
  • 网络psychological statistics;Psychometrics
  1. 高校课程考试质量评价统计分析模式研究&以《心理统计学》课程考试质量评价为例

    The statistical analyze mode study of the exams quality evaluation of the college curriculum

  2. 探索性因素分析结果各项指标均达到心理统计学标准。

    All results of exploratory factor analysis are satisfied with statistical standards of psychology .

  3. 学习焦虑、学习态度和投入动机与学业成绩关系的研究&关于《心理统计学》学习经验的调查

    A Research On the Relationship Between Learning Anxiety , Learning Attitude , Motivation and Test Performance

  4. 各项指标均达到心理统计学标准,量表具有良好的信度。2量表的效度:(1)内容效度。

    All indicators of the scale are satisfied with statistical standards of psychology , it has good reliability . 2 validity of the scale . ( 1 ) content validity .

  5. 总体上大学生群体具有良好的谦虚水平;大学生的谦虚心理在人口统计学维度上存在显著性差异。

    Overall university students ' modesty level is well and in the demographic dimensions have significant differences .

  6. 第四,情绪劳动、情绪耗竭和心理健康在人口统计学变量上存在差异。

    Fourthly , multiple differences in demographic variables such as gender , age , position and so on , have been found on emotional labor , emotional exhaustion and mental health .

  7. 本文通过访谈、资料分析、因素分析等心理测量学和统计学的原理和方法,自编问卷对基层公务员自我效能感进行研究。

    This research showed the factors for Self-Efficacy of Skeleton Public Servant by the exploratory factor analysis and the confirmatory factor analysis on the basis of theoretical analysis , data analysis , interview and questionnaire surveying .