
  • 网络Richmond
  1. 那是玛丽老太太,里奇蒙山庄的一个常客。

    It was old mary , a fixture at Richmond hill .

  2. 他们无所不用其极地封锁里奇蒙。

    They 're doing everything they can to seal off the richmond .

  3. 我正要乘9路车去里奇蒙街

    I 'm supposed to go on the number 9 bus to Richmond Street

  4. 请办一张去里奇蒙的学生半价周票。

    A weekly concession to richmond , please .

  5. 我爷爷是个裁缝,他在里奇蒙开了家小店。

    My grandfather was a tailor . He had a small shop in Richmond .

  6. 里奇蒙:没错,我确实拿了他的卡片,因为他让我从他帐户中取些钱。

    R : There was no mistake ! I took his card because he wanted me to get some money from his account .

  7. 美国欢迎新的民营机构参加人文交流,其中包括卡内基音乐厅、国家中国园基金会、国家地理学会和里奇蒙芭蕾舞团。

    The United States welcomed new CPE private sector participants , including Carnegie Hall , the National China Garden Foundation , the National Geographic Society , and the Richmond Ballet .