
  • 【电影】Good Will Hunting
  1. 我最喜欢的电影是“心灵捕手”。不要浪费我们汲取知识的天赋才能。

    My favorite movie is " good will hunting . " don 't waste our talents for acquiring knowledge .

  2. 我本想看《心灵捕手》来解释心中的苦闷,但却看到我前方不同的道路。

    I just wanted to watch the movie , Good Will Hunting , to acknowlege myself the glom of my heart .

  3. 然而名利遥不可及,这时他们创作了电影《心灵捕手》的剧本,并亲自担任剧中主角,最终一举获得奥斯卡最佳剧本奖。

    When that wasn 't forthcoming , they wrote and starred in Good Will Hunting , which won a Best Screenplay Oscar for the pair .

  4. 实际上,我想读几句台词给你们听,读些麻省理工校报上《心灵捕手》影评选段给你们听。

    In fact I 'd like to read you some actual lines , some selected passages , from the review of Good Will Huntingin the MIT school paper .

  5. 我和我的兄弟卡尔、还有我的朋友本·阿弗莱克都没有太了不得。《心灵捕手》其中一幕就是根据我兄弟的真人真事拍的。

    My brother Kyle and I , and my friend Ben Affleck never really amounted to much.One of the scenes in Good Will Hunting was based on something that actually happened to my brother .

  6. 据警方消息,曾出演过《心灵捕手》,《早安越南》和《窈窕奶爸》等知名影片的63岁男星威廉姆斯被发现死于加州北部蒂布龙的家中。

    The 63-year-old star of revered movies such as Good Will Hunting , Good Morning Vietnam and Mrs Doubtfire was found dead at his home in Tiburon , northern California , shortly before midday , police said .

  7. 在1997年,他终于凭借《心灵捕手》中的精彩表演,夺得奥斯卡最佳男配角。这部影片也助马特·达蒙和本·阿弗莱克开启好莱坞职业生涯。

    He finally landed a coveted Oscar for 1997 's " Good Will Hunting , " which earned him a best supporting actor statuette , and helped launch the Hollywood careers of co-stars Matt Damon and Ben Affleck .