
  • 网络Drunkenness;state of intoxication
  1. 他在醉酒状态中犯了罪。

    He committed the crime under the influence of drink .

  2. 很多饮酒者乐于陷入到醉酒状态中以逃避现实。

    Many drinkers plunge gladly into inebriation as an escape from reality .

  3. 一位辩护律师说,尤弗是在醉酒状态下犯罪的。

    A defense lawyer says Jufer was intoxicated at the time of his crime .

  4. 这个年轻人是当地一名高级警官的儿子,他在醉酒状态下超速驾车。

    The son of a high-ranking local police official , the young man drove his car in a state of alcoholic intoxication and above the speed limit .

  5. 一名骑自行车回家的德国男子因为自己当时正处于醉酒状态下而与路边的灯柱迎头相撞,但由于此人没有勇气将事情真相告知其妻子,所以便对警方撒谎说自己在路上被别人抢了。

    BERLIN ( Reuters ) - A German cyclist lied to police about being mugged because he was afraid to tell his wife the truth : he rode into a lamppost while drunk and injured himself .

  6. 麻生太郎最初对他的财政大臣表示了支持:中川昭一否认在罗马举行的七国集团新闻发布会上处于醉酒状态。当时,中川昭一口齿不清,难以保持清醒和注意力集中。

    Mr Aso initially backed his finance minister , who has denied being drunk at a press conference at the G7 gathering in Rome during which he slurred his words and struggled to stay awake and focused .

  7. 据报道,这位女网霸开始的时候声称她在Facebook上发出威胁时是出于醉酒的状态下,不过警方发现她的威胁文字在Facbook网页上已经保留了24个小时之久。

    According to the Mail 's report , the defendant originally claimed the Facebook threat was written while drunk . However , police discovered that the threats remained on her Facebook page for24 hours .

  8. 根据一项新专利申请,优步公司正在研究一种方法使司机在去接乘客之前可以明确了解醉酒乘客的状态。

    According to a new patent application , Uber is working on a way to let its drivers know exactly how drunk passengers are before they pick them up .

  9. 珀金斯的解释是他喝醉了,处于醉酒引发的昏黑状态。

    Mr Perkins ' account ... is that he was drunk and was in an alcohol induced blackout .

  10. 醉酒的人在醉酒状态中,对本人有危险或者对他人的安全有威胁的,应当将其约束到酒醒。

    An intoxicated person who may cause danger to himself or who threatens the safety of others due to his drunken state shall be restrained until he returns to a sober state .

  11. 既然如此,首先对醉酒驾驶行为进行分析,论述醉酒驾驶行为的概念与特征,明确认定醉酒状态的标准,阐述酒驾行为频发的原因。

    So , firstly , I will make analysis drunk driving behavior , discourse the concept and characteristics of the drunken driving behavior , clearly identified with the " drunken " state standards , elaborate the reason of frequent occurrence of drunken driving behavior .

  12. 也就是说,行为人在饮酒阶段对醉酒的心态如何并不是刑法上要考虑的对象,刑法要考虑的只是行为人在醉酒状态下驾驶车辆时对可能造成的危害社会的结果的心理态度。

    In other words , behavior in drinking stage of drunkenness is not the object of criminal law to be considered , criminal acts to be considered only when in drunk driving may cause harmful consequences to society .