
  • 网络partially polarized light;Partial polarized light;partial polarezation
  1. 椭圆偏振光与部分偏振光检验的理论分析

    Theoretical analyses of the detection of elliptically polarized light and partially polarized light

  2. 利用矩阵光学的方法,从理论上推导了椭圆偏振光和部分偏振光检验的依据;

    In order to detect elliptical polarized light and partially polarized light , we deduce the theoretical basis by using matrix optics method ;

  3. 从理论上严格地分析了当部分偏振光入射到Lyot型光纤消偏器时,出射光的偏振度。

    The degree of polarization of the Lyot depolarizer has been analyzed rigorously in theory , when the incidence of light is partially polarized .

  4. 部分偏振光经界面反射时的偏振度分析

    Analysis on polarization degree of reflected partial polarized light beam from interface

  5. 光是一种横波,其偏振态大致分为:完全偏振光、部分偏振光和自然光。

    Light is a transverse wave , whose polarization state is classified into the following kinds : complete polarized light , partially polarized light and natural light .

  6. 进入大气层之后,太阳光经过大气分子、云、气溶胶粒子的散射以及地表介质的反射,变成了部分偏振光。这些来自四面八方的偏振光形成了大气偏振模式。

    After entering the atmosphere , it becomes partially polarized light caused by scattering of atmospheric molecules 、 cloud 、 aerosol and surface reflection , which constitutes the skylight polarization mode .

  7. 以视网膜为研究对象,在不同的极角和光程位置能检测到部分偏振光或线偏振光,散射光束的偏振性呈现波动性变化,散射光束的偏振特性变化随散射角的增大而增大。

    Considering the retina as the research object , light polarization fluctuates for different polar angles and optical paths , and the variance of scattered light polarization increases with the growing of scattering angle .

  8. 对已知参数的透镜进行了定量计算,表明处于一定偏振状态的部分偏振光经透镜后其偏振度、偏振分量方位角和椭率角在出射光束截面上呈一定分布,产生偏振像差。

    Changes of these parameters on partially polarized light , which penetrate a known len , are calculated . Calculation shows polarization degree 、 polarization part horizontal angle and ellipticity angle of partially polarized light beam present certain distribution on the cross section of output beam .

  9. 根据完全偏振光的不同偏振态和部分偏振光的不同偏振度对二阶关联函数的影响,利用统计光学理论研究了光的不同偏振性质对热光关联成像的可见度和信噪比的影响。

    Based on the effect of the polarization state of polarized light and the degree of polarization on the second-order correlation function , the influence of light polarization on the visibility and SNR of correlated imaging with thermal light is investigated by use of statistical optics theory .

  10. 由于在振动面内任意方向都存在着振动,无偏振光和部分偏振光传播时能量和偏振态变化情况比较复杂,在某些情况下,例如大数值孔径成像时,光束的偏振态还会影响成像质量。

    It is difficult to process changes in power and polarization for non-polarized light and partially polarized light whose vibration directions are arbitrary in vibration planes . The light polarization will also affect the image quality in some cases , for example , when imaging with large numerical aperture .

  11. 根据数值模拟的结果,比较了部分相干径向偏振光束与部分相干线偏振光束经透镜聚焦后辐射力的分布情况。

    Numerical calculations are shown to compare the different radiation forces of a partially coherent radially polarized doughnut beam and a partially coherent linear polarized beam .