- 名Lisbon

The face of Mrs Lisbon took form in the dimness .
Without consulting his colleagues he flew from Lisbon to Split
The President had talks during a brief stopover in Lisbon with his Portuguese counterpart
After dwelling in Rio for ten years , she moved to Lisbon .
I look forward to meeting you next week at the conference in Lisbon .
Ms Lagarde will today meet African finance ministers at the African Development Bank in Lisbon .
In the1963 Champions Cup15 played against Benfica Lisabona , Milan won2-1 with two goals of the Brazilian Jose Altafini .
Thousands of specimens , from the 15th century to the 1930s , fill Solar a nearly 60-year-old Lisbon tile specialist and antique dealer .
Since the Lisbon summit in 2000 , the European Union has set itself the goal of becoming a knowledge-based economy .
Tap , the Portuguese airline , can take up to ten hours to get there via Lisbon .
Shares in ESS closed at 4.70 in Lisbon on Monday .
During the Lisbon treaty referendum the European Commission made clear that this was not and would not be under threat .
" Monfrag ü e & Extremadura " also won the prize for the best CD on Nature at the International Multimedia Festival of Lisbon , 2000 .
The two schools ultimately agreed the Lisbon MBA project could provide both , with the added cachet of the Sloan imprimatur .
The post would be created under the Lisbon treaty , which would also establish an EU foreign minister .
The ultimate objective of unification was taboo after the Lisbon treaty . Now it is openly discussed again .
But it fell to Lisbon MBA students to create , as part of their programme , a fado song to address the global financial crisis .
The European Union 's strong economic performance last year has pushed the bloc closer to meeting the ambitious targets set out in the Lisbon reform agenda , writes Tobias Buck in Brussels .
This innovative approach to teaching " soft " management skills is not all that sets the Lisbon MBA apart as a departure for business education in Portugal .
Markets are likely to see through inadequate proposals , especially if they violate Article 123 of the Lisbon treaty , which my proposal respects .
Under the system , students can transfer credits for study already completed towards an appropriate equivalent degree in any of the 53 countries that have ratified the Lisbon Recognition Convention .
The school is near to two more internationally established business schools in Lisbon : Nova and Cat ó lica-Lisbon , ranked at 25th and 26th overall .
When the Eurovision Song Contest opens in Lisbon today , it will be part of the largest edition yet of the zany annual pop competition .
In a report published today the Lisbon Council , a Brussels-based think-tank , recommends that EU governments cap expenditure at 2 percentage points below nominal GDP growth from 2011 onwards .
Willing states presumably would need to sign a new treaty that was compatible with their duties in respect of monetary union as set out in the Lisbon treaty .
Polyvalent rooms of the South Annex of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidade Nova de lisboa , lisbon , portugal , 2005
Students in Athens , the unemployed in Lisbon and protesters in Madrid not only complain about national austerity measures , they protest against Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor .
Hundreds of thousands of young men and women come from Lisbon , Leipzig , Vienna , Valencia , Bordeaux and Bologna to make friends , fall in love and pledge eternal Facebook friendship to each other .
If early next year the British government triggers Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon , which will start the process of the UK leaving the EU , she may rethink .
A proposed EU constitution was rejected in referendums in France and the Netherlands then promptly repackaged as the Lisbon treaty and rejected again , this time by the voters of Ireland .