
  • 网络psychogenic mental disorder
  1. 分裂症亚组和情感障碍亚组中X染色质频率高于神经症亚组和心因性精神障碍亚组。

    The average frequency of X chromatin in the female patients of the schizophrenia subgroup and the affective disorder subgroup were higher than that of neurosis and psychogenic mental disorder subgroup .

  2. 目前,在司法精神病学鉴定中,尚缺乏心因性精神障碍与犯罪行为关系方面的报告。

    The literature is devoid of reports on the relationship between psychogenic mental disorder ( PMD ) and criminal behavior ( CB ) .

  3. 心因性精神障碍司法精神鉴定责任能力的多因素分析

    Discrimination Analysis of Forensic Psychiatry Responsibility in Patients with Psychogenic Mental Disorder

  4. 而西医有的诊此病为癔病、心因性精神障碍值得商榷。

    Some Western hysteria diagnosis for the disease , cardiac disorder is open to question .

  5. 生活事件不但与心因性精神障碍有着密切关系,而且在情感性障碍、神经症中起着一定的作用。

    The life events not only closely related to psychogenic psychosis , but played some action in affective disorder and neurosis .

  6. 结果外来人员鉴定的有责任能力者比例较高,心因性精神障碍较多,本地组危害行为后果更严重。

    Results A higher proportion of temporary residents were considered to have responsibility , and exhibited more psychogenic disorder than that in permanent residents .