
zuì yǎn
  • Drunken eyes;eyes showing the effects of drink
醉眼 [zuì yǎn]
  • [eyes showing the effects of drink] [古]∶醉酒后迷糊的眼睛

醉眼[zuì yǎn]
  1. 午后饮酒者的醉眼模糊。

    The hazy outlines of the afternoon drinkers .

  2. 我们走进一家海滨餐厅,吃了鱼肉,喝了粉红玫瑰酒,醉眼朦胧地看着门外一艘艘小船轻灵地泊入港口。

    We settled into a waterfront restaurant and ate fish and got drowsy on dry ros é , watching boats bobbing in their moorings .

  3. 有些则倾斜着,像一枚棋子或顶针那样细小,醉眼朦胧的,仿佛它们喝了太多本地米酒。

    Others arelopsided , as small as a chess piece , or a thimble , and squiffy-eyed , as if they have availed themselves of too much of the local rice whisky .

  4. 他似乎被她弄得神魂颠倒,因为他足足和她一气跳了三个舞,直到她的醉眼的姨妈阻止她而不容许一个男人如此和她亲密。

    He seemed to be fascinated by her , because he monopolized her through three more dances until her befuddled aunt pleaded with her not to allow one man so much familiarity with her .