
  • 网络resonance transition;resonant transfer
  1. 当激光的强度和脉冲持续时间一定时,随着振动能级的升高,各级多光子共振跃迁的频率越来越小,说明了能级间隔越来越密,这与非谐振子的能级分布相吻合。

    When the laser intensity and pulse duration are fixed , with the increase of vibrational quantum number , the multi-photon resonance transition frequency becomes smaller , which is consistent with the energy level distribution of non-harmonic oscillator .

  2. 当两个子带能级间隔与某一个界面声子模式的能量相当时,由于电子共振跃迁,跃迁速率显著增加。

    If the energy split of two subbands is approximately the same as the interface phonon mode , there will be a resonant transition .

  3. 基于原子作双光子共振跃迁的原子场缀饰态,讨论了驻波腔场中两能级原子的量子化平移运动与原子内态布居间的相互影响。

    The influence of atomic internal state population on its translational motion in a quantized standing wave cavity field with spatial periodic structure is investigated .

  4. 由此,本文对原子锂、钠及类锂原子系列共振跃迁的振子强度和跃迁能就该势引入前后作了相应的对比计算。

    The transition energies and oscillator strengths are calculated of LiI , NaI , and like Li sequence for resonance transitions both with and without this potential .

  5. 70年代发明的饱和吸收光谱技术可以消除原子的多普勒频率展宽,精密测量原子的共振跃迁频率。

    In the early 1970s , saturated absorption was invented and it can eliminate the Doppler effect . So the atomic transition frequency can be measured precisely .

  6. 非共振跃迁通常是通过强激光或多光子等光学非线性实现的。近年来,在生物超弱发光系统和光生物调节作用系统发现了低强度激光或单色光的非共振跃迁现象。

    Non-resonant transition is often done by optical nonlinearity such as high-intensity laser irradiation or multi-photon , but it was recently found to be done by low-intensity laser irradiation or monochromatic light in biophoton emission systems and photobiomodulation systems .

  7. 钙离子共振亚稳跃迁激光放电电路的研究

    Investigations on Discharge Circuit for Neon - calcium Ion Resonance - metastable Transition

  8. 确认单倍压谐振充电电路更适合于钙离子共振亚稳跃迁激光。

    We confirm the mono-volta ge resonate discharge circuit is more suitable for the neon-calcium ion reso nance-metastable transition laser .

  9. 与扭曲波近似结果比较可以看出,对于共振型2s-2p跃迁耦合效应不是很重要,但对2s-3s和2s-3p跃迁耦合效应是相当重要的。

    The indirect coupling effect has been analyzed , comparing with the results of distorted wave approximation , it is found that the coupling effect is less important for 2s-2p transition , but for 2s-3s and 2s-3p transition it should be taken into account .

  10. 钙原子与离子共振-亚稳跃迁激光的同时振荡

    Simultaneous oscillation of RESONANCE-METASTABLE transition laser in calcium atoms and ions

  11. 与计算的C6O分子能级进行比较,讨论了它的共振双光子光学跃迁。

    From a comparison with the calculated energy levels of C60 , the resonant two photon transitions were discussed .