
  • 网络feminist literature;feminism literature
  1. 英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是女性主义文学理论的开山鼻祖。

    Virginia woolf , an English woman writer , is the forerunner of feminism .

  2. 作为美国女性主义文学的先驱,凯特。

    Kate Chopin was the pioneer of American feminism literature .

  3. 新世纪中国女性主义文学的目标与出路

    Goals and Outlets for Chinese Feminine Literature in the New Era

  4. 多角度观照下的中国女性主义文学批评实践

    The Female Criticism of Literature from Several Angle of Views

  5. 其思想对世界女性主义文学理论的发展发挥了巨大的推动作用。

    Woolf 's feminism has profound the development of world feminism theory .

  6. 女性主义文学批评的几个关键词在中国的嬗变

    The Evolution of Several Key Words for Feminist Literary Criticism in China

  7. 比较文学视野中的东西方女性主义文学批评

    Eastern and Western feminist literary criticism in the perspective of Comparative Literature

  8. 中国当代女性主义文学思潮的流变

    The Evolution of Literary Trends of Contemporary Feminism in China

  9. 女性主义文学理论是二十世纪文学理论的一个重要的组成部分。

    Feminist literary theory is a fundamental constituent of twenty-century literary theory .

  10. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:现代女性主义文学批评的先驱

    Virginia Woolf : A Precursor of Modern Feminist Literary Criticism

  11. 一葩独秀&论女性主义文学翻译的加拿大特色

    Uniqueness : On the Canadian Feature of Feminist Literary Translation

  12. 双性同体与女性主义文学之间有什么关系?

    What is the relationship between androgyny and feminist literature ?

  13. 苏青文学思想:中国女性主义文学的滥觞

    Su Qing 's Literary Ideas : The Source of Feminist Literature in China

  14. 中国女性主义文学的兴起与发展

    The Beginning and Development of Feminist Literature in China

  15. 女性主义文学理论,是西方女权主义运动的文化派生物,在二十世纪八十年代初翻译介绍到中国。

    Feminist literature theory is the culture derivation of the western feminist movement .

  16. 这部作品也成为女性主义文学经典。

    This novel , too , has become a classic of feminist literature .

  17. 女性主义文学理论研究的多元与差异

    The difference and multi-element of Feministic literary theoretical research

  18. 从中心到边缘&论当代女性主义文学中的男性形象

    From Center to Periphery & On the Male Image in Contemporary Feminine Literature

  19. 李昂的作品是台湾女性主义文学中的一朵奇葩。

    Li Ang 's are the cream of Taiwan 's feminist literary works .

  20. 西方女性主义文学的先锋&克里斯蒂·德·皮桑其人其作

    The Pioneer of Western Feminism Litrature & Christine de Pizan and Her Works

  21. 追求两性之间的和谐共处应该成为女性主义文学批评的目标和理想。

    Gender harmony ought to become the aim and ideal of feminist literary criticism .

  22. 西方女性主义文学批评分为英美学派与法国学派。

    Western feminism literature criticism has been divided into Anglo-American school and French school .

  23. 差异的主体性与语言的异质性&论科拉·卡普兰社会主义女性主义文学批评

    Differentiated Subjectivity and Heterogeneity of Language : On Cora Kaplan 's Socialist Feminist Criticism

  24. 男性视野中的女性主义文学

    Feminist Literature from the Viewpoint of the Male

  25. 社会性别:女性主义文学的基点

    Social Gender : The Bases of Feminist Literature

  26. 西方女性主义文学批评对中国当代女性写作的影响和意义

    The Influence and Significance of Western Female Literary Criticism on Chinese Contemporary Female Writing

  27. 新时期以来女性主义文学批评的流变

    The Evolution of New Era Feminist Literary Criticism

  28. 今天,女性主义文学出现了多元并存格局,并进入了深刻内省阶段。

    The feminism literature is in the multiple frame currently at deep introspective stage .

  29. 女性主义文学批评与中国本土特色

    Feminist Literature Criticism and Chinese Native Characteristic

  30. 女性主义文学与翻译研究

    Bearing of Feminist Literature on Translation Studies