
  • 网络gravitational water;gravity water;gravitationalwater
  1. 容重与重力水、全有效水、速效水、迟效水含量以及低吸力段(小于100kPa)下的比水容量值之间成显著或极显著负相关。

    It negatively correlates with gravitational water , complete effective moisture , readily available water and moisture capacity of low suction section ( < 100 kPa ) .

  2. 土壤孔径分布与土壤质地的关系是:重力水孔隙随土壤质地变粘而减小;

    As to the relationship between the pore space distribution and soil texture , it was found that the gravitational water pare space was decreasing with soil texture getting clayey ;

  3. 松散、高含水量、饱含重力水的粘性土,其受压变形机理符合Terzaghi渗流固结理论;

    Loose and high water content clayey soils saturated with gravity water , fit Terzaghi consolidation theory .

  4. 现代黄土高原地区的重力水入渗深度一般不能到达2m,2m以下是入渗、运移很缓慢、含量低的薄膜水,所以容易形成长期性土壤干层和严重的水分不足。

    In Loess Plateau , the influx depth of gravity seldom reaches 2m underground and the pellicular water lies below 2m , which moves with a low speed and little contain .

  5. 地下重力水对钻孔桩施工质量影响及其对策

    Influence of Underground Gravity Water on Construction Quality of Cast-in-place Piles and Countermeasures

  6. 重力水对非饱和土力学性能的影响规律研究

    Study on rules of gravity water 's influence on mechanical property of unsaturated soil

  7. 如何破坏纤维与胶体等物质形成的蓄水结构,将不易去除的吸附水、毛细管水转为易去除的重力水是粪便生物脱水重点研究方向。

    How to destroy the structure of stores water made up of fiber and colloid forms may be a key to manure dewater fast .

  8. 对于旱田,渗入土壤中以重力水存在的过剩水需要通过暗管排除,据此决定暗管设计排水量。

    For upland , rainfall infiltrating into soil and existing in gravity water status is named as surplus water in soil , and need to be eliminated by conduit .

  9. 降雨后供试土壤总含水量下降,同时土壤重力水明显减小,雨后的有效水比雨前大,无效水比雨前小,迟效水降雨前后无明显变化规律。

    The total water content decrease distinctively after rain and the gravitational water content and unavailable water content decrease while available water content increase , the slow available water content have not the distinctive rule .

  10. 已有的研究表明,土壤中重力水的入渗深度能够指示土壤干层的有无和发育强弱,是决定植被类型的最主要和最关键的因素。

    The research shows that the influx depth of gravity water in soil can indicate the existence of dried soil layer and the degree it developed , which is the key factor to decide the kind of vegetation .

  11. 柳林煤层气试验区区域水文地质条件简单,围岩含水层是煤层水的主要来源,4、8号煤层可动水含水饱和度为39%,裂隙及割理是重力水赋存的储集空间和运移通道。

    The adjoining aquifers are the main source of coalbed water , and the saturability of movable water reaches 30 % in No. 4 and 8 coal seams . The fractures and cleats are the storage space and migration channel for free water .

  12. 对水田而言,在田面水排除后,依靠暗管要排除地表残留水和过剩的土壤重力水,据此决定暗管设计排水量。

    For paddy filed , after elimination of water in field surface it is essential for the rest of water in field surface and surplus gravity water in soil to be eliminated by buried pipe , and conduit design discharge for drainage depend upon them .

  13. 这种裂隙处理原则是基于以毛细裂隙水为主的完整性较好的岩体,少量的重力水对毛细裂隙水有控制作用,对重力水带裂隙作注浆封堵即可控制洞库最小的排水量。

    This principle is based on the integral rocks mainly consisting of capillary fractured water . The small amount of gravitational water controls the capillary fractured water , and the control of minimum displacement can be achieved by plugging the fractures containing gravitational water with cement .

  14. 层状土重力释水机制初步探讨

    A preliminary study on the mechanism of water release from saturated layered soils AEG Pei-yi

  15. 重力、水压力、地震力是危岩崩塌的主要荷载。

    The main loads leading to collapse of dangerous rock are gravity , water pressure and earthquake force .

  16. 与水平平板相比,重力对水膜与竖直平板间的表面换热系数有一定影响。

    Compared with horizontal panel , the gravity has effect on heat transfer coefficient between water film and the vertical panel .

  17. 焦耳的想法是,重力对水,做了功。

    And the idea was that gravity did work on the water and falling , and that work led to the generation of heat .

  18. 鸡蛋与水并不发生反应,鸡蛋的重力大于水的浮力,所以沉在水底。

    Nothing takes place in the water , the force of the egg is heavier than the buoyancy force , the egg sink into the water .

  19. 西屋电气称,这种技术更加安全,因为它采用了更加简单的设计,利用重力和水的自然循环等被动机制预防事故。

    Westinghouse says the technology is safer because it uses a simpler design that relies on passive mechanisms such as gravity and the natural circulation of water to prevent accidents .

  20. 在推导中考虑了重力、水动力以及水雷发射筒对锚索形状和张力的影响,并进一步给出了非稳流海流作用下对该数学模型的修正模型。

    The study takes account of the influences of gravity , fluid dynamic force and tension distribution . Also , a modify to this model in the case of non uniform stream is given .

  21. 试验表明,1.5米长的重力辅助水热管,倾角3°下最大传热率竟比水平时增加6倍。

    The results of the test indicate that by the use of the gravity-assisted water heat pipe with 1.5-M-length and tilt angle of 3 ? its maximum heat transfer rate will be five times greater than that of horizontal heat pipe .

  22. 大连新港原油码头水深大,为了减小墩子所受的外力并加快施工进度,采用了大型预制钢筋混凝土圆沉箱作为重力墩水下部分的结构。

    Since the oil tanker wharf of Talien New Port located in deep water , in order to decrease the external force and make a faster time schedule of erection , the large-scale precast concrete caission is chosen as underwater structure of the gravity-pier .

  23. 我国海岸带灾害地质主要有构造、坡地重力、水动力、地下水、岩土与地层结构、海平面上升、地球化学、风力灾害等地质因素,具有复杂、连锁和差异性空间分布的特征。

    Coastal hazardous geologic factors of China are represented by tectonic , slope , hydrodynamic , groundwater , rock , soil , stratigraphic structure , sea-level rise , geochemical , and wind hazards , which are complicated , chainlike , and different in space distribution .

  24. 第三水文地质旋回J2t~K(J2t可属于过渡带),属于浅层强开放的重力驱动型水动力系统;

    The third one ( J 2t - K ) be-longs to shallow , strongly opened gravity drive hydrodynamic one .

  25. 重力场辅助水下导航对惯导仪器的要求惯性导航系统惯导系统

    The Demand of Inertial Navigator Performance in Gravity-aided Underwater Navigation System

  26. 直线段的重力场匹配水下导航新方法

    New gravity matching algorithm for underwater navigation based on straight-line

  27. 深水重力式网箱水动力学特性研究

    Hydrodynamic Behaviors of Deep - water Gravity Cage

  28. 重力场辅助水下导航仿真及分析平台的构建

    Simulation and analysis platform for gravity-aided underwater navigation

  29. 重力式码头水下抛石体加固技术及检测研究

    Technique for reinforcement of the underwater riprap of gravity-type piers and researches on its effectiveness detection

  30. 在基坑抗突涌分析中,用上覆土层的重力来平衡水压力是一种常用的计算方法。

    The equilibrium between gravity of the upper impermeable stratum and water pressure is a common calculation method for anti - uprush of foundation pit .