
  • 网络crime situation
  1. 我国目前未成年人的犯罪状况不容乐观,况且现行的刑罚体系未能有效的预防和遏制未成年人犯罪。

    The minor crime situation at present in our country is not optimistic , and the current system of punishment has failed to effectively prevent and curb juvenile delinquency .

  2. 第二部分主要通过大量资料对两国腐败犯罪状况及特点进行比较分析,在分析的基础上归纳出两国腐败犯罪的的相似性和差异性。

    The second part mainly carries on the comparative analysis through the massive material to both countries corrupt crime situation and the characteristic , It induces the both countries corrupt crime similarity and difference based on the comparative analysis .

  3. 他引用了一份FBI关于美国犯罪状况的报告。

    It cited an FBI report on crime statistics in the U.

  4. 虽然参与MTO项目的家庭搬到贫困与犯罪状况稍好的社区,其新家所处的地段绝不是什么欣欣向荣之所。

    While the M.T.O. participants moved to neighborhoods with somewhat less poverty and crime , their new homes were by no means in flourishing sections of the city .

  5. 第二章介绍了14&15世纪英国的犯罪状况。

    Chapter 2 introduced the situation of crime in 14th-15th century .

  6. 两种经济体制下中国犯罪状况与治理

    On Chinese Criminal Situation & Administration under the Two Kinds of Economic Structures

  7. 第二部分主要介绍我国集资诈骗罪的犯罪状况,分析集资诈骗罪犯罪的起因和非法集资活动的特点及其严重社会危害性。

    Part Two illustrates the stipulations concerning about this crime in our country including the causes , main characters of fraudulent fund-raising .

  8. 走私犯罪状况及成因分析,着重论述了我国建国后到现在走私犯罪的状况。

    Smuggling situation and the causes of crime analysis , focused on China after 1949 to the present situation of the crime of smuggling .

  9. 社会转型对刑事政策的影响在于犯罪状况的变化所引起的刑事政策的调整;

    The influence of society transition to criminal policies is in the change of the criminal status , and the adjustments of the criminal policies ;

  10. 笔者希望通过此部分的介绍,引出我国集资诈骗罪的犯罪状况和主要危害性。

    The author hopes that through the introduction of this section , leads our country to raise funds to defraud the state of crime and the main dangers .

  11. 然而,基于诉讼价值、法律文化传统、犯罪状况和政治需要等制约因素的影响,不同国家以及同一国家不同时期的法律对非法证据的效力有不同的态度。

    But the attitudes to it varies by different countries , even varying in the same country in different periods because of the confinement factors , e.g. proceeding value , legal cultural tradition , situation of crimes and political needs .

  12. 我国税收犯罪的状况、原因和治理对策

    The Status , causes and Countermeasure of Revenue Crimes in China

  13. 现阶段青少年犯罪:状况与对策

    The Juvenile Delinquency Nowadays : Situation and Countermeasure

  14. 第四章分别介绍了教区警官和郡上的治安法官的治理犯罪的状况。

    Chapter 4 and chapter 5 introduced how petty constable and justice of the peace enforced the law .

  15. 第二部分主要论述了西汉官吏经济犯罪基本状况及政府的反腐措施。

    The second part talks about the basic condition of economic crimes of government officials in the western Han Dynasty and the government 's anti-measures .

  16. 但是,纵观晚近数十年贪污受贿犯罪发案状况可以发现:一方面该罪发案数、涉案金额和涉案人行政级别屡破纪录;

    But , we can find from the case arising status in the lately decades , that is , one side , the case arising rates , related money amounts and the civil levels constantly broke the record .

  17. 回望实录:第一代独生子女长大成人独生子犯罪者心理状况对照研究

    A comparative study on the psychological state of criminal adolescences from the single child families

  18. 目的探讨独生子犯罪者心理状况。

    Objective To probe into the psychological state of criminal adolescences from the single child families .

  19. 在肯定了这一点之后,笔者研究了国外对经济间谍犯罪的立法状况。

    After the matting of chapter 1 , in the third chapter , the author does some research on the economic espionage crime .

  20. 由于奴隶社会、封建社会和资本主义社会文化进化的状况不同,所以这些社会形态犯罪进化的状况有很大差别。

    Due to the differences of cultural evolution in slave society , feudal society and capital society , the evolution of crimes in these societies is also different .

  21. 自首后是否能够回复到犯罪前的状况是确立自首制度的重要标准,同时也是理解唐律中自首制度的关键。

    At the same time , it is also the significant standard whether the condition before committing crime can be reached after voluntary surrendering , which is the key to understand voluntary surrender in Law of Tang Dynasty .

  22. 罚金刑执行难的原因是:一是犯罪人经济状况普遍较差而无力缴纳罚金,二是罚金刑负担过重而超出犯罪者的承受能力:三是服刑犯因无偿劳动而无力履行罚金刑,等等。

    There three reasons of difficulties to implement the criminal fine . First , the economic conditions of the offenders are generally poor and unable to pay the fine . Second , the fine is too heavy for the offenders to afford .

  23. 目的探讨犯罪青少年心理健康状况及与家庭背景、父母养育方式的关系。

    Conclusions : Parental rearing patterns have important influence on children mental health and the personality formation .

  24. 里约过去曾被毁灭性的洪水摧毁过,广泛分布的贫民区和暴力犯罪使得城市的状况更加糟糕。

    Rio has a long history of devastating flash floods , made worse socially by widespread poverty and violent crime .

  25. 城管,或者叫城市管理员,是轻微犯罪和解决混乱状况的工作人员,经常需要驱赶无照摊贩。

    Chengguan , or urban management officers , are employed to deal with low-level crime and disorder , often clearing away unlicensed vendors .

  26. 为了探索未成年人犯罪前的心理状况及干预对策,运用自编问卷对河南省郑州少管所在押的少年犯进行抽样调查。

    In order to explore the psychological condition and countermeasure of the minor crime , we arranges examination papers in the juvenile offenders in custody in Henan Province Zhengzhou Reformatory .

  27. 通过对国内外关于抢劫罪立法沿革的介绍,使人们对抢劫罪犯罪对象的发展状况有一个大体的了解。

    The paper introduces the legislation development of robbery at home and abroad in order to make the people have the understanding of the development of the crime target of robbery .

  28. 在此基础上,作者对修订前后刑法中的过失犯罪法定刑配置状况作了认真考察和评说,指出了立法的特色和缺陷。

    The thesis have made detailed observation on the allocation of the prescribed punishment of negligent crime in the criminal code before and after the revision , pointing out the characteristics and deficiencies in legislation .

  29. 第二章主要介绍了我国从古到今惩治与预防环境犯罪的刑事立法状况,以及国外的环境刑事立法现状,指出我国现行环境刑法规定的不足,也为进一步完善刑事立法提供参考。

    Chapter 2 mainly talks about the conduction situations of punishing or preventing environment crimes in all ages of our country , even in the abroad . It probes the defect of our environment criminal system in order to provide the reference of perfecting the criminal law .

  30. 通过对我国控制、预防职务犯罪政策的检讨,指出了我国现阶段职务犯罪严重状况的原因。

    Fifth , through controls , the prevention duty crime policy self-criticism to our country , has pointed out our country present stage duty crime serious condition reason .