
  1. 重大劳动安全事故罪罪过形式探讨

    Discussion on Offence Form of Major Labor Safe Accident Crime

  2. 论重大劳动安全事故罪

    Studying some Questions on Offense of Major Labor Security Accent

  3. 论重大劳动安全事故罪的立法完善

    On Legislative Perfection of the Serious Labor Safety Accident Crime

  4. 关于重大劳动安全事故罪罚金刑及犯罪主体的法律思考

    Legal thinking about fine penalty of major labor safety accident crimes and criminal subjects

  5. 重大劳动安全事故罪在性质上是单位犯罪;

    The nature of offense of major labor security accent is unit crime and unpremeditated crime .

  6. 结合相关理论学说,对这五个法律问题进行了深入的分析和探讨,并对完善重大劳动安全事故罪的司法认定提出了一些思考和建议。

    Combined with relevant theories , the five legal issues are analyzed and discussed thoroughly , and puts forward some thoughts and suggestions to improve the judicial determination of major labor safety accident crime .

  7. 第一个案例关于重大劳动安全事故罪的司法解释中,可以看出刑事司法解释有无溯及力会对案件的量刑情节产生很大影响。

    The first case of major labor safety accident crime judicial interpretation , can be seen in the judicial interpretation of criminal law have retroactive effect on the case of sentencing produces very big effect .

  8. 目前,我国的安全生产事故频发,严重危害到了广大劳动者的生命健康安全,重大劳动安全事故罪作为刑法中安全事故类犯罪之一,对抑制安全生产事、故的发生具有重要作用。

    At present , the safety accident happens Frequently in the field of production , it threaten the life and health of the labor . As one of safety accident crimes , major labor safety accident crime is very important to restrain the accident .

  9. 重大劳动安全事故罪是一种常发于生产经营领域内的责任事故类犯罪,由于其所引发的后果极为严重,所以对劳动者的生命健康权和公私财产的安全形成了重大威胁。

    Major labor safety accident crime is one kind of accident crimes often occurs in the field of production and operation , as its serious consequences , it forms a significant threat to workers ' right to life and health and safety of the public and private property .

  10. 近年来,我国一些地方突出、多发严重矿难事故,在以往的司法实践中,我国对矿难案件都是以重大责任安全事故罪或者重大劳动安全事故罪定罪处罚。

    In recent years , our country some prominent places , multiple serious mine accident , in the judicial practice , our country of accident cases are major liability accident crime or serious labor safety accident crime punishment .