
  • 网络Drunk
  1. 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。

    Awake , together we have fun . Drunk , separately we 're gone .

  2. 那些人醉后的讥诮怒骂真叫他伤透了心。

    The drunken taunts of the others had hurt his feelings .

  3. 酒吧里暴发了一场醉后斗殴。

    A drunken brawl had broken out in the bar .

  4. 他醉后的举动极为讨厌。

    His drunken behaviour was extremely objectionable .

  5. 如果你醉后拨打的电话涉及工作中的同事,你必须进行解释。

    If your drunken digits involved a work colleague , you 've got some explaining to do .

  6. 安装一款应用程序,专门用来防止醉后拨打电话或发短信,以免将来再次出丑。

    Protect yourself in the future with an app designed to deter drunk dials and drunk texts .

  7. 这也可能用来解释为什么有些人深醉后第二天无法回忆起前一天晚上自己做过的事情。

    It also may explain why individuals who get highly intoxicated don 't remember what they did the night before .

  8. 利用机会将他灌醉,以观察他醉后的态度。酒后吐真言,在不设防的情况下,你能看出此人的真相。

    Make him drunk to watch his attitude , since a man can tell the truth without disguising when being drunk .

  9. 这还没完,一项研究现在又发现,已婚男人醉后和伴娘打情骂俏,最容易发生出轨行为。

    Following suit , a study has now discovered that a drunken fling with a bridesmaid is the most likely time that a married man will stray .

  10. 我,再也不能依如以前,可以在小醉后给你拨去心中的电话,说上几句思念你的细细心语。

    I can no longer be in accordance with the past , such as , in a small thing to you to set aside the hearts of the telephone , said a few words on the missing Xinyu your careful .

  11. 期间在艺术的层面上,如果尼采美学的艺术语言作为醉语,那么后现代的艺术语言则作为呓语。

    At the same time , as for art , if we say the language of nietzsche 's aesthetics is an intoxicating language , post ? Modern 's language about art is footle .