
  • 网络Gambino;El Clan
  1. 此外,光荣会还在美国拓展业务,为纽约的甘比诺(Gambino)和波纳诺(Bannano)两个犯罪家族提供支持。

    It has also been expanding its operations in the U.S. and has helped prop up the Gambino and Bonnano crime families in New York .

  2. Weaver在影片中扮演了墨尔本恶名昭著的犯罪家族中的女族长,她的表现得到了来自全世界的赞许,人们将她比作自FayeDunaway出演《亲爱的妈咪》以来最出色的女族长形象。

    Her portrayal as the matriarch of a notorious Melbourne crime family has won worldwide praise and comparisons to being the most terrifying matriarch figure since Faye Dunaway in " Mommie , Dearest " .

  3. 教父一个有组织的犯罪家族的首领。

    The leader of an organized crime family .

  4. 他是达比尼犯罪家族的职业杀手他们背叛并检举了他

    He was a hit man for the darbinyan crime family . They turned on him and testified .

  5. 电影发生的时间是1955-1980年之间,讲述的是卢凯塞犯罪家族的起起落落。

    The film follows the rise and fall of the Lucchese crime family over a period from 1955 to 1980 .

  6. 奥玛拉将会用他真实生活中的口音在该剧饰演一个狂热的爱尔兰律师,他为犯罪家族和黑帮成员辩护。

    O'Mara will get to use his real-life accent as he plays a wild-eyed Irish attorney who defends organized crime families and gang members .

  7. 现在有关部门表示,5名来自纽约博纳诺犯罪家族的成员被捕,其中包括一名年长的著名暴徒。

    With authorities now say 5 people set to be the part of a New York Bonano crime family have been arrested , including an elderly reputed mobster .

  8. 我们喜欢犯罪和家族恩仇的游戏。

    We loved the I.P. involved . We love games about crime and houses fighting with each other .

  9. 偷越国(边)境犯罪呈现出家族化、区域化、国际化和专业化特点,并呈现出高位运行态势。

    To cross the border ( frontier ) family of crime shows , regional , international and professional characteristics , and showed a high run trend .