
  • 网络female condom;Femidom
  1. 世界卫生组织和联合国抗AIDS组织鼓励更广泛的使用女用避孕套来避免意外怀孕和性传播疾病的感染。

    WHO and UNAIDS are encouraging wider access to the female condom as a method of preventing both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections .

  2. FC女用避孕套的生产厂家于2005年推出了新产品&FC2。该产品拥有跟以前产品同样的设计。

    In2005 the makers of the FC female condom announced a new product called FC2 .

  3. 作为防止HIV传播和计划生育策略的一部分,很多政府和非政府组织向人们提供免费的或者是低价的女用避孕套。

    Many governments and non-governmental organisations provide female condoms for free or at subsidised prices as part of their HIV prevention and family planning programmes .

  4. 威尔斯曼称,在美国,女用避孕套的使用对于家庭计划生育和减少HIV和性传播疾病的蔓延时同等重要的。

    Weissman says that in the U.S. , female condom use is important both for family-planning purposes and for protection against HIV / AIDS and other STDs .

  5. 目的:掌握娱乐业雇员对女用避孕套(FC)的了解及使用情况。

    Objective : To find out the knowledge mastered and usage of female condom ( FC ) among employees of entertainment .

  6. FC和FC2型女用避孕套是由聚氨基甲酸酯和腈这两种材料做成的。与普通的橡胶相比,这些材料引起过敏反应的机会更小。

    The FC and FC2 female condoms are made of polyurethane and nitrile , which are less likely to cause an allergic reaction than latex .

  7. 该公司的FC2女用避孕套是用一种柔和的材料制造的,因此没有任何噪音。

    The company 's FC2 Female Condom is made with a softer material for quieter use .

  8. 因为销售方式的差别,它们的价格有所升高。如果使用全球采购机制销售3亿个FC2型女用避孕套,那么它们每个的价格将会节省三分之二。

    The cost savings could be greatly increased if300 million FC2s were acquired through a global purchasing mechanism , which would cut the price per condom by two thirds .

  9. 娱乐业雇员有关女用避孕套的了解及使用状况调查

    Study on the knowledge and usage of female condom in employees of entertainment

  10. 女用避孕套真的不能重复使用吗?

    Can I reuse the female condom ?

  11. 目的:比较男、女用避孕套的临床可接受性。

    Objective : To compare the acceptability of female condom ( FC ) with male condom ( MC ) .

  12. 这两种女用避孕套生产厂家希望他们的产品的需求量在不久的将来大幅增长。

    The two female condom manufacturers hope that demand for their products will grow substantially in the near future .

  13. 结论:按公式剂量设定法设定的吸收剂量对聚氨酯女用避孕套辐射灭菌能达到预期灭菌效果。

    Conclusion : Using the radiation dose setted up by formular dose setting up method can attain the anticipated result .

  14. 男性包皮环切,男用和女用避孕套,预防母婴传播,针对高危人群的工作方案,以及行为改变教育。

    Examples include male circumcision , male and female condoms , PMTCT , targeted programmes for high-risk groups , and education for behaviour change .