
  • 网络feminist theology
  1. 但女性主义神学研究也存在着过激之处,其在理论上的建树还比较欠缺。

    But feminist theology tends to go to extremes and lacks of supporting theoretical achievements .

  2. 20世纪下半期美国女性主义神学研究初探

    A Survey of American Feminist Theology Studies in the Latter Half of the 20th Century

  3. 女性主义神学研究的具体内容主要包括对基督教传统的批判和对基督教信仰的重塑,具有一定的积极意义。

    The contents of feminist theology studies include criticism of Christian tradition and reconstruction of Christian belief , which shows some active significance .

  4. 女性主义神学研究的兴起与同一时期的女性主义运动、黑人神学以及拉美解放神学的兴起密切相关。

    The rise of feminist theology studies are closely linked with the feminist movement , the theology of the black people , and the liberation theology in Latin America of this period .

  5. 伴随着西方女性主义运动和神学改革的逐渐成熟,一个以性别为视角的神学研究派别逐渐形成,它就是女性主义神学。

    With the maturity of the western feminism and theology reform , one theology sect in the sex perspective has gradually formed . , that is feminist theology .