
  • 网络microkinetics;microscopic dynamics;mi-crokinetics
  1. MoCl4-(i-Bu)2AlOCH3催化丁二烯聚合微观动力学的研究&Ⅱ.分子量与链转移反应

    A study on microkinetics of butadiene polymerization with mocl_4 - ( i-bu ) _2alo ch_3 catalyst ⅱ . molecular weight and chain transfer reaction

  2. 从微观动力学角度对生态系统有序结构形成进行深层次的阐述,同时得出它也是城市形成、社会发展、自然界变化的普适定律。

    It can deeply demonstrate the ordered structure formation of ecosystem from microscopic dynamics . Beyond ecosystems , MFP is the universal law applicable for nature , society and economy .

  3. N、H原子在过渡金属表面吸附的微观动力学研究

    Microcosmic Kinetics Studies of the Adsorption of N and H Atoms on Transition Metal Surface

  4. EMC效应的微观动力学机制

    Micro-dynamical Mechanism of the EMC Effect

  5. 本文用内禀反应坐标(IRC)法对甲胺的1,1-和1,2-脱氢反应途径进行了微观动力学解析。

    The ab initio calculations have been performed on the reaction paths of 1 , 1-and 1 , 2-dehydrogenation of methylamine by the Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate ( IRC ) method .

  6. LBM正是通过解此微观动力学模型,获得宏观方程各物理量所描述的流体特性。

    The characteristics of the fluid , which the physical quantities of the macroscopic equation describe , are obtained by solving the microscopic kinetics model in the LBM .

  7. 格子Boltzmann方法是使用时间和空间完全离散的微观动力学模型来模拟流体宏观行为的一种新方法。

    The lattice Boltzmann method , which can simulate the macroscopic behavior of fluid flow , is relatively new approach that utilizes micro-dynamics model in which space , time , and particle velocities are all discrete .

  8. 建立了Ne-CuBr紫外激光的动力学模型,对激光的优化过程给出了微观动力学解释。

    A kinetic model of the Ne-CuBr UV laser was created for the first time , and the optimization of the laser was explained in micro-dynamics .

  9. 实验和理论:科学进化的微观动力学机制

    Experiment and Theory : Microcosmic Dynamic Mechanism of the Scientific Evolution

  10. 几类重要的氢及卤素迁移反应的微观动力学研究

    Microcosmic Dynamic Studies on the Several Important Hydrogen and Halogen Abstraction Reactions

  11. 瓦斯爆炸微观动力学及热力学分析

    Microcosmic dynamics and thermodynamics analysis of fire damp explosion

  12. 引发剂笼蔽效应的微观动力学解释

    Microscopic Kinetic Interpretation for Cage Effect of Initiator

  13. 超快速反应荧光亏蚀谱微观动力学理论

    Dynamical Theory of Fluorescence Depletion in Ultrafast Reaction

  14. 浮选微观动力学和数学模型

    Flotation microscopic kinetics and mathematical model

  15. 另外利用动边界模型相关微观动力学方程对吸附过程的控制步骤进行了考察。

    And the control steps of adsorption process was also investigated by using move boundary model .

  16. 对反应的动力学(包括宏观动力学及微观动力学)进行深入的研究,初步确定反应器设计原则。

    After profound studying the kinetics ( including macro and intrinsic ), the principle for synthesis reactor design was determined .

  17. 分子反应动力学是化学研究的前沿领域之一,也是联系微观动力学和宏观动力学的桥梁。

    Molecular reaction dynamics is one of the forefronts of the chemical research and the bridge between microscopic and macroscopic reaction dynamics .

  18. 基于直接键合硅片表面能与退火温度的关系曲线,定量讨论了键合时键合界面上的微观动力学变化过程。

    Based on the surface energy curves with respect different annealing temperatures , the SDBS kinetic model has been developed in the paper .

  19. 得到了一些十分重要的新认识,为进一步研究黏土矿物膨胀、分散、运移微观动力学机制提供了重要依据。

    This study provides an important basis for further research on the micro dynamic mechanism of clay mineral swelling , disgregation and migration .

  20. 进一步的动力学模型分析得到了这一反应的微观动力学常数和Mg2+、Mn2+与蛋白的结合常数。

    A detail kinetic analysis deduces the microscopic kinetic constants of the hydrolysis reaction and the disassociate constants of the metal ions with the protein .

  21. 在此原理的基础上导出了生态系统中有序结构形成和演化的微观动力学方程,并给出了相应的数值模拟方法。

    Based on this principle it has educed the micro-dynamic equation of structural formation and evolution in ecosystem as well as the corresponding numerical simulation methods .

  22. 提出了内循环流化床处理低浓度污水的宏观、微观动力学模型。

    The macroscopical and microcosmic kinetics model of degrading organic in the wastewater with low contaminant concentration in the inner circulation fluidized bed biofilm reactor were deduced .

  23. 这是由于高次谐波不仅是产生极紫外相干光源以及阿秒超快辐射的重要途径,而且也是实现微观动力学过程探测的有力工具。

    The HHG is not only a promising way to produce extreme ultraviolet coherent light source and attosecond pulses , but also an efficient tool to probe microscopic ultrafast processes .

  24. 对其磨粒构造蕴藏的丰富地质信息,特别是在微观动力学方面(包括动热变质作用、流体渗散作用、颗粒自旋作用和地质催化作用等)应作进一步研究。

    The grinding grain textures may contain more detailed geological information in particular the micro-dynamic aspect ( including the dynamo-thermal metamorphism , fluid transferring , particulate autorotation and geological catalysis ) owing to increasing research .

  25. 结论通过群集流动微观动力学模型并借助自适应网格生成技术,实现了对于人员群集流动状态及其演化过程的计算机模拟,提高了运算速度。

    The computer simulation program on the basis of the agent-based model for crowd flow dynamics presented in this paper can reproduce collective effects , and run fast due to the use of the adaptive grid machine technology .

  26. 从宏观动力学与亚微观动力学两个方面阐述了均匀受限曝气的机理,并通过清水曝气充氧试验,证实了在气水两相体系中均匀受限曝气理论在动力学上的正确性和适用性。

    The paper explains the mechanism of well-distributed limited aeration from both macro kinetics and sub-micro kinetics . The theory in kinetics was confirmed to be valid and applicable in air-water two phase system through the clean water oxygenation test .

  27. 进化论是最早对其定性阐述的杰出代表,近年来人们则更多地试图从科学的角度揭示生态系统演化的内在本质,对其微观动力学也逐步有了深刻的认识。

    Qualitative theory of evolution is one of and the first its outstanding representative . In recent years , people are much trying to reveal the evolution of ecological systems from a scientific point . Inherent nature of its microscopic dynamics has also been deeply understood .

  28. 格子Boltzmann方法属于介观模型,它是介于宏观连续性模型和微观分子动力学模型之间的一种流体模拟的新方法。

    The lattice Boltzmann method is a mesoscopic model , which is a new fluid simulation method between macro-continuity model and microscopic molecular dynamics model .

  29. 针对耦合微观分子动力学(MD)和宏观有限元方法(FE)的多尺度模拟,提出一类新的基于贡献单元法的网格守恒重映算法。

    A conservative remapping algorithm based on donor-cell method for multiscale dynamic simulation is proposed which couples micro molecular dynamics ( MD ) simulation with macro finite element ( FE ) method .

  30. 甲醇脱氢反应的微观反应动力学研究

    Studies on the Microscopic Kinetics of the Dehydrogenation for Methanol