual learning in human and non human primates .

  21. 在第2部分,学习如何生成定制的报告,以及如何为RDA模型添加您自己的验证规则。

    In Part 2 , learn how to generate customized reports and how to add your own validation rules for IDA models .

  22. 因此,将HPS教学模式应用于中学化学教学对于提升学生的学习成绩具有一定的促进作用,特别是对基本概念和原理及元素化合物两部分知识学习,有明显地提升作用。

    Therefore , HPS teaching model application in middle school chemistry teaching can really enhance students ' academic performance , particularly for the " basic concepts and principles " and " elements compounds ", which have obvious improvement .

  23. 第二部分是学习支持服务系统的相关概述。

    Part two discusses relevant summary about Learning Support Services System .

  24. 第三部分合作学习要素及理论基础。

    Part Three presents the theoretical basis of cooperative learning .

  25. 该部分要学习的课文是2个单元、四篇童话故事。

    The experiment included two units , four fairy tales .

  26. 同时,部分学生学习态度不够端正,存在懒惰不学习的情况。

    Several students have incorrect attitude toward studying and are usually lazy .

  27. 建立和维护国际新秩序的现实依据和行为规范&对十六大报告国际形势和对外工作部分的学习体会

    The Real Basis and Action Standard to Establish and Safeguard International New Order

  28. 所以我们需要在生活的每一部分都学习有效的管理。

    We therefore need to learn effective management in all aspects of life .

  29. 因此,第二语言习得采用的是部分渐变学习演算系统。

    So second language learners have a " Partial Gradual Learning Algorithm " .

  30. 文章对教学设计中的一小部分&学习者特征分析进行讨论。

    The paper mainly discusses the analysis into learners ' characteristics in instruction design .